🧡The Love of My Life: George X Reader

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Your information-

House: Gryffindor

Blood status: Half-Blood

Happens: After Hogwarts

Warnings: Hospitals, Injury, Angst

Posted on: 08/02/2021

George's POV-

I run after her as she's rushed into St Mungo's and taken into a back room. I'm held back by someone, I try to tear out of their grip but I'm too weak. 

"It's going to be okay mate she's going to be fine" I hear Fred say and I break down into tears falling to the floor. 'Y/n why did you have to push him, he's my brother but I can't lose you either,' I think as I get up and sit in a chair. 

It feels like days have passed when it's just been a few hours. Finally, a Doctor walks in asking for her family and we all stand up.

"We are the closest thing she has," I explain and he nods. 

"Well she is stable and alive, if she got here any later she wouldn't have made it. You got very lucky. She is currently asleep. We aren't sure when she'll wake up" The doctor explains and we all nod and follow him to the room. We walk in and I see my best friend and love laying there lifeless but the color on her face is a drastic difference from the pale face she had before. I smile sadly and sit beside her. I take her hand and gently hold it. Her wounds are now scars and her bruises are now healed. 

I try to visit her every day but sometimes life gets in the way. Soon my visits get more spaced and eventually they stop completely. She is gone, I have to accept that.

"It's been exactly a year since the war and Y/n got hurt. I should visit her for old times' sake." I say to myself as I get up from my desk in the back of the store and head to the hospital. I walk in and ask to visit her only to learn she is no longer a patient. "Did she get discharged?" I ask and the lady nods. "Thank you," I say before running out of the hospital. I go to her apartment and knock on the door hoping she's there. 

"One moment" I hear her voice and my breath hitches. 'She's awake and alive,' I think just as the door opens. 

"Can I help you?" she asks confusion in her voice. I look over to the girl I love and smile. 

"Hi," I say and she smiles herself. 

"Hello, how can I help you, sir?" She asks and confusion hits me hard. 

"You don't recognize me?" I ask and she shakes her head. 

"I'm sorry am I supposed to? The doctors said I'd have some memory problems, although your voice does sound familiar that's all." She says and I nod. 

"It's okay I was just coming to wish you well and to see you were okay," I say and she smiles. 

"Well thank you! That's very lovely of you." She says and I smile sadly at her. 

"I best be going now but if you ever want to see me again I run a shop in Diagon Alley the address is 93 Diagon Alley it's the bright orange building you can't miss it," I say and she nods. 

"Thank you, uh, I never caught your name." She says. 

"Oh don't worry about it," I say before I apparate away. I end up in the flat above the shop and go to my room throwing myself on the bed, crying. 

"She's here but she's gone," I say to myself. 

-Y/n POV-

After my encounter with the guy I got a headache so I went to lie down. 

"Watch out!" I screamed pushing him out of the way as the wall came crumbling down. 

"Y/n!" I hear get called as I try to scream out a name my lungs are filled with dust and dirt. The world goes black just as light is brought into my view. 

I wake up with a jolt panting heavily. 'What was that?' I think as I go to my journal and start to write down my dream before I forget it. 

A few months have passed and I'm currently in the hall closet of my apartment looking for something when I come across a box labeled 'Memories' I look at it while taking it down. I go to sit on the couch forgetting what I needed before and open the brightly colored box. "Wonder what's in this," I say to myself as I open the box to reveal photo albums. I pick up the one from my school years and start to flip through it. I see tons of faces most I don't recognize. I see two consistent faces throughout the book a pair of twins. In the end, I see the guy who came to my house a few months ago, with a signed picture saying "To Y/n I love you, George" My head starts to hurt as memories start to flash before my eyes. Then suddenly the world goes black. 

I wake up and check the time and see it's 3 pm "I've been out for 3 hours? Geez," I think as I get up the photo album slipping off my lap. "George!" I say as I grab my wand and apparate to the front of Diagon Alley. I make my way to the shop and swiftly walk in. Only to see George Weasley flirting with a lady at the register. 'I should've expected this he couldn't wait forever,' I think as tears well up in my eyes and I swiftly make my exit from the shop. I run down the street of Diagon Alley hoping I don't run into someone when suddenly arms wrap around me and I'm stopped. I let out a scream and thrash around until I hear George's voice. 

"Hey Y/n calm down, it's just me. You weren't stopping so I had to stop you somehow" he says and I calm down instantly. He puts me down and I turn around to face him. "Now you came into the store but suddenly left what was wrong what were you looking for?" He asks. I let out a chuckle and looked down. 

"It's stupid," I say and he shakes his head. 

"Nothing you need is stupid," He says lifting my head to look at him. 

"I was looking for you," I say looking to the side. He looks at me quizzically.

"Why?" He asks and I smile a sad smile. 

"It's dumb, I thought you'd wait for me, Wait for me to get better wait for me to remember, but I realize that was a selfish, unrealistic want," I say kicking a rock to the side. "Wait what?" He says sounding astonished. "I'm sorry Georgie, I'll miss you," I say before going to walk away. I'm not even a foot away when my arm is grabbed back. I look at the man I love to see tears in his eyes and a smile on his face. 

"You- you remember me?" He asks and I nod sadly. 

"I found the photo album we made when I graduated from Hogwarts and the last photo with your name jogged my memory. I came here to see you but seeing you flirting with another girl killed me so I ran out. Of course, you ran after me, and now here we are," I say looking at him with no energy left. My heart shattered. His smile goes wider and suddenly I'm engulfed in a hug and spun around. 

"Georgie, what are you doing?" I ask while laughing and his smile gets even wider somehow. 

"Merlin I missed you so much Y/n, you have no idea how much I missed you or how much I wanted to do this!" He says as he puts me down. I go to ask what when suddenly his lips are on mine. I kiss back instantly and my hands find their way to his neck. His hands rest on my hips. We pull away reluctantly and look into each other's eyes. 

"I never moved on I was trying to but you are still the first thing I think about and the last thing to leave my mind." He says and I smile. 

"The love of my life," I say to him. 

"The love of my life," He says back. 

"I love you," we both say at the same time then laugh. 

"Come on Fred will be delighted to see you," He says and I smile grabbing his hand and walking toward the store.


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