🖤Popstar: Charlie X Reader

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Your information-

House: N/A

Blood status: Muggle

Happens: No Voldy, Starts when you are sixteen then jumps to adulthood, also phones are a thing in this.

Warnings: Fluff

Posted on: 08/14/2024

I stand on the stage looking at everyone in the crowd. My nerves were everywhere and I was starting to doubt my ability to do this.

"Hello! What is your name and how old are you?" one of the judges asks.

"Um, Y/n L/n, and I am sixteen years old," I say into the mic I had in front of me. I clutched onto my guitar tightly.

"Welcome Y/n, I am going to take a wild guess and say you are going to sing for us today?" A second judge asks.

"Yes, that is the plan," I say getting more comfortable as I talk.

"What made you want to audition for the show?" The third judge asks.

"Well, I had a twin sister who I was very close to. She got sick at thirteen. She always begged me to sing for her, saying I had the best voice on the planet. She got better a year later, only to get sick again on our fifteenth birthday. She passed away a month and a half ago. Her only wish was for me to share my voice with the world so, here I am," I say smiling sadly and holding back tears.

"Oh my, I am so sorry for your loss," the first  Judge says.

"Thank you," I say.

"Well, you start when you are ready, and good luck," The most critical judge says. I nod and clear my throat. I take a deep breath smiling at the ceiling.

"This is for you T/n," I say before I start singing and playing my guitar.


I just finished singing and suddenly everyone stood up clapping and giving me a standing ovation. Even the most critical Judge was standing and clapping. tears were in everyone's eyes. I smile wide and look out to the crowd. The crowd calms down and the Judges all look at each other.

"I say we let our actions speak for themselves," The most critical judge says. The judges all nod and together they all press a button on the table. Suddenly gold confetti falls. I stand there arms out smiling up at the golden confetti that falls. My Mom, younger sister, and the show's host ran out to greet me.

"Y/n, you are going straight to the live shows! How are you feeling?" The show's host asks.

"I feel amazing! Thank you!" I say smiling. I walk off with my mom and sister in tow.

"You did phenomenal Y/n, I am so proud of you," My mom says and I smile.

"Thank you, Mama," I say with a smile.

"T/n would be proud," S/n says.

"I hope you're right," I say looking down at my little sister.

"Now, I say we go get food to celebrate," My Mom says and I nod.

"Okay," I say taking a deep breath and walking. 

The live shows came fast and I stood in front of the live audience nervous and slightly scared. I decided to dress in an F/c suit and styled my H/l H/c hair out of my face. Nerves erupted in my stomach when my name was announced. I walk onto the stage and take a deep breath before the music starts and I start singing. I end up winning the competition by a landslide. I cheered and hugged my little sister tightly.

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