Chapter 15

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Dedicated to _kookies_and_taeee_ who have been waiting for this story. And all off you Hats off to you for your patience

Hermione's POV

I just can't believe  my luck. I just want to rest after Malfoy party debacle. I mean dont I deserve that much. After all I did  just drunkenly did many stupid things and can't stop thinking  about grey eyes. So my mind was made up I am gonna go open up my shop
. Do the regular stuff and finally immerse myself  in a lovely book. Which will help me forget those grey eyes.  Good plan dont you think. But not plausible due to my  rotten luck after opening the shop and checking the stock I go to office and finally ready to get lost myself in fantastic land of Greek Mythology. 

I hear really rude sound of some one knocking at my office door.

"Who is it? " I call after three taps is heard.

The door opens and I am greeted with the face of my childhood best friend Ron Weasley. Though when he took the job at America for Greengrass company as their manager we lost touch. And let's be honest Ron Weasley is not the best person to expect to be sitting and writing a letter every week or month.

"Hey Ron. What do you want?" I say.

"Thought I might find you here. You see Mrs Greengrass always tells us the importance of being close to our workplace. Help to increase our lowly subordinate 's  morale she says. Splendid work Hermione" Ron starts gushing about Mrs Greengrass.

Let me recap you about something  Mrs Greengrass  is what only Ron has been able to talk about when he came back home. Its Mrs Greengrass this Mrs Greengrass that. Honestly she just seems like regular pureblood wife so bored out of her mind that she has to meddle in everybody else business.  But hearing about Ron going on and on about her virtues My hatred for her also keeps increasing. 

"That's ok" I reply tersely "Though calling them lowly won't improve their morale."

"See. That's what I was talking about. Such great ideas. Can you  imagine how great you will  be when Mrs Greengrass grace you with her knowledge.  See the thing is Hermione we have been friends for many many years. And according to Mrs Greengrass friendship is base for some of the deepest loves. She said it's time for me to settle down. To make home. And she knew who better than the person  who was beside me for so many years. So Hermione dear With that I ask you that will you court me."

"What?" I sputter totally aghast.

"Of course after 2 weeks of courting we should get engaged. After all 2 weeks seem plausible time for a good courtship " Ron continues.

"Ron I love you. But I can't marry you. We are just friends so I have to say  no." I say vehemently

Ron looks at me with shock like he never thought I would reject him.  But then comprehension and a look of understanding passes through him. Oh. No. I hate that look. It was same look when he realized I was a girl
"Of course.  I get it. You are rejecting me to soothe your ego and also because you are worried that I love you only like a friend.  So with my utmost pleasure I will tell you again Hermione I love you more than just a friend. Its just like you being bit prudish when it comes to love. Remember when you liked me in 6th year but I was dating Lavender. So of course your heart broke. And Mrs Greengrass always say ego of people is really fragile. So I will let you reject me so that you feel more confident"
Ron says with a smile.

I can't believe  him. I just cannot. How could he do that. I know how. He was always insecure  about his identity.  Nobody would see him. Mrs Greengrass is right ego is a fragile thing. So when everyone was praising Harry for winning war he felt angry. But suddenly  he got a job offer from Mrs Greengrass  who praised him so much. And in his words valued him. So when she stroked his ego. He just dedicated himself to her. Or in his words Give his utmost loyalty.  But that doesn't make it right for him to propose to me.

"No. I won't marry you" I say to him angrily.

"What are you crazy? How could you say no. You have loved me since you were 11 and lonely and had no friends.  And I can give you so much more than just a small bookstore.  I mean look around here who would have thought that the brightest witch of her generation and up running a small bookstore.  You know with my paycheck I can buy many of these bookstore. And you still say no to me. You have proved again and again you are a failure and a fool" He said.

There is his famous Ron Weasley anger tantrum at least something's never change. His words hurt. But he doesn't know full truth. That besides having  a bookshop I do other work too. And him saying all those stuff about past makes me turn him into a pinata. But no. I can't let him see he get to me.

"Well Ronald it sucks to be you. Because such a loser rejected your proposal.  Now go. Before I turn you into a button." I say with a smirk that would have make Malfoy proud.

"You..." he starts.

"I can't let you compete that." After saying that grabbing my wand from the desk I make some complex wand movements. And spell something I worked on with weasley twins and say,
"transvenio sibilus"
And my spell works. Ron Weasley is dragged or more like moved from my office till the street out. He is all red in his face. He is making sounds like train whistle.
Now finally some peace and quiet. At least one thing came from all this debacle. I  can tell Fred and George  the spell worked .

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