💚I Wish I Were Her: Severus X Reader

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Your information-

House: Slytherin

Blood status: Halfbood

Happens: During Hogwarts

Warnings: Fighting, Cursing

Posted on: 02/05/2023

I'm walking around looking for my friends. I spot one and run over to him.

"Severus! How are you?" I ask and he shushes me. I look at him confused and see him looking at something.  I follow what he is looking at and see he is looking at Lily talking to James Potter. I grumble on the inside and look at his face. He looks sad, which irritates me even more. I sigh and go to walk past Severus towards the two when Sev grabs my arm. I look back at him and he shakes his head. I take my arm out of his grasp and look back to the two Gryffindors. I look at Sev and he sighs and motions me to go ahead.

"Lily! Hey, how are you?" I asked walking up to my friend and Potter.

"Oh, Y/n hello! I'm doing good how are you?" Lily asks and I smile.

"I'm dandy, Hey, want to hang out with Sev and me?" I ask and Lily looks at me, then at James, then back at me.

"Oh, sure! I'd love to catch up with you two" Lily says and I smile.

"Wonderful, let's go! Sev is this way" I say dragging Lily behind me away from Potter. I hear James scoff and I look back smirking at him. He looks at me angrily and then walks off looking irritated. We walk up to Sev and I smile at him. "Come on let's go sit under that tree," I say and my two friends nod. We walk up to the tree in the courtyard and all sit and talk. Sev is as close to Lily as possible. I push my jealousy down and continue the conversation with them. "Well I best be going I need to study, I'll talk to you guys later!" I say getting up and looking at Sev winking.

"Oh see ya Y/n!" Lily says.

"See ya in the common room Y/n," Sev says and I nod walking to the library. As I am walking I feel someone tug on my shoulder. I turn around to see James Potter. I scowl and roll my eyes.

"What can I do for you, Potter?" I ask turning and walking again.

"What is your problem with me? I've done nothing to you," James says walking next to me and I scuff.

"Oh you have done plenty," I say and James looks to the side at me.

"Like what?" James asks and I look at him stopping in my tracks.

"How about being arrogant and thinking you deserve everything you want? How about being rude and a bully to my best friend? How about almost getting my best friend killed? Or better yet, how about trying to split up a friendship that's been a thing since childhood? All because you find one of us intriguing. I almost wanna say you are doing it on purpose so Sev can't have her, I mean I wouldn't put it past you" I say irritated.

"I am not arrogant, and for your information, I am completely and utterly in love with Lily Evans! Also, that prank wasn't my doing it was Sirius who did that. Lastly, I am not trying to tear you guys apart I am only trying to date Lily." James retaliates back.

"You're still a big bully. Now if you excuse me I will be making my leave" I say as I walk into the library. Time passes and soon testing comes. During a break, everyone walks out. I am last out and by the time I make it to the tree, I see a crowd gathered around something. I push my way to see Severus upside down. I stare in shock until I look over to see Lily trying not to laugh and scolding James Potter. I roll my eyes and point my wand at James.

"Expeliarmous" I shout and Jame's wand flies out of his hand causing Severus to fall but he catches himself.

"JAMES POTTER!" I yell marching over to him picking his wand up in the process. James looks over at me and he smiles.

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