Chapter 2: A Familiar Place

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tw//: laboratory, blood

Charlotte's PoV

i was outside my house with my brother Cameron. He was playing with our cats and he seemed really happy. i slightly smiled. He then turned to me and asked, "Hey sis, wanna head back into town and explore?" i thought about it, thinking about what happened yesterday. i then nodded and he whistled, our cats heading inside. He took my hand and we ran into town together.

Again, there wasn't that many people today. Me and Cameron ran past the Inn, heading towards the school. i let Void write something stupid on the windows of the school and i laughed. He always liked to be annoying. We then walked alongside the sidewalks of the road, again walking past the Inn and a couple other places. It was quiet until we saw a building up ahead. It was very big, and almost looked like a mansion. i tilted my head a bit, wondering what it was while Cameron just ran towards it very fast. i sighed and followed him. We came upon the building and stared at it. There was no door to it so we just walked right in. It was very dark and we could barely see anything. When we entered, there was a staircase in the middle, and a few rooms to our left and right. There was also a hallway behind the staircase.

"C-Cam...should we be here...?" i asked him quietly. "i...i don't know. But let's explore this place!" He said. He then walked around, looking for some light source. He still couldn't see very well so he put his hand out and used fire magic as a light source. "Alright, c'mon!" He said, holding his hand out for me to take. We began exploring the building, starting off with the first floor. As we entered some of the rooms, there were cabinets and the chairs were scattered around, as well as some papers. My free hand scratched the back of my neck, feeling nervous. We then head upstairs where there were more rooms. A lot of them looked like jail cells which was really weird. "Did they hold...p-people hostage here?" i asked quietly.

"Maybe. This place almost looks like an insane asylum but not exactly." Cameron said. We explored more rooms upstairs and some looked like the rooms downstairs. i began getting an eerie feeling when entering one room. There was a small teddy bear on the ground. i went to pick it up and when i did, i gasped and almost felt like puking. There was dried blood on it and blood coming out of the eyes. Cameron ran over and took the teddy bear from me as i covered my mouth with my hands. He looked around the room more and saw there were rooms with chairs in them that seemed to hold people down. It was obvious this place was abandoned.

Cameron's PoV

i looked at the teddy bear in my hands. Suddenly, Charlotte ran out of the room and back downstairs. "Sister wait!" i dropped the teddy and ran after her. She ran down the stairs and turned the corner into another room with a pillar in the middle of it and a room on the left and right. i caught up with her and went to her side. She was holding her head and tears fell from her face. "Char, what's wrong-"

She then pushed me and began walking into the small hallway on the right. i followed her of course. She turned left and walked down deeper in the ground. After walking for a bit we came to the end of the hall and turned left into a room. i was shocked at what i saw. i didn't know how to describe it but there were two stone looking beds and to the left was desks and chairs. To the right was what seemed like a place where dead bodies were put. Charlotte covered her mouth once again at the sight. i immediately took her hand and ran back upstairs and outside of the building.

We went over to the water fountain and i hugged Charlotte. She was almost calmed down from her crying and we started walking along the path behind that creepy building. We passed an old laboratory that was least we thought it was. We had been there before but only once. After walking for a long time, we had seemed to get lost in the woods. We soon came upon a weird looking thing built in the ground. It seemed like the opening to a bank vault but it was smaller. Charlotte tilted her head at it and the both of us soon took a step back from it. Our eyes were wide. "C-Char...t-that's...." i stuttered, not being able to form what i wanted to say. "Y-Yeah..." She had realized it too.

"This is where we lived most of our lives."

Charlotte bent down and opened it up. There was a ladder that led very far down. The both of us had promised each other to never ever go back to this place...but we couldn't help our curiosity. We went down the ladder and stopped at the bottom. We walked in a hallway that led into a room. The room had a tube in the middle with desks to the left and right. Papers were on the floor. There were more hallways so we decided to go down one of them. While walking, we had to head down even deeper. This was similar to the other laboratory we passed but it was built more like a maze. In fact, the scientists that built the other laboratory had built this one too but wanted to keep it a secret from everyone.

There were multiple rooms with operation tables in the middle and huge metal things above it. There were also desks all around the room with computers and papers. One of the desks even had a gun on it. We exited the room and went back out to the room before where tables were scattered with bullets on the floor and bullet holes in the walls. i remember there was a break-in one day where the cops busted in almost killed everyone. Me and my sister stopped it though. We walked down even further and stopped in a room. Again, it was very much like the other laboratory. It was a round room with a bunch of testing tubes. Some of the doors were broken and some glass was on the ground. In the center of it all was a bunch of computers in a circle. There were three other rooms. i entered one and there was just boxes with guns on them.

Charlotte went into the second room and i went into the third. i know which room my sister entered because we both had been there before. It was a room designed for training the test subjects here to fight very well. The room i had entered, wasn't a pleasant sight to see again. It was a very big room and had two big and experienced testing tubes next to each other. Desks were around the room with computers and all that fancy tech shit. These were the two tubes specifically designed for me and my sister. My eyes were wide, remembering one of the most tragic things that happened to us here. My body began to tremble and i ran out of the room quickly. Charlotte was waiting for me back by the computers. She had almost an emotionless look on her face, she seemed tired.

i put my hand out for her to take. She took it and we walked out of the room together. We had went back to where we came in from and climbed up the ladder. We got out onto the grass and closed the door shut. As we walked back to the town, i saw that there was a full moon out. There would most likely be werewolves wandering around at this time. i didn't mind though since two of my brothers were accused of being werewolves. Me and Charlotte passed through the town and walked back to our house. We really never wanted to go back to that lab ever again.

hi hi! hope this chapter was delightful. like i said, this story is based off a roblox game so you can go to that game on roblox and look at the actually buildings mentioned in this chapter.
have a good rest of your day/night and remember to hydrate if you haven't already!

Word Count: 1,375

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