🖤Strangers: Sirius X Reader

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Your information-

House: N/A

Blood status: N/A

Happens: Muggle World AU

Warnings: Food, Cursing, 

Posted on: 08/14/2021

We drive up to the town and park. 

"Okay, Y/n you can explore but don't leave the town, and please keep your phone on you at all times," My mom says and I nod. 

"Here is some money in case you find something you like or get hungry," my dad says handing me some cash and they walk off. I smile walking in the opposite direction of them. My hair gets into my face as I walk due to the wind. I move it out of the way and walk up to a hot dog stand. I get a hotdog with ketchup and sit on a bench eating it. Just as I take a bite some ketchup slips off just missing my pants. 

"Shit," I say jumping up. 

"No use in crying over spilled condiments" I hear a voice from beside me. I look over to see a boy around my age standing there with a hotdog like mine. 

"Hi," I say laughing a little. 

"Hello I'm Sirius you must be a tourist," he says and I nod. 

"I'm Y/n and yes I am how'd you know?" I ask and he smiles. 

"Everyone knows everyone here, you are a new face," he says and I nod again. 

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Sirius, that's an interesting name by the way," I say and he smiles. 

"Thanks, yours is nice too," Sirius says and I smile. I down on the curb and Sirius joins me. We talk and eat for a bit. Then Sirius suggests we go looking at the shops. 

"Sure why not," I say in response and he smiles. We walk around the shops until I see the sunglasses on his head. I snatch them and put them on. 

"I think these look great on me," I say and Sirius smiles. 

"Yes they do, You can have them. As a memento of remembrance,"  He says and I look at him stunned. "Are you sure?" I ask and he nods. 

"Thank you," I say hugging him and smiling. He hugs back and just as we separate my phone goes off. I look at it to see a text from my mom saying to meet in the car. 

"I have to go but I'll see you again someday Sirius okay," I say and he nods. 

"Sirius Black by the way," He says. 

"Y/n L/n," I say before running off and going to find my parents.

-Many Years Later-

I drive into the town I'm to work at now and sigh. Memories of visiting here as a kid and that boy flood back. 

"Sirius Black," I say to myself, "I wonder if he's still here. Doubtful," I say to myself before parking in front of the house I purchased. I smile and get out, walking up to the front door and unlocking it. My stuff is already here. I quickly changed and went exploring as I did as a kid. I walk into town and the first thing I do is walk into the vet clinic I'll be working at. 

"Ah Y/n you made it," Sandra says and I smile. 

"Yes I did, It's great to be here," I say smiling. 

"It's great to have you, I can't wait for you to start on Monday," She says and I nod in agreement. 

"I just wanted to come to say hello," I say before exiting. I place my sunglasses on my face and walk down the street. 

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