💚I Miss You: Draco X Reader

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Your information-

House: Slytherin

Blood status: Pureblood

Happens: Sometime after Hogwarts

Warnings: Mentions of food, eating, Breaking down

Posted on: 07/03/2021

I watch as he walks away from everyone. I try to scream something but nothing comes out. The only thing that happens is tears streaking down my face. I watch as that man hugs him. The anger boils in me, that day I made a promise to myself. 'Fight until the end,' and I did. I fought on the side of good even though I was a Slytherin I fought with Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws until the bitter end. I looked for him after we won but he was nowhere to be found. I broke down onto the floor in front of the castle finally screaming. Gaining the attention of a few people but I didn't care. 

I jolt up in bed. 

"Again really?" I say to myself as I look at the time "5:45 am of course it's always sometime around five AM," I say to no one again. I get up knowing I'm not going back to bed. "God that memory plays in my head almost every night why me?" I ask myself getting into a warm shower. After the shower, I get out, get dressed, head to the kitchen, and get breakfast. I get some frozen waffles and pop them in the toaster. I sit on the stool, on the island in the small kitchen, and wait for the toaster to pop. Once it does make me jump once again I get up and grab the waffles putting butter syrup and some fruit on it. I eat and soon It's 7 O'Clock. I sigh and check my calendar to see I don't work today so I decided to go to Diagon Alley and help at my friend's shop a bit or shop around.  

I'm in Diagon Alley sooner than expected and I realize it's school season so kids are everywhere. I smile at all the families running to each shop to get school supplies. I head to the shop I was originally coming to visit. I walk up to the orange shop and walk in with a smile. I became close to the Weasley twins after I saved Fred from a crumbling wall during the war. They say they are forever in debt to me but friendship is more than a payment. 

"Y/n!" I hear as I walk in and I smile more. 

"Hello, boys how are my favorite twins?" I ask and they smile. 

"We are wonderful that's for asking," They say together. 

"Need any help here? I don't work today so I figured I'd come down and help here or shop around if you don't need anything" I say and they smile. 

"It's a rush today we love some help," Fred says and I smile. 

"Well, then I came at the right time," I say as I walk in more. I first go to the back and grab a box to stock some products I noticed were low. By the time I was done with that, they needed me on the register so I hopped in that. I helped a bunch of people and soon the rush calmed down. 

"Thanks for your help Y/n you are the best," George says and I smile. 

"No problem," I say. 

"Say why were you here so early if you didn't work? That dream again?" Fred asks after George walks away. I nod. Fred and I are closer since I saved his life and he comforted me that day after he heard me scream in front of the castle. He's like a big brother to me. 

"I'm sorry, You should try getting out there and forgetting about him you know?" Fred suggests. 

"Yeah, I know. It's been three years and no contact, but I'm still holding onto him for some reason. It's like I have a feeling or urge to keep holding on and I don't know why" I say to him and he nods. 

"Well, you could always search for him" Fred suggests. 

"I have the only place I haven't been, is Malfoy Manor and that's because one I don't want to face his parents, and two I have zero clues where it's located," I say and Fred nods. 

"Well if you ever get the courage I have the address you can always ask me or I can give it to you now so you have it" Fred suggests and I think for a few seconds and then I throw all logic to the wind. 

"You know what sure I'll take the address why not," I say looking at him with determination. 

"Okay, I'll go write it down," He says and then walks away. He comes back shortly after with a piece of parchment and a chocolate frog. 

"Here is the address and a frog for good luck," He says and I smile. 

"Thank you, Freddy," I say taking the paper and frog as he nods. 

"No problem N/n," Fred says and I hug him and walk out of the store. 

As I look at the paper I notice the address is a bit of a way away from my apartment. 'Huh, I guess I could apparate,' I say in my head as I leave Diagon Alley. I make it to my apartment look at the time and see it's a quarter to 3 'I could try to visit now,' I think. I mentally debate with myself but soon find myself apparating to the address anyway. I soon stood in front of a massive black mansion-like building. I gulp and think about logic for a few seconds before I find myself knocking anyway. 

"Hello, how may I help you?" A house-elf answers the door. 

"Um is Draco Malfoy in?" I ask and she nods. 

"Master Draco is in his office please come in while I get him," She says and lets me in. I walk in and stand in the entranceway while she goes down a hall. I hear muffled talking. 

"What are you talking about Periwinkle I'm not expecting anyone" I hear Draco's voice come through the house and my breath hitches. 

"She asked for you by name master," Periwinkle says. 

"She? It's not Astoria is it?" Draco asks. 

"No, Master, I wouldn't have let her in sir," Periwinkle says. 

"Let's go see who it is then" I hear Draco say and then I hear a shuffling and a door open and close and then I see them emerge from the hall. I look straight at his face and the minute he sees me he looks shocked then he smiles and runs over to me. 

"Y/n! Oh, my merlin Is it you?" He asks tackling me into a hug. I hug back automatically trying my hardest not to cry. 

"Yes" I chock out and he steps back looking at me. He looks at me with such adoration and love I finally break. All the emotions I've felt for three years come flooding out and I break down crying. I go to sink but a pair of arms wrap around me and hold me up against a chest. I know it's Draco but I can't help but feel this is all a dream. I finally stop after a bit and realize we are now sitting me in his lap, curled into a ball. 

"I missed you, love," Draco says breaking the silence. I look at him and smile at him forgetting the anger and sadness now. 

"I missed you too," I say as our lips collide in a sweet kiss.  


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