🖤Surprise: Fred X Reader

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Your information-

House: N/A

Blood status: N/A

Happens: In an AU with no magic

Warnings: sadness but a happy ending 

Posted on: 08/21/2022

I walk along the school hallways my face gloomy. As I walk I avoid people and try to keep the tears from falling. I'm walking past a hall when I hear someone say my boyfriend and I's name.

"Hey Fred, have you seen Y/n today?" the person asks and I freeze on the other side of the hall. 'Oh no please don't tell him please' I think as I listen to them talk more.

"No why what's wrong with my girlfriend?" Fred asks and I silently beg the universe to not say the next line I think the person will say.

"Oh well, she looks really sad today and is avoiding people a lot. You might want to check on her" The other person explains.

'Shit' I think as I turn and start walking away.

"Thanks for letting me know, I'm going to go find her now" I hear Fred say and I try to quicken my pace. Suddenly I hear Fred's voice.

"Y/n! Love wait up," Fred says and I can't help but stop for him.

"Hey Angelina told me you look sad today is everything okay?" Fred asks and I nod not looking at him and not trusting my voice. "Y/n look at me please," Fred says and I shake my head, tears now falling. "Y/n did I do something?" Fred asks and I shake my head aggressively to get the point across he did nothing. "Then why won't you look or talk to me?" Fred asks and I let out a shaky sigh and turn around to look at him.

"I-It's not you at all, I p-promise" I stutter out and Fred immediately takes me into his arms.

"Love oh my god what's wrong?" Fred asks and I cry harder into his chest.

"Freddy I'm moving to another country, I don't want to go but Dad said I have no choice but to go with," I say balling into his chest my legs feeling like jelly.

"Hey, love it'll be okay I promise we will stay in contact and I'll visit you when I get the shop opened, or you can move back after graduation, I promise you we will get through this," Fred says looking at me with reassurance. I nod and sniffle hugging him tightly.


It's the day I leave and Fred, George, and their whole family have come to see me off. I smile with tears in my eyes as I hug every one of them.

"We will miss you but this isn't goodbye at all," Molly says and I smile sadly.

"It's merely a see you later," I say and she nods and hugs me. I then go to Fred and he looks at me with a reassuring smile.

"I will see you in a few years I know it," He says and I nod giving him a hug and kiss before walking to the car and getting in.

"Are you ready Y/n?" My dad asks and I sigh.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I say, he nods and starts the car I roll down my window and Wave goodbye to the people who were my second family. We soon pass their house and I wave goodbye to my second home. Rolling up the window I sigh and put my earbuds in. The drive to the airport is usually short but it felt like it took days this time. Once we board and take off I finally let the tears fall.

"See you later Weasleys," I whisper to myself with a sad smile on my face.


*3 Years Later*

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