Chapter 15: The Aftermath

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No one's PoV

Charlotte and Cameron were out in town with Acer and Spirit. the four of them were sitting at a starbucks, not the one the Twins' older sister worked at, but a different one. they sat in a booth with their orders, talking, and then they heard an explosion down the street. the Twins immediately ran out of the coffee shop and tried to see what was going on. there were multiple cars on fire and people were running, screaming. the Twins ran out to the middle of the street, Spirit and Acer running out of the starbucks and joining them. "what is going on?" Spirt asked. "i don't know-" Cameron began to say before he was cut off by getting hit by a stop sign. Charlotte chuckled a little but Acer gave her a stare. "okay okay, let's try to see what's going on." she said, walking forward towards the chaos while all the innocent citizens were running the opposite direction. Cameron stood up and watched Charlotte.

suddenly, a gust of smoke came their way and all four of them covered their noses and mouths. once the smoke cleared, they all saw a woman floating, black and red mist around her hands. she snapped her head towards the four. the woman had tan skin and dark red hair that went to her waist. she wore a white and black dress with long white sleeves. she also wore fishnet leggings and black high heel boots. she examined each of the four and then smiled to herself. "well, well, well~ so you're the one Pandora is always talking about..." she said. the four looked at each other and then back at the woman. "how do you know who Pandora is?" Cameron asked. the woman laughed and picked up a car using her magic, the car also being surrounded in a black and red mist. "she's a friend~" she then threw the car at Cameron who dodged it just in time. Charlotte growled and narrowed her eyes, angry. "what's your name?" she yelled in question. the woman didn't answer for a minute and then picked up another vehicle with her magic. she smirked and said, "Hope."

"Hope...?" Spirit mumbled the name to herself. "well whoever you are, leave this city and its citizens alone. you're not welcomed here." Charlotte shouted. Hope stared at her...then laughed. she laughed and laughed, and the four just looked at each other nervously. "you think i'm going to listen to a puny little brat like you? HA!" Hope dramatically wiped a tear from her eye, seeing Charlotte get angry from the insult. Cameron glanced over at his sister, holding her hand so she would calm down. "hmm... you two are interesting~" Hope looked at the Twins. Cameron glared at her. "what do you want? did Pandora send you here?" he asked. Hope chuckled. "oh, you boy are full of questions~! no. Pandora did not send me here. i came here on my own." she said. Cameron looked at Charlotte who looked at him, then the two of them looked back at the Hope. "then.. why are you here? just to cause chaos?" Cam asked.

Hope smirked evilly and her hand went under her chin. "that's right, dear~" she chuckled lowly. Charlotte rolled her eyes. "great, just another problem we have to deal wit-" she was cut off by Hope getting electrocuted. she screamed and fell to the ground, unconscious. "what was that?" Spirit asked. all of a sudden, a whole bunch of mist appeared, blocking the four's vision. the Twins could slightly see a shadow figure hop in and grab Hope and then leaving. then, the mist disappeared. police cars had pulled up around the four. some officers got out of the cars and held guns, pointing at the four of them. "woah woah woah, hold on! we didn't do this!" Spirit exclaimed. "we know, but you're suspects." one of the officers said. "hold it, John." a deep voice said. Charlotte and Cameron felt a shiver go down their spine. they knew exactly whose voice that was.

"Charlotte. Cameron."

the Twins were now face to face with their father. 'dammit..' Cameron thought in his head. "you two have a lot to explain later." he said, the tone in his voice not being very happy. Cameron spoke up, "dad, y-you have to believe we didn't do this-" "shut up." he was cut off by his father and he just looked down, still holding hands with Charlotte. their father turned to the officers. "take in their two friends and ask them questions-"

"WHAT?" the Twins' eyes widened at what their father said. "Cameron, Charlotte. do NOT argue with me on this." he said. and so they didn't. the Twins remained silent as Spirit and Acer were taken into police cars and driven away. a few minutes later and the Twins were in the car, their father driving them home. when they got back to their house, their father asked them what happened and they explained everything, but their father didn't quite believe them. "a woman named Hope? floating.. in the sky?" he rose a brow, looking at his children. "please. we are NOT making this shit up." Charlotte said. "i wouldn't imagine you two to make something like this up. i believe you." he said. this shocked the Twins. their father barely believed ANYTHING they said. "i'll have the government keep an eye around the city and town to see if this woman ever shows up again." he said before leaving to his office. the Twins just looked at each other, still shocked he actually believed them.

the Twins eventually went to their rent room that they were staying in while their own rooms were being built. the two sat on their own beds. "so... now what?" Charlotte asked, looking at her brother. Cameron fiddled with his fingers, staring at the ground and thinking, but he didn't know exactly what he was thinking about. "Char... this is it." he said. Charlotte was confused. she sat up straight and tilted her head. "what.. do you mean?" she asked. a couple minutes of silence went by and then Cameron looked up, staring at her eyes. "this is our life. we have to just deal with this. Pandora, our father, school- this new woman named Hope. we have to deal with all of it... and don't even forget about Void and Violet. they're still here. they're looking for us... we aren't safe anymore." he said.

Charlotte chuckled lightly. "were we ever safe, brother?"

with that, the twins smiled at each other and both were thinking the same thing.

this is their life.

HELLO EVERYONE! thank you for reading this chapter and i hope you enjoyed this story!
so yeaaaah i might've lied about this being shorter than the last chapter, but i wanted this to be the finale to the story. i like leaving things to be a mystery and this is one of them.
if you did enjoy this story i do hope you continue to stick around and support me! i don't have any other story ideas but i will still try to be active on wattpad by announcing things.

now, i want to explain some things before leaving. as of today, Char and Cam are 17. Xavier is 19, Remi is 21, Avery is 22, Emiko is 24, Zero is 11, Anabelle is 9, and Rachel is 14. some of these characters may have no had a chance to talk but i find that to be okay!

i still really hope you all enjoyed this story because it was SO FUN to write! i was looking forward to finally working out a backstory for Charlotte and Cameron because i love them so much.

now, with that, i will see you all probably in the future. bye bye, and dont forget to hydrate!! <3

Final Word Count: 1,104 (1,305)

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