Chapter 11: School Day

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tw//: bullying, slight abuse

No one's PoV

Charlotte and Cameron grabbed their black and white backpacks, swung them around onto their backs, and waved to their siblings as they left the house with Xavier. the three siblings got into a car that their step-father owned, seeing as said person was in the drivers seat staring at his watch to keep an eye on the time. the Twins got into the back seat while Xavier sat in the front seat next to his step-father. they were all driven to the same high school: Silver Leaf High. when the Twins escaped the lab and began living a somewhat normal life, their older siblings decided that they needed proper education, so they made them start school. Cameron was interested while Charlotte was not. their step-father had also agreed they needed to go to school so he suggested Silver Leaf Highschool, especially since he was the school's biggest donator. a few minutes later, they arrived at the school and the car stopped moving. the Twins and Xavier got out of the car with their step-father and all of them walked into the school, the step-father going off somewhere while the other three went to their lockers.

the Twins had lockers right next to each other and Xavier had his locker down some other hallway. they were putting some books away in their lockers because of their schedule today when Cameron was suddenly pulled to the side by some kid. the kid had short dirty blonde hair with dark brown eyes. he seemed like one of those kids who stole forks from the cafeteria. the kid put his hand out as if he was expecting Cameron to give him something. He looked at the kid with confusion on his face and the kid was clearly getting annoyed. "you don't remember what you owe me? last time at lunch you almost poked me in the eyeball with a knife!" he complained. Cameron looked at Charlotte who just shrugged. He looked back at the kid and also shrugged. "i don't owe you anything. i said it was an accident and i apologized. what are you expecting from me? money?" he said. the kid got angry and crossed his arms. "you're being a bitch right now!"

"and you're being a nuisance," Cameron said, monotone in his voice. "now get lost." he went back to putting books in his locker. the kid just huffed and puffed and walked off. soon the bell rang for them to get to class and the Twins hurried off to their first class which was Algebra. they both were terrible at mathematics despite getting all A's and sometimes a B. even the teacher said that the two of them did well in the class. the Twins have just convinced themselves that it's a really hard class cause they aren't smart enough. the Twins sat at a table that was in the second row at the back on the room. kids were whispering to each other, probably secrets or gossip. the bell then rang for class to start and the kids all sat down in their seats once the teacher walked in, holding a ruler and whacking it against the board. "Alright students! Are we all ready for today's lesson?" she asked. not a single student answered her question. "Okay.. quiet as usual. but that's alright!"

the teacher took a marker and began writing the math lesson and equation on the board. once she was done writing, she stepped aside to allow the students to see what she wrote. "alright, now an anyone solve (⅕)p > -10?" she asked, looking around. Charlotte immediately rose her hand. the teacher pointed the ruler at Charlotte. "yes Ms. Blight?" "the answer is p>-50. in order to get this you have to multiply both sides by 5 and then boom, answer." she explained. the teacher clapped, clearly impressed. she then went on and wrote more equations on the board, more and more students answering but Charlotte and Cameron answering the most. a long and painful hour later, the bell rang to announce the end of first period. the Twins stood up and grabbed their things, leaving the classroom together. the next class they had was History and they lowkey enjoyed this one.

on their way to class, Cameron overheard kids talking about them. he sometimes hated himself for having really good hearing, it felt like a curse and a blessing. they walked into History class, Mr. Jaxson, their History teacher, letting them in, although this teacher was very strict about what happened in his classroom. the Twins were happy once they saw Spirit sitting in her seat. they were happy they had at least a couple classes with their friends. Charlotte smirked. "Aye Spirit!" she walked over and ruffled her best friends hair which was up in a ponytail. unfortunately, the Twins didn't sit next to her but they sat at the table behind her. the bell rang for class to start and the teacher walked to his desk and faced the class. "Good morning class. today we are going to begin talking about some of the many wars that went on in America, i know something different today but you all can deal with it. Can anyone tell me the companions that helped in the American Revolution with Alexander Hamilton?" he asked.

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