Chapter 22

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Hermione 's POV

You see the thing about assumption is that it changes the way we see everything, every single scenario, every single conversation, every single glance everything has seen through rosed colours glasses. Distorted to fit our perception to fit our life beliefs and values. To make us all feel comfortable and warm and fuzzy. To feel safe.
But when these assumptions are broken down, when our perception is found out to be crooked we kind of lose our beliefs. We overthink what else did we say wrong what else did we do wrong.
I was feeling the same since that letter and scenario with Malfoy. I always thought he was bad, smug and loathsome. Someone who would always think he is better than everyone. But I might be one who was in the fault of thinking that I am better. I judged Lavender on marrying Ron. But who am I to give opinions on her life decision?
I ridiculed Ron on his tirade related to Lady Greengrass. But didn't I was obsessed? I would talk in the same way if it's some arthimacy question or charms theory.
Lastly, I mocked Malfoy so much, shouted at him because I didn't know what to make of him. What to think of his staring? So I thought it was glare. I didn't know what to think of his conversations so I reckoned maybe he wants to argue to find my faults, where I lack at.
Whereas She assumed Cormac being from Gryffindor is harmless. He must have said the truth. He did work there. I didn't check my references. Just assumed.
So Hermione granger has been a fool.
That realisation left me a bit bereft and in desperate need of some friendly conversation that would never change. No matter how long has it been.
So here I am a week after since I left Gryff Manor in front of Grimmauld place. Ready to ask the opinion of the person who knew her best. And would always have a shoulder ready for woes. Even though he would laugh a lot about this.

"Hey," I said entering the foyer which has changed a lot in recent years. Instead of drafty and dark colours which were coated with dust everywhere. It was colourful with brown and golden hues giving the old cold house a warmth.

Everything has changed in this place. Yet two people stayed the same.

"Hey Herms, what are you trying to find a new way to save the world all over again. I won't be able to help at all I have retired you see" was. Harry's greeting.

With a laugh, I launch at him and grabbed him in a hug.

"And that's not how you greet people, Potter" Ginny quipped from the door wearing a smirk.

As soon as I detangle myself from Harry I found in front of my face lots of red hair. I hugged Ginny back.

"So it's not like I don't mind the hug but what happened during the trip? " Harry asked with worry

"Oh. Don't tell me Ron and Lavender again started with calling each other  Lav Lav and Ron Won" Ginny said trying to brighten up the tone

"Oh I have been the stupidest person in the world Gin" I replied tiredly of turmoil going in my head for last few months

"Well, Brightest witch saying she has been stupid. This is the stupidest statement ever it's like next thing you will say Malfoy is in love with you " Harry  joked

But I went back to past grey eyes filled with pain. It must have seen in my face because Harry paled a lot and Ginny had a know it all smirk on her face. Her face was full of I told you so.

Harry asks apprehensively "Hermione tell me it's not true"

"It's true" was my reply.

"Great. Now I have to pay Ginny 100 galleons" Harry whined.

"I am 250 galleons richer thanks herms " was Ginnys bizarre reply

"Did you guys bet on me and Draco?" I asked with my hand on my hip.

"Well, it was just not as you know. There was Fred, George, Padma, Neville, Andy, Hannah, Luna and Blaise too. Blaise and Fred started the bets." Harry listed off sullen.

"This many people bet on Draco err Malfoy confessing his love to me," I asked aghast

"No. Idiot. " Ginny replied. I release a sigh of relief.
"Well only harry bet on Malfoy not confessing his love to you. That's why he even said that statement at first. A failed attempt to prove himself right. We all bet on who would fess up first, timing and those details" Ginny explained

"How did this even happen?" I asked dumbfounded

"Well, when you left Blaise came to burrow for brunch with Luna. He and Fred were talking after finding out Malfoy were there with you it was just a matter of when" Ginny said.

"You knew Malfoy liked me? " I asked.

"Well, it was pretty obvious even to me. I just never thought the coward would confess" Harry complained.

"So are you guys together? What happened?  Don't tell me you didn't know that he liked you ?" Ginny asked seriously

I started ranting about everything beside Cormac full past. Just the complex emotions I have faced.

"I just don't know what to do" I ended my whole rant.

"Well think about it, but instead of seeing Draco through Slytherin bane of my existence lens see him through he is person lens  and you will get your answer "

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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