💛I Hate You: Draco X Reader

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Your information-

House: Hufflepuff

Blood status: Pureblood

Happens: During Hogwarts

Warnings: Fighting, Bullying, Fluff, Angst

Posted on: 09/08/2021

As I walk the halls of Hogwarts I can't help but smile and wave at my fellow students. Most wave back, and that makes me smile more. I skip to class and enter early with a massive smile on my face. 

"Wipe that smile off your face L/n it's ugly" I hear from in front of me. I look up and see Pansy Parkinson with Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini. 'Great' I think but I keep my smile up the best I can. 

"Oh I saw it falter a bit, did we hurt the poor thing's feelings?" Blaise asks. I shake my head and go head to my seat walking past the trio. Pansy trips me on the way over and I hold my hands out to catch myself. My hands collide with the floor and I hear a snap. I scream out in pain and cradle my left hand in my other hand. I look at the Pansy and fury rushes through me. 

"YOU JERK YOU PROBABLY JUST MADE ME BREAK MY ARM! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, YOU BIG BULLIES! I HATE YOU GUYS!" I say before getting up and walking to the door to go to the hospital wing. The looks on their faces sketched in my mind. Pansy looked horrified and Blaise looked surprised. Draco looked hurt and almost defeated though. 'I wonder what that was about,' I think to myself as I walk. I make it to the hospital wing and walk in my arm hurting badly. 

"Hello, dear what's wrong this time?" Madam Pomfrey Asks and I smile a sad smile. 

"Pansy Parkinson tripped me and I think I might have broken my arm trying to catch myself," I say and she nods. 

"Were there any other students there that witnessed this and could've stopped her?" She asks as she wraps my arm up. 

"Blaise Zabini," I say she nods. 

"Anyone else?" she asks and I think. 'Tell on Draco or not? He seemed like he felt so bad.' I think for a few seconds then shake my head. 

"Nope no one else," I say and she nods. 

"Okay thank you I will be informing the headmaster about this," She says and I nod. 

"Okay that should be it you should be good to go now just be careful with your arm," she says and I nod again. 

"Thank you for fixing me up again," I say she nods and I leave. As I'm leaving I see Draco standing by the doors of the hospital entrance. I shrug and start walking my arm in a sling and wrapped up. 

"L/n! Hey, can we talk" I hear from behind me. I turn and see Draco is now walking after me. 

"You want to talk to me?" I ask and he nods. "Why so you can belittle me and hurt me more like your friends?" I ask and he stands there shocked and then shakes his head. 

"No not at all I wanted to apologize for their behavior and my behavior," He says and I look at him shocked this time. 

"You haven't done anything though, you've just stood there?" I say and he nods. 

"I should've stopped it right away, It never should've gotten to this point or any point at that," He says and I look at him. I put my hand on his forehead and looked at him. 

"Are you sick? Do you need medical attention? Who are you and what have you done with Malfoy?" I ask removing my hand and looking at him strangely. 

"I promise you I'm perfectly okay, just felt bad." He says and I look at him shocked. 

"Draco Malfoy felt bad? He has feelings?" I ask and he laughs and nods. "Yes I do," He says and I laugh along with him. 

"Say L/n what is your first name anyways? I only ever hear Pansy and Blaise call you by your last name," Draco asks. 

"Y/n," I say and he smiles. 

"Pretty," He says and I smile. 

"Thank you, your name is cool by the way it means dragon right?" I say and he nods. 

"Yeah it's in the school crest too," he says and I smile. 

"That's awesome!" I say smiling. 

"Well I better be going but I promise Pansy and Blaise won't be messing with you anymore okay," He says and I nod smiling. 


The next day Pansy and Blaise left me alone and it was total bliss. The day after that was a different story. 

"You little BRAT" I hear as I'm pushed against a wall. I look and see Pansy and Blaise side by side now with Crabbe and Goyle holding me against the wall. "You got Blaise and me detention for a week because you told that stupid nurse we broke your arm!" she says. 

"You are going to pay! I don't care what Draco says," She says, and then she hits me square in the face. Blaise takes the next punch and then she takes the next. They switch off until I can't keep track anymore. I'm lying on the ground now as they kick me when they suddenly stop. I pry my tired eyes open to see blonde hair screaming at them. They go running off but suddenly stop. I see black robes and then I close my eyes not being able to keep them open anymore. 

"Come on Y/n stay with me, Please." I hear Draco desperately say as I'm picked up and the person starts running. The noise goes silent the last thing I hear is "Madam Pomfrey help her please! I can't lose her" from Draco. 


I wake up and try to pry my eyes open. They slowly open the light hurting them. I close them and groan a bit. I try again and this time I open them fully. I look around and see no one in the room. 

"That's not a surprise," I say to myself as I sit up a bit. Soreness overtook my body. I groan again and this time louder. Suddenly I hear footsteps and the curtain opens to reveal a disheveled-looking Draco Malfoy. "Draco?" I ask confused. He smiles and walks in. 

"Thank god you're awake and okay," He says sitting down next to me in a chair. 

"You look a wreck what happened?" I ask and he sighs. 

"I was worried," he says and I look at him confused. 

"About who?" I ask and he chuckles. 

"You," he says looking me straight in the face. 

"Wha- what why?" I ask and he smiles. 

"I care about you a lot Y/n and I happen to like you a lot too, I just didn't know how to tell you so I stayed quiet," he says and I sit there shocked. Then I decided to do something I thought would never happen. I lean over and kiss him. He kisses back instantly and the kiss lasts for a bit then we separate. 

"I like you too Draco," I say and he smiles. 

"Be my girlfriend?" He asks and I smile nodding. 

"I'd love that," I say and he smiles taking my hand. I'm let out of the hospital wing and Draco insists on walking me to dinner. So here we are walking to dinner some students were shocked to see me Y/n L/n holding hands with Draco Malfoy, and some were surprised to see him holding my hand. Once inside the Great Hall Draco stops and turns to me. 

"One last thing before we go to our tables," He says and leans down and kisses me. Murmurs and whispers start to spread throughout the hall. Then a scoff is heard and someone stomps over to us. 'Uh oh,' I think as we separate and look over to see Pansy walking over. 

"Draco, you're dating the enemy?" She asks and Draco just rolls his eyes. 

"She's not the enemy if anyone here is the enemy it's you Pansy picking on her for no reason and causing her to break her arm, seems very villain of you," Draco says and Pansy's mouth drops. People around us start to laugh and I just hide behind Draco. 

"Whatever, we are so not friends anymore Malfoy," She says and Draco nods. 

"Okay bye Parkinson," He says as he turns to me and takes my good hand walking me to the Hufflepuff table. "Ignore her she's just jealous and always has been," he says then kisses my head and walks to the Slytherin table. 


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