Chapter 19

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Authors Note-  Yay I updated weekly. I am so proud right now. Thanks to @DramioneTheOnly13 for editing this chapter and encouraging me.  

Hermione Pov

Since that day at Rosings, I can't get my mind off Draco Malfoy. It's not weird-kind-of-get-my-mind-off Malfoy butterflies and counting-how-many-colors-are-hidden-in-Malfoy's-eyes (five for your information). Instead, it's I-hate-him-so-much-with-every-fiber-of-my-being kind of hate. Can you imagine if I had that kind of obsession about Malfoy? There is nothing I'd hate more than being one of the girls from the Malfoy fan club. I mean what's their obsession with a bad boy?

Things have been going pretty well besides the fact that the annoying ferret seems to be everywhere I go. But Adrian is really nice, funny, and charming. He is always joking and telling us stories about his times at the battle. How a kid centaur had a full team of Aurors, who are pretty experienced, by the way, called them inside, told them to sit on logs to wait for the head, and tied all their feet to the ground by magicking grass into ropes without anyone knowing. As they stood to greet the head they all fell on the ground. He then said he just wanted to make sure the wizard give the head respect he deserves.

Sometimes I can't help but think how interesting and charming Adrian is, but I can't help but compare him to Draco Malfoy: his aloofness, his pride, his ego, and his self-esteem issues. Life really seemed bizarre; how can two cousins be so different? Yes, like all inter-blood marriages led Adrian Pucey and Draco Malfoy to be cousins, where one is all smiles and kindness and the other is all scowls and taunts. Sometimes I feel like Malfoy just talks to start an argument with me. But then I realize that the Weasley siblings are also different from each other.

Remembering Weasley's sibling, Ron's obsession with the Chudley Cannons has changed to Lady Greengrass. In his and Lavender's house, everything is according to Lady Greengrass's commandments, from what should be cooked to what one should wear. One of the funniest things that she has an opinion about is the bath. She says that it should be avoided, as we are not muggles, so why should we waste water?Instead use cleaning charms. But her most dangerous opinion is about vaccines or preventative potions; according to her that the disease is injected in our body. I really had to keep myself from turning her into a pincushion. I mean how can literate people be so stupid? I thought knowledge is supposed to make you wise. It perplexes me how some people who studied don't have common sense.

Today there was an annual flower blooming season in Greengrass Manor. Each year Nightqueens, a magical flower, blooms once a year at night. They sing beautiful hymns. So today in the morning, everything will be about getting it ready by giving it potions and trimming the weeds. Surprisingly Lady Greengrass cares for it by herself. Actually, she makes a show of caring about them herself by calling everyone in the morning and instructing them about every single thing.

We make our way to the garden. I am in a white summer dress that touches the ground, which has a belt and beautiful roses sewn in by none other than Ginny. It is topped by a simple hat with a rose and ribbon. Lavender is wearing a pale blue summer dress with three-quarter sleeves and simple criss-cross design. Her makeup is nude. This is so different than the Lavender I know. Still, she looks pretty and happy. So, I keep my thoughts to myself. Ron is wearing leather robes and a bowl hat. He looks really funny. We enter to see Lady Greengrass in a red chair. There are wooden benches all around. Adrian is sitting on a bench with plants on a table and potions on the stool. He is flicking his wand to divide the potion into five parts and pouring them into the pots. It seems a mix of charms and potion spells.

I walked towards him and Malfoy comes to my vision. He is wearing a white shirt and black pants. I think due to heat he forwent a jacket. I don't know why I am turning red suddenly. It must be just the heat. He is moving his wand, swishing it from right to left, and suddenly few grass stalks are coming out of pots. And as soon as they come with a jab they are on fire. Within a few seconds, the ashes are banished. He looks at me and is about to smile, but suddenly grimaces. He must have remembered how much of a Gryffindor I am. More grasses are burned into ashes. I turn and move towards Adrian after small pleasantries are exchanged between me and Lady Greengrass. Adrian stops and smiles at me, " Oh, you look like sunshine, Hermione." I smile and say, "Oh, so I must have been pretty good for these plants! That's why I have been called to give them some vitamin D."

"Obviously," Adrian quips. We laugh and talk about the right method to give potions to plants. After getting more potions out, I look around. Ron and Lady Greengrass are talking about how to use the relationship of Ryan, seeker of the Chudley Cannons, and Lucy, the daughter of a billionaire, as publicity. I feel disgusted remembering how many times the Daily prophet tried to use me and every single person I was seen with as a ploy to sell newspapers. I saw the headlines: "Hermione Granger: getting through boys the Muggle way" or "Hermione Granger: Danger For Wizards". Malfoy is still showing off his anger at the poor plants. I don't know why guys have so much anger issues. Adrian sees me looking at Malfoy and says, "You know, he's not that bad."

"Oh really?" is my reply, curious to find the answer

"Oh yes. He really cares about his friends and family, people who are really close to him. Always advising them on how to be successful. You know his best friend Zabini was in danger of being taken advantage of for his money. He did everything from writing a letter to his mother to creating distance between him and the girl. Though Zabini didn't listen to him, he says he will be there when all this blows up," was Adrian's shocking reply.

Suddenly I am so angry I can't see it. I ask him, "What was the reason for his actions?"

"Oh, the girl was really unsuitable." With that, all my reserve doubt kept for Malfoy, second-guessing whether he is not that bad, is burned into ashes. Well, curiosity made this cat angry! 

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