Chapter 14: The Incident

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TW // physical abuse

Cameron's PoV

"you better not get us in trouble again, Char.."

me and Charlotte were looking through our father's office. "it's fine, dad's at work, he won't catch us!" she said as she looked through some of his work papers. i sighed and also began looking out of my own curiosity. i saw a certain paper that caught my eye and grabbed it, reading it. while i was reading, i saw a few words that made my stomach feel...nauseous. on the paper i read, "my youngest children, Cameron and Charlotte, hold a good reputation for my family, and any unneeded interaction with them results in payment". i could not believe what i was reading. he was going to charge a fine against people who wanted to interact with us? is this why he hates our friends so much? he knows he can't charge a fine against our friends but... who knows if he's been charging their parents. i turned to my sister. "Char, you need to look at this."

Charlotte carefully took the paper out of my hands and read it. as she read it, i saw the change of emotions in her eyes. she lowered the paper from her face and placed it on our father's desk. "he's fucking insane..." she murmured. i began fiddling with my hands as my sister gripped the edge of the desk with her hand, her other hand turning into a fist. i could sense she was angry... i didn't like it. Charlotte doesn't act well when she's angry. "h-hey let's-"

"why are you two in here."

we both heard a deep voice and both felt fear in our bodies. we slowly turned to see our father in the doorway of his office. 'shit.' i thought in my head. i knew Charlotte was thinking the same thing. "answer me now. why, are you, in my, office." he wasn't asking, he was demanding. demanding an answer that we did not know of. me and Charlotte held hands as we stared at him in fear, not finding the words to even give an answer. he then walked angrily over to us. he grabbed both of us by our arms and pulled us closer to him. "why the FUCK are you two in here. do NOT make me ask again." he demanded, tightening his grip on our arms. i frowned and whimpered a tiny bit. "w-we were just curious! we're s-sorry..." i said. after a couple seconds, our father let go of the both of us and he seemed to calm down. "next time, at least ask if you want to come into my office. if i see you two in here again without asking for permission, there will be consequences." he said before turning to leave.

Charlotte scoffed. "dont tell us what to do scum..." she mumbled. unfortunately, she wasn't quiet enough because our father turned back around and smacked her across the face. she yelped and placed her hand on the spot she was smacked. "DON'T YOU DARE CALL YOUR FATHER A SCUM." he yelled. i frowned again cause i knew things weren't going to end well. Charlotte growled. "then how about you STOP charging people for interacting with us!!" she then quickly covered her mouth after saying that. our father's eyes widened and his hands turned into fists. "you read my papers?" he said in a voice that frightened both of us. 'oh no.. no no no Char what have you done..' when our father got no response from Charlotte, he grabbed her by her hair and began dragging her. she screamed and struggled to get away. "no! come back, don't hurt her!!" i yelled.

our father stopped and looked at me. "shut up you brat." he glared at me and i froze, feeling that horrifying chill go down my spine. i stood still as i watched my father start hitting and beating Charlotte. i didn't want this to happen, it may have been her fault but she doesn't deserve it. with every hit, i whimpered. 'stop..' he wouldn't stop. i hugged myself, groaning and feeling unsettled. i could feel our father's anger, it was terrifying, i hated it. i wanted it to stop. "YOU STAY!" he yelled, kicking Charlotte in the stomach.

" stay." i repeated.


"..t-the fuck."

He grabbed Charlotte by her hair, his hand in a fist and ready to punch her in the face. "AWAY FROM MY STUFF!"

i growled, my eyes flashing red. "AWAY FROM MY SISTER!!" i screamed and it blasted our father through the wall. Charlotte just lay there on the ground, shocked at what just happened. she stared at me and i stared at her. my eyes slowly returned back to their normal color and i ran to my sister. "C-Char, are you okay!?" i asked, panicked and worried. "y-yeah i am but- what the hell was that?" she looked at me, eyes wide. i calmed down to think about what just happened. i just blasted our own father through the wall... how the hell did i do that? i've never.. lost control like that before. we saw Xavier and Emiko rush in, i'm assuming they heard the blast. "what the hell happened?!" Xavier asked in a panic as Emiko rushed to us. "are you two okay?" she asked worriedly. me and Charlotte looked at each other and slowly nodded. Emiko hugged us both tightly.

Xavier looked at the wall, staring now. "which one of you caused that?" he asked. Charlotte immediately, but shakily, pointed at me. Xavier and Emiko stared at me in shock. "you did that, Cam? but.. how?" Emiko asked. "i know we're unsure what all your powers are but..." she was cut off by me interrupting her. "Emi, i-i'm fine.. i-i don't know how i did t-that..." i looked at my hands and then saw someone else's hand in mine. i looked over at Charlotte who just looked back at me. we then heard a groan and all of us looked at the doorway. our father was standing there, his left sleeve was half ripped and his suit was covered in dust. "what the fuck... did you do now, you fucking freak." he said, glaring at me. my shoulders tensed up and i looked down. Xavier stood in front of us facing our father. "you're the one who hurt them first." he said.

our father had nothing to say. he just turned around and left.

ayup! hihi folks, moth here with another chapter!
i hope this one was enjoyable to read and i hope it gave you a character to hate :>
anyways, that's all for now. bye bye! <3

Word Count: 1,077

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