🧡Sweater: James X Reader

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Your information-

House: Gryffindor

Blood status: Muggleborn

Happens: During Hogwarts

Warnings: Food, Mean Lily, 

Posted on: 11/04/2021

-Y/n POV-

I laugh and run as my best friend James chases me. The other Marauders watching us make fools of ourselves. I pick up a handful of snow and ball it into a snowball throwing it and hitting James smack in the face. 

"BULLSEYE!" I yell out as James stops and comprehends what just happened. Once he does I'm already up in a tree hidden away. 

"Y/n come out come out wherever you are" I hear James say. I cover my mouth to silence my laugh. "Seriously guys where'd she go?" He asks our other friends. 

"Sorry mate we can't tell you should've been paying more attention," Remus says. I smile and look down to see James is just under the tree. I hop down tackling him. 

"1...2...3... PINNED Y/N WINS" I yell out. 

"Y/n get off me," James says laughing. I laugh while getting up and helping James up as well. "I should've known you were up there it's always a tree with you," He says and I smile. 

"You'll get it eventually Prongs," I say hugging my arms close to my body and rubbing my hands up and down my arms to warm myself up. Wearing a thin sweater in the winter probably wasn't the best choice but in my defense, it wasn't snowing this morning. 

"Are you cold N/n here take this it'll warm you right up" James says taking his sweater off and handing it to me. 

"You'll be cold then!" I protest but he shakes his head. 

"I'll be fine just make sure you give it back eventually okay," he says and I nod. We all decide to head inside to get food after I put James' sweater on. We all walk in and sit at the table getting what we want to eat. I pick out my favorites and start to eat when suddenly Lily Evens walks over. The bain of my existence. James is completely in love with her and I'm completely in love with him and she doesn't particularly care for me. It's a love/hate triangle. The only person to know I like James is Remus because he can keep a secret.  James talks to Lily and I ignore the conversation completely until I hear something that breaks my heart. 

"Lily, will you finally go out with me? Just once?" James asks. 

"Fine Potter but just once so you'll leave me alone" Lily responds. I lose my appetite and get up excusing myself and heading out of the Great Hall. I hear footsteps come after me but I don't dare turn around as tears threaten to fall. 

"Y/n" I hear Remus say and I stop dead in my tracks and turn slowly looking up at him. "Come here," He says opening his arms to me. I walk in slowly falling into his embrace at the end. He walks us over to a bench and sits us down. "You need to tell him," Remus says and I nod. 

"I can't now, he'll have a girlfriend by the end of the date," I say as tears finally fall. I take off James' sweater and hand it to Remus. Give this back to him for me, I don't think I can face him quite yet" I say before getting up and walking to the Gryffindor common room. 

-A week later-

I've been avoiding James nonstop and throwing myself into my studies all week. To say I'm heartbroken is an understatement. My heart is shattered. Seeing them hold hands around the castle isn't helping either. Currently, I'm sitting in the library reading about the care of magical creatures for extra credit. I'm deep in my book when suddenly my book is shut and pushed away from me. 

"Hey, what the heck?" I say quietly as I look up and see Sirius with Remus and Peter. "Hi boys what can I do to help you?" I ask and Sirius looks at me like I'm dumb. "Siri you know I hate that look," I say and he smiles. 

"Then don't act dumb. Why are you avoiding us and why does Remus know and not us?" He asks and I look at him shocked. 

"I'm not avoiding all of you just one and Remus knows because he can keep a secret," I say simply. Peter and Sirius looked at each other then at me then out the window. I look out the window and see James walking with Lily. "Yes," I simply say, and Sirius smiles. 

"You like him?" He asks and I nod. 

"I'm utterly in love with him," I say looking down. 

"Then that settles it operation get James and Y/n together is a go," He says and I look at him shocked. 

"You're kidding, right? He has Lily I'm not about to break them up" I say. 

"Leave that to us," Peter says. 

"It'll all work out fine I'm sure" Remus reassures me as Peter and Sirius leave. 

Peter and Sirius then try everything they can to break the pair up but nothing works. All the while Lily takes her frustrations with them out on me because she can't take them out on James. Of course, nobody knows this. So one day I was walking to the bathroom when Lily said something mean to me again of course no one we know is in sight. At least we thought. Suddenly I hear a gasp and look over to see the marauders, my friends, all of them. Sirius, Peter, Remus, and especially James are all standing at the other end of the hall where Lily's back is. Lily twirls around and the four boys come rushing over. 

"Lily, what the heck?" James scolds me as the other boys question me on how long this has been happening. 

"She started it," Lily says and James scoffs. 

"I saw the whole thing Evans she was walking to the bathroom We are so over," James says. Lily leaves spewing a "Whatever I never liked you anyway," towards James. James walks over to me and Hugs me. 

"Y/n I'm so sorry she was doing this to you if I had known I never would have dated her." He says and I smile. 

"It's fine seriously James," I say putting on a smile. 

"Hey, can I make it up to you? Let me take you to Honeydukes this weekend yeah? Like old times" He says and I nod. 

"I'd love that," I say smiling. 

The weekend came fast and soon it was just James and me. We are walking and talking. I'm laughing at something James said when he suddenly stops and holds my hand. 

"Hey, Y/n can I tell you something?" He asks and I nod holding my breath. "I know this has the potential to ruin our friendship but I like you a lot, truthfully the only reason I went after Lily in the first place was so I could get you off my mind but that didn't work. I just thought you should know" He says. I smile and look him in the eyes. 

"I-I like you too James have since forever actually," I say and he grins wildly and takes my face in his hands. 

"Can I kiss you?" He asks and I nod rapidly. He collides his lips with mine and soon we are engaging in a much-needed kiss. We separate and both smile. "Be my girlfriend?" He asks. 

"I'd love that can I also get that sweater back it's comfortable," I say and he laughs nodding. 

"Of course love," He says smiling. 

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