Minju's Thoughts

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(A/N: Minju's thoughts will be about what was going on in Minju's mind at random times during the last story. You'll see this mostly after dorm stories and events. The reason for this is because if I add their thoughts in the story it would look out of place so I should at least put them somewhere. I might not do this so you will see this once in a while. Enjoy the chaotic mess called Minju's thoughts. Please also give me constructive criticism so then it will be easier for you the reader to read.)


First transported to Twisted Wonderland in the coffin and after they got out.

Did I get isekai'd!? Wait no that can't happen I was dragged into the mirror so that doesn't mean I'm dead. Where am I though? That doesn't matter right now, where did my pronoun bracelets go? *searches pockets* Cool my clothes are different wait that doesn't matter right now. *found bracelets* there they are now I won't have to ake anything for a while, wait what if I want to make something how'll I do that. Never mind that right now but about my anime's I haven't finished half of them wait I wanted to watch the new anime's that were coming out soon. I also want to listen to music I don't think I would be able to do that, but I really want to listen to up-and-coming songs *sad face* :(.

When Minju and Crowley were talking for the first time.

Who's this dude, and why are you draping your jacket!? Shouldn't you wear jackets? Never mind that but how will I make things here, I want to crochet, I want to make more pronoun stuff. I don't get paid, I don't have a job to make money, how will I buy supplies. *Insert sad face :(* What'll I do to make stuff *thinking face* if I do stay here though I'm magicless and I'm able to make friends here I might be able to ask them for stuff. That's what I'll do though I don't like talking to people and I can't start a conversation.

In the Mirror Room during the entrance ceremony. From when Minju entered and when the students left to their assigned dormitory... 

Woah what's with all these dudes they're all pretty. How do you look like that, they're so pretty and buff. (When the students were leaving) Oh my god, that person with the pink highlights I need to ask for their pronouns. I love the goth aesthetic they would look so good in a lace dress.

For reference.

Something like this or

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Something like this or...

Something like this or

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First time in Ramshackle Dorm.

I can't wait to fix this place up, because I'm the only one here, for now, I'll be able to store my non-existing projects. There is a lot of wood so if I fix everything up there should be leftovers. (Minju has also worked with wood and made things like a table.) What should I make with the leftovers a sword, maybe a container, or some other weapon thing? If I made a sword would Crowley be ok with it maybe not?

Meeting the ghosts.

The ghosts are so cute. I want to be their friend but talking it hard, what to do, let's just hope that they talk to me first that would be way easier. What if I make a little doll that they can go inside of and move around if, that would be so cool if it works. F*ck Gerim started a fight might as well go along with it.

Getting ready and cleaning at Main Street.

Dang even though I'm genderfluid why is it so hard, there are only 2 choices of clothing pants and a skirt but what to wear. I'll go with the skirt I want to be different from the students but being different means looks Nah it's fine I'll go with the skirt their going to be looking at me anyways after what happened at the ceremony might as well own up to it. (At Main Street) F*ck I shouldn't have done that people are looking at me. Well, I should start cleaning. Why is this street so long?

When Ace and Grim started fighting.

Let's get this over with I should go a bit easy on them I mean their idiots I shouldn't help them in losing brain cells. F*ck I lost it, oh well sucks for them there going to be in big trouble. These people there, I should tell them to leave... Well, they're definitely leaving I shouldn't have yelled at them.

When we bumped into Deuce.

Ok so after we find Ace we need to make him finish cleaning the windows. F*ck who did I bump into oh it's another one with face paint let me guess he's also an idiot. Meh, it's fine they can help me. Though he was confused he helped, even though Grim ended up running. We also caught Grim but the IDIOT didn't listen!

Fighting the monster.

It's been a while since I kicked this much it would have been easier if I have my sword or even my nunchucks. I'm kicking in a skirt I don't care but why I want to be wearing my taekwondo uniform those are way comfortable. This skirt is so annoying I want to take it off it's getting in the way. I'm tired I haven't moved my body like this in years. I should start running in the morning.

Talking to Crowley about the monster.

This is going on forever I'm going to end up going to sleep. Wait maybe if I yell at him we might finish early that's not a good idea but it's worth a shot. IT WORKED!!! Ok shower time, let's sleep naked, but what if someone comes. It's probably fine but let's wear a bra and shorts just in case. Sleep just what I neede-- *sleeping sounds*

(Thanks for reading, the next update will be a coming out to the Ace and Deuce + Grim. I will include a coming-out episode after every "Minju's Thought". Both of these will be after the main stories so stay tuned. ╰(*°▽°*)╯ )

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