🧡I Get You: Sirius X Reader

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Your information-

House: Gryffindor

Blood status: Pureblood

Happens: During the Maurader Era At Hogwarts

Warnings: Mentions of abuse, self-doubt, putting self down,

Posted on: 06/18/2021

I walk along the corridors of Hogwarts avoiding everyone and everything. It's a normal thing for me. I may be a Gryffindor but I am the weakest of the bunch. I avoid getting bumped into or touched for once and I make it to the common room walking in. I see the Marauders sitting around the fire on the floor. I'm not friends with the group of boys but I know of their existence. Who doesn't? They pull pranks on the Slytherins for goodness sake. I smile at the group as I walk in and go to a chair in the corner of the room away from them. My favorite spot, away from others and secluded just as I like it. I take out a book from my bag and start to read. I'm deep into my book when I hear a throat clear. I look up to see part of the group of boys in front of me. 'oh gosh what now?' I think. 

"Y-Yes?" I silently curse at myself as I stutter. 

"Your Y/n right?" Remus Lupin asks and I nod. 

"How can I help you?" I ask quietly. 

"We were wondering if you wanted to join us in a game of truth or dare?" Peter Pettigrew asks and I shake my head. 

"Oh come on L/n it'll be fun" James Potter adds. I look over to see Sirius Black sitting alone looking at the fire. 'Join the game and get a chance to talk to my crush or not join and never talk to him,' I think as I look at the group of three in front of me. 

"If she said no then leave her be," Sirius says standing up and walking over to us. 

"Oh come on Padfoot she just needs a little push, she's just shy," James says. 

"No Prongs no means no I even know that," Sirius says and the boys sigh. 'oh I hate upsetting people,' I think. 

"Okay, I'll play but if it gets too much I reserve the right to leave," I say and the four of them look at me shocked. 

"You don't have to Y/n," Sirius says. 

"I want to," I say with a smile. 

"Yes!" James says pumping his fist in the air happily. I smile and follow the boys back to the spot in front of the fire. As I sit I make sure my shirt doesn't ride up or my long sleeves don't show my arms. We start the game and it starts slow, with me always picking the truth option. 

"Okay Y/n truth or dare?" James asks he was the only one to not ask me something. 

"Truth," I say. 

"Why do you always wear long sleeves even in the summer?" He asks and I freeze. I gulp and look at him. 

"I um, I change my mind dare," I say looking nervous. 

"Okay, I dare you to wear short sleeves while accompanying us to Hog's Head, this weekend," He says. 

"You don't have to take the dare Y/n," Sirius says and I look down at my hands. 'If I do this I'll have to hide everything, if I don't they'll know how weak and useless I am,' I think. 

"So what'll it be?" James asks. 

"Deal," I say looking him in the eyes trying to conceal the fear I feel. 

"Great it's a deal," He says sticking his hand out and I take it shaking. 

The weekend came by fast and I thankfully learned a spell that would hide everything. I stand in the mirror in the dress I picked out and stare at my reflection. Bruises and scars cover my arms, legs, and back. I sigh saying the spell and they disappear. 'Just remember to be back in bed before midnight,' I think as I walk out of the bathroom and towards Hogsmeade. I make it to the Pub and smile as I see the boys in front waiting for me. 

"Here you go," I say walking over to them with a forced smile. 

"Lookin good L/n," Remus says and I smile. 

"Thanks, Lupin," I say as we walk in. We join their other friends who I instantly recognize as Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon, and Dorcas Meadows. I smile and introduce myself and they smile and introduce themselves as well. The night goes on and soon I'm a few drinks in. "Hey, Sirius let's dance," I say taking his hand and leading him to the dance floor he smiles. We dance and laugh until I look at the clock and see it's 10 until 12. I gasp instantly sobering up. "I gotta go," I say backing up from Sirius. 

"What? The night is just getting started" He says and I shake my head. 

"I gotta go I'm sorry," I say leaving to the door. I run out ignoring the yelling of my name from everyone. As I'm halfway to Hogwarts the spell wears off and my bruises and scars appear on my skin again. The pain comes with them as well. I wince as I walk. I make it to my dorm without being seen and quickly draw my curtains and change. Putting on my long-sleeved pajamas and sighing as I lay down. "I royally fucked up," I say to myself as I close my eyes to fall asleep. 

The next day I wear my usual outfit and do my usual routine. I go to the Great Hall and sit at the very end of the table alone away from everyone. I'm looking down at my food when someone sits next to me. I snap my head to look at who it is and see Sirius. 

"Hey I'm sorry about last night I just had to be back before midnight," I say simply. 

"Why though?" He asks and I sigh. 

"You wouldn't get it," I say and he nods not pushing it. He then gets up and smiles at me. 

"Come on come sit with us," he says and I hesitate but get up anyway. We walk over and I sit down making sure my robes stay in place. 

-Sirius's POV-

I watch as she eats wearing a tight long-sleeved shirt under her robes. 'That can't be comfortable,' I think as I look at my food. I wonder what could be so wrong that she always wears long sleeves. We all get up and go to class.

I'm walking along the halls when I hear Y/n's two roommates talking to one another. 

"Did you see the Scars and bruises on her back and arms?" one says. 

"Yeah and her legs." One adds. 

"Poor Y/n," they say in unison before walking away in the opposite direction. 

"Scars and bruises? Oh my god," I say to myself realization finally hitting me. I run to the Gryffindor common room where I see Y/n sitting by herself in the chair she always sits in. I rush over, grab her book, set it aside, and grab her hands careful not to touch her arms. 

"Sirius, what are you doing?" She asks. I look at her and carefully pull her into a hug. Holding her gently. "Sirius?" She asks. 

"Y/n if anyone knows what you are going through it's me," I say and I feel her tense. 

"How- How'd you figure it out?" she asked. 

"I heard your roommates talking, Y/n my parents aren't the best either. I can help you through this. Get you out of it" I say and she looks at me with tears in her eyes. 

"I thought no one would understand so I sheltered myself and hid away. Sirius, I need help" she says and I nod holding her close. 

"I'm here Y/n. I'll always be here," I say "I love you" I add hoping it doesn't ruin our friendship. "You do?" she asks and I nod. 

"I love you too," she says smiling through her tears. I smile and hold her cheek kissing her softly. 

"Will you accompany me to Hogsmeade this weekend? This time you can wear whatever you want," I say and she smiles. 

"I'd love to," she says. 

"It's a date then," I say happily. She smiles before kissing me. 

"It's a date," She says happily.


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