Profile Edited 7/15/2021

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Edited 7/15/2021


Name: Kang Minju (캉 민주)

Age: 16

Nationality: Korean

Birthday: September 22

Star sign: Virgo

Sex: Genderfluid (Female at birth)

Pronouns: She/They/He (any pronouns)

Sexuality: Pansexual but is still figuring it out until they find out that they're Bisexual (They'll eventually recome out to the people that they told that they were pan.)

Height: 165cm (5.4 ft)

Eye color: Brown

Hair color: Black

Voice Actor: Miyuki Sawashiro

Race: Human

Birth Place: Inchon, Korea

Family: Unnamed Mother (alive) and Unnamed Father (alive).

Place of birth: Earth

Current location: Twisted Wonderland


Dorm: Ramshackle

Year: 1st-year Freshman

Class: 1-A

Student No. 9


- Student

- Prefect

Club: None

Best Subject: Arts and Crafts

Dominate Hand: Left-Handed

Favorite Foods: Kimchee or anything that is traditional in Korean culture

Least Favorite Food: Fish (though there is a lot of fish dishes in Korean foods Minji just doesn't like it)

Likes: Crafting (Making things in general), reading, writing, k-pop (and other music genres), anime, Martial Arts (taekwondo), learning more about the LGBTQ meanings, and the different sexualities and genders.

Dislikes: When there is no food, having no supplies to do crafting, though being gender fluid they don't really like changing clothes every time they change genders so they just stick with the clothes their wearing and just changed the pronoun pin (or whatever their wearing that indicates what gender they are).

Hobbies: Arts and Crafts (drawing, painting, crocheting, making jewelry, etc...), reading, dancing to k-pop songs, watching anime, and taekwondo, listening to music (kpop, jpop, cpop, game music, Olivia Rodrigo, Katy Perry, etc...).

Strength/Skill: Fast learner, great at helping, deep thinker, quick-witted, kind, caring, and friendly (for most of the time), bilingual (Korean, English).

Flaws: Gets annoyed easily, easy to anger, self-absorbed, clumsy, stubborn, gets bored easily when they find something they enjoy they get so absorbed that they forget to do the important things.

Appearance: Minju has brown eyes and has long black hair but ever since they found out that they are genderfluid they kept their long hair but got an undercut. Their school uniform is similar to what the others wear. When they are a female they wear a skirt and when they are a male they will wear pants (reference picture at the top) but they don't really like changing their outfit every hour so they just change whatever they are wearing that indicates their gender. When female, they would keep their hair down, but when male, they will bring it up to a low bun showing the undercut. When they are all genders or none of the genders they will wear whatever because they don't care, they usually care about comfort than gender expression. Most of the time you will see them either wearing a pronoun pin, necklace, bracelet, or earrings.

(For most of the story this is how they would normally dress depending on their gender but they might not be wearing the same thing because clothing does not have gender)


Minju is a pretty chill person, they are usually really kind, caring, and friendly (for most of the time) but they are hard to approach due to their mean aura. When Minju is pissed they don't really show it but they are angry or annoyed on the inside. When they do show their emotions they will talk back and because they are bilingual they will switch languages in any situation when they are angered, annoyed, happy, sad, etc... If you are not on their bad side they are usually really kind and helpful. Minju is the type of person that doesn't get scared easily, they tend to scare people but they are really clumsy so they get bruised without knowing or they would fall/trip on accident.


Minju is an only child and was born a female. Their father is a pilot and their mother is a cabin crew so they weren't in Minju's life for most of it. When they were with Minju they would be together as much as they could and catch up. Their father would play with Minju doing things like crafting and he would just listen to them in general. Their mother would tell them what they did at work and she would tell them scary stories.

Minju didn't really care about education, at school they would do the bare minimum just enough to pass. They studied the English language and were able to learn it pretty quickly due to them being fast learners. They also did some taekwondo to protect themselves. Ever since they were little they were very independent due to their parents being at work a lot. Due to both of their parents being out due to work they have a lot of freedom so at an early age they learned about LGBT that interested them which ended up in them finding out their gender and sexuality. They became really creative to help the void without their parents, they tried out a lot of different things like drawing and crocheting. Both were really fun for them and they would make them so they had something to do.


- Minju is based on the author (me), and my imagination. I have had this idea for a long time ever since I found out about the game and watched some gameplays. Though Minju is based on me, we are different. I just took some of my traits, gave them to the character, and changed it up a bit.

- They were really good at taekwondo and got up to black belt but quit after they got there and every once in a while they would practice so they don't forget.

- They found out about kpop and other types of music in kindergarten.

- They found out about anime in middle school (5th and 6th grade).

- Minju has made over 50 crochet projects like dolls, clothing, etc...

(A/N: The image of Kang Minju is not drawn, it was generated online. The next part will have images from Pinterest that reference things that Minju will look like so it is easier for you the reader to imagine.)

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