Chapter 12: The Abuse

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TW//: physical abuse, suicidal thoughts

Cameron's PoV

it was 5am and i was not feeling it. i stared at the ceiling and blinked slowly, hearing some sound from Charlotte's bed since she was on her phone and probably watching videos. Merc, my pet cat, was laying on my stomach and purring softly. i didn't mind the purring, it was very calming. interesting fact is that i can purr myself. took a lot of practice. me and Charlotte had a rough day yesterday with school and everything and our father did not take it well. sometimes i think he doesn't even care. i wouldn't blame him, me and Charlotte are a mess. but, he takes the family name so seriously. Vermin Blight. i doubt that's actually his real name. he's an extremely rich white man who thinks he's so much better than everyone else. i do believe he donated to Silver Leaf High before he adopted us but probably donated more afterwards. i think he just wants us to do well in school and have a good education and good life. but we can't have a good life if he's always yelling at us for making a little mistake.

i must've been lost in my thoughts for too long because i heard my alarm go off for 5:50am which is the normal time me and Charlotte are supposed to be awake to get ready for school. i sighed and sat up, Merc scurrying off my stomach. i turned the alarm off and went over to Charlotte. she was sitting in a criss-crossed position and her phone was laying in front of her. she looked at me with a tired look on her face. that would be because neither of us got sleep.  Charlotte got up from her bed, grabbed her usual set of clothes and went into the bathroom to change. meanwhile, i sat on my bed and scrolled through social medias. a few minutes later and Charlotte walked out fully dressed. then i took my turn to get dressed and once both of us were ready, it was already 6:48am. i opened up the door to our room and the we walked out, closing it afterwards. we walked downstairs and saw our father in the kitchen. he was yelling at Avery about something but i blocked it out because it didn't include me. he always told us that: "if you overhear something and it doesn't include you, ignore it."

after the day was over me, Charlotte, and Xavier returned home from school. when we got home, we placed out backpacks near the staircase and were about to go see Zero until we heard our father walk in from the basement. he stared at us and we looked at him. he then looked away and walked into the kitchen, pouring himself a cup of wine. me and Charlotte looked at each other and already knew what he wanted from us. we grabbed out backpacks and went upstairs to our room. when we walked in and closed the door, Charlotte cursed under her breath and walked up to her section of the room. "Char it's-" "IT'S NOT OKAY." she yelled, kicking her foot against the wall hard. i sighed and sat down on my bed.

a few hours later, after me and Charlotte had done some homework, we heard glass shattering from downstairs. we both sat up from our beds and ran out the room, quickly walking downstairs. when we got down there, we saw our father throwing wine glasses at Avery. most of the glass that hit her didn't scratch her skin and there was a lot of glass on the floor. "YOU'RE SO FUCKING USELESS! I CANNOT BELIEVE YOUR MISTAKE OF A FUCKING SIBLINGS THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO BRING YOU BACK HERE!" our father screamed. the yelling made me flinch and i stormed over to him, grabbing the back of his business shirt and pulling him away from Avery with force. "get away from her! she didn't do anything wrong!" i said. my father looked at me angrily but put his hand on my shoulder calmly. "this. doesn't. involve. you." he said. he stared at me in the eyes which he knew made me anxious. my eyes, obviously, kept looking away. "well... Avery is my sister. of course it involves me. she's family." i nervously said, looking down.

that must've pissed my father off because he grabbed me by the arm and threw me against the fridge. he took out a wine bottle and hit it against my head, the glass shattering and alcohol getting all over my face and my hair. "HEY!" i heard Charlotte yell. our father looked over at her and she was angry, her hands curled into fists. our father was about to walk over to her but i grabbed his wrist in panic. "don't." i begged. he looked at me and grabbed me by the neck throwing me at the wall. i felt my body hit the floor and something kick my head. "STOP IT YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!" Charlotte yelled. she was about to charge at our father but i think Avery held her back. Avery has an automatic sense where she knows when a situation is dangerous. she'll protect any of the siblings under 18 at any cost.  i just kept hearing my twin sister screaming and whining. after a while, i tried to stand up. i think i felt blood coming from my head. i wasn't sure. next thing i knew... i passed out.

when i woke up i was laying on my bed. i stared at the ceiling before coming to the realization i was awake. i quickly sat up and looked around. i stayed quiet and listened and heard shuffling from up above. then, Charlotte came down the ladder and looked at me. "hey. you're awake. that's good." she said to me before walking to the door. "w-where are you going...?" i asked. she put her hand on the door knob. "to talk to Xavier." she said and then left, leaving me alone. i sighed and hugged my knees. i looked out the window. i never understood why our father was like this... why he was so greedy, selfish, and overall just a terrible person. sometimes i think if i just died he would leave my siblings alone. he doesn't care about them, he only cares about me, Charlotte, and himself. i want him dead. i want to know who my real father is, or well, if i even have a father. i don't even know who my mother is. i don't even know if i was supposed to have parents to begin with. i don't get why i'm here, why i exist, why i was born. i have no purpose here. i sighed. my mind is a dangerous place when i'm left alone.

i continued looking out the window. i'm not high up enough to just jump and end it. also, i wouldn't even want to die at my own house. that's just sad. the door opened and i jumped, quickly turning my head in panic to see who had walked in and, oh, it was just Charlotte. she looked at me as she closed the door. "you okay?" she asked. i wanted to say no. i wanted to tell her nothing is fine. i think she already knew that. i smiled slightly. "yeah. i'm alright."

hey everyone! new chapter WOOO!
i start school on the 8th if you didn't see my announcement first, so updates on chapters will be slower and maybe shorter. i am so sorry about that but i get distracted a lot due to my autism.
anyways, i hope you all have a good day/night!!

Word Count: 1,236

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