🧡Secrets: Remus X Reader

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Your information-

House: Gryffindor

Blood status: Halfblood

Happens: During and After Hogwarts

Warnings: None I can think of to be honest 

Posted on: 03/13/2022

I'm walking along the courtyard to meet with my boyfriend under our tree. We always meet under the big tree in the middle of the courtyard after dinner every night and we go to the astronomy tower together. I arrive and at first, I don't see him and think he's stood me up for the first time. Suddenly I feel arms wrap around me and I squeal as I'm lifted off the ground and spun around. 

"Ahh! Remus! Put me down!" I scream as he continues to spin and laugh to my dismay. I laugh along and soon he puts me down. 

"Hello pup," He says and I smile, 

"Hello love," I say happily. We make our way to the tower and eventually, things get heated.

It's my last day at Hogwarts, graduation is today and I can't wait to tell Remus my news. 'I hope he's happy, I love him so much. I know he loves me so I'm sure he'll be astatic,' I think as graduation happens and everyone makes their way out of the Great Hall. I go to our spot to see Remus passing back and forth. 

"Love, are you okay?" I ask as I walk up and he smiles sadly at me. 

"I'm fine, it's just... Y/n now that we have graduated I feel we should go our separate ways. I love you dearly don't get me wrong but I feel all I'll do is hold you back and I can't do that." He says and I look at him stunned. I glance down at the ground and nod in understanding. 

"I understand, I guess it was the right person wrong time," I say and he nods. 

"I love you Remus Lupin," I say and he smiles hugging me. 

"I love you too Y/n L/n," He says as he walks away. I didn't even get to tell him my news that day. I was pregnant with his child. 

Many months later I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl who I named Luna Lowella which means moon wolf a nod to her father in a way. Not that it was needed. The only thing she got from me was my eyes and nose the rest is purely her father. She has his hair and face shape, and especially his calm personality. I gave her my last name since her father had no idea she existed.

-Many years later-

-Luna's POV-

The sorting is about to begin but first Dumbledore introduces a new DADA teacher Professor Lupin. I look at him, shrug, and go back to paying attention to the sorting. After the sorting, my two best friends Fred and George came running up to me. 

"Hello, boys," I say smiling. 

"Luna! Did you see the new teacher?" George asks and I nod confused. 

"He looks JUST like you!" Fred says and I look at them like they are crazy. 

"You two are insane. My mom says my father was a very mysterious man and besides I look nothing like the new professor" I say and they look at me stunned. 

"Babe you two have the same face and hair color, I bet your personalities are the same even!" Fred says and I roll my eyes. 

"Whatever you say, my love," I say laughing. We then make our way to the Gryffindor common room. 

-Remus' POV-

I'm getting ready to teach my 5th-year Gryffindor students, I just finished setting up when they all started to file in. I smile at everyone as they walk in. Then a group of three walk-in two twin boys and a girl. They sit one of the boys separated to sit with another girl who walked in earlier and the other two sat together. I look at the, and my eyes land on the girl. Her eyes remind me of Y/n which is weird. 

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