Chapter 5: Alastor Chaotic

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Charlotte's PoV

i was very uneasy the next day after what happened. i could tell Cameron was too. Neither of us had talked to anyone after we woke up, and we hadn't even left our rooms. i was really bored and wanted something to do. i got up from my bed and headed down the ladder to Cameron's bed. he seemed to be listening to music. i went over and tapped on his shoulder, which made him flinch a bit but he took off his headphones and looked at me. "can we...go to town?" i asked in a quiet voice. he nodded and paused his music. he grabbed a backpack and then the both of us headed out through his window.

we wandered from the path and into town, many people were around which was surprising to us. usually it was quiet and not this busy. something must have been happening. me and Cameron walked past the bar and right as we did, glass shattering was heard. we turned around and saw a man thrown through the window of the bar. he had blood on his hand and in that bloodied hand he held a broken beer bottle. someone hopped out through the window, someone me and Cameron had never seen before. they mainly wore black assassin looking clothes with a hood over their head, but a bit of their hair was seen. the hair color was purple with a bit of a seaweed green color mixed in. we caught a glimpse of their sky blue eyes as they picked up the man by the neck and dragged him away.

i looked at my brother and he looked back at me. " you think that was about?" he asked me. i shrugged. "dunno. people in this town are crazy for two things: alcohol and violence."

Cameron chuckled. "don't forget about gossip."

"no no, there isn't much gossip in Darkened Dawn. but if we head over to the city-"

"yeah let's not."

we held each other's hand as we walked further into town. we noticed a lot of strange people around that we didn't usually see. people in total black clothing, black and white clothing, and some people even had creepy cult looking masks on their face. i could tell Cameron was a bit nervous, and i won't lie i was too. we ignored all those people though until we bumped into a tall man wearing a black suit with a black coat. he wore a black fedora and held a black suitcase. what made him creepy was that he wore a dark red mask on his face with black eye holes. neither of us talked to him and he stared at us for 3 seconds before walking past us. "something isn't right..." Cameron murmured.

"ignore it. nothing is right in this town. especially if you consider what happens here." i said. "kidnappings, murders...experimentations."

Cameron slightly frowned, horrible memories rushing back. i knew what he was thinking, i was thinking it too. i rubbed his shoulder. "don't worry about it though! c'mon, let's go." i took his hand again and continued walking.

a few hours passed by and we both eventually felt tired. i checked my phone to see the time. 8:45pm. i sighed and looked over at my brother who was sitting on the edge of the fountain. i stood up from the bench and went over to him. "hey, it's probably time to go home." i said to him. he looked at me and nodded. as he got up from the fountain, i saw a dart fly past us. both of our eyes widened and looked at where the dart came from. it seemed like someone was trying to hit one of us. Kiki and Scar were summoned and i slowly walked over with Kiki. when i got to the trees and bushes, i looked around. it was extremely dark out but i had very good eyesight, almost like night vision. i didn't spot anyone until i heard a thudding sound behind me. i turned around and Cameron was knocked out on the concrete which made Scar disappear. standing next to him was the tall guy from earlier. the one with the dark red mask.

the guy took off his hat and mask, dropping them to the floor. when i saw the man's face and hair, my breath hitched. he had short, gray-ish purple hair that was very wavy. his right eye was bright purple and his left eye was silver. the other strange thing i noticed was that he wore a necklace with a clock charm, me and Cameron have seen it many times before. it might be because we know this man. we hate him.

" have you been?" he spoke to me and his voice sent terrifying chills down my spine. i hated how he talked to us. every inch of his voice was like spitting venom at us. "what do you want...Dr. Chaotic." i glared at him. he chuckled. "please, just call me Alastor-"

"never. i don't care if it's more formal. now tell me why the fuck you are here."

Alastor picked up Cameron in his arms. "i've come back for you two. you didn't think i would let you and your brother off the hook so easily, did you?"

"you're not even supposed to be alive!" i yelled in anger, my hands turning into fists. "you were supposed to have died along with that fire! how the hell did you survive?!" Alastor very slightly tilted his head to the left, staring at me and examining my face. "you're...scared, right?" he said, smiling. the smile sent even more chills down my spine. "why wouldn't i be..? the person that tortured me and experimented on me for years is standing right in front of me and carrying my twin brother."

"hm...i see you two have dyed your hair."

"why do you care, creep?"

He shrugged. "it doesn't matter. you and Cam are coming with me." i scoffed. "no. we're not." Kiki growled until i heard her whimper. she dropped to the ground and disappeared. i gasped. "Kiki! what the FUCK did you do?!" i looked at Alastor and then felt something hit the back of my neck. i took out whatever it was and looked at it. it was a dart. that's when i felt my body become fully paralyzed as i fell to the ground. the last thing i heard before passing out was Alastor say, "take her."

hihi! this chapter was going to be shorter because i didn't have ideas for it but then i got an idea for it so here you go!
yes, the scientists name is Alastor Chaotic, wich was the original name i came up with for him.
it's either that or Carlos and honestly, Alastor sounds much better.
anyways, have a nice day/night and remember to hydrate and eat something!!

Word Count: 1,083

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