🧡You Again: James X Reader

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Your information-

House: Gryffindor

Blood status: Halfblood

Happens: After and throughout their time in Hogwarts|No Voldy Moldy because I need James alive obviously.

Warnings: Mean Lily(Sorry Lily)

Posted on: 12/11/2023

I walk along the tracks looking for a spot to mark. I try to stay away from my home as much as possible. If you can even call the girl's group home, a well, home. I shake my thoughts and walk farther. I finally see a spot big enough to place my image. I smile and place my bag down. I grab a can of spray paint and start working. I am almost finished when I hear rocks crunching under my shoes. I hurry up the last touches and throw my cans in my bag. I look over and see someone walking towards me.

"Fuck this, I am not getting taken in again," I say to myself as I walk away fast. I stop once I don't hear rocks crunching. I look back to see a boy around my age staring at the image I painted on the Train. Curiosity overcoming me I walk back pretending I just came across this. I pull my hoody down and take off my mask, shoving it into my hoody pocket. I walk over and the boy looks over at me briefly.

"It's pretty right?" I ask and the boy nods.

"It's fresh too, I wonder who created it," the boy says.

"Probably that person," I say pointing to the signature.

"Huh, yeah you're probably right. What's your name?" The boy asks finally turning to look at me.

"Oh, I am Y/n L/n! What about you?" I ask and the boy smiles.

"I am James Potter, It's nice to meet you Y/n," James says and I smile.

"Likewise," I say.

"What brings you here anyways?" I ask and James smiles.

"I've noticed the graffiti and artwork on the sides of the trains and happened to know this was here, so I decided to see if I could find anything else, especially with the spiral smile mark, the person who makes them is very talented, Why are you here?" James explains.

"Oh, I was creating this," I say pointing to the Deer with giant antlers in front of us.

"Oh, that's awkward... I'm sorry I kinda fanboy on you" James says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh, don't worry, I appreciate it. I don't get recognition at all usually so it's cool to know at least one person likes my stuff" I say and James smiles. I look at my watch and my eyes go wide.

"I have to go, Um, I'll hopefully see you again. Bye James Potter" I say as I smile.

"See you again, Y/n L/n," James says with a smile just as wide as mine.

I walk to the window and climb in. I look around and see no one in the room. I quickly change, stashing my bag under my bed, and walk out of the room to the table.

"Oh, look who finally woke up," Angelina says and I glare at her.

"Be nice Angie, she can't control the fact she needs more beauty rest" Willow says with a giggle. I roll my eyes at the two brats and look to my side.

"Hey, Carter, I gotta talk to you after breakfast," I say and my best friend nods. After breakfast, I drag Carter to a secluded area and smile at her. "Okay, I met a boy this morning," I tell her and she looks at me shocked.

"You met a boy?" She asks shocked. I nod.

"And he was cute," I say and Carter smiles.

"You finally found someone that interests you?" Carter asks and I nod shyly. "Oh my gosh! I am so proud!" Carter says and I shush her.

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