Coming out to the ADeuce combo

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So I've been hanging out with Ace and Deuce for a while and I don't want them to be confused about my gender, though they're probably going to question my sexuality more. Even though they're idiots they'll probably understand. Duce would be accepting but I feel like Ace would be the homophobic homo. Now that I think about it I haven't really told Grim either well it's fine I'll tell them all together. Wait should I practice on Grim because he's around the same level of idiocy but it is easier to come out at once so then I won't have to tell them at once. Ok, I made my mind up, I'll tell them all together. Ok time to put on my She/her bracelet.

(Note that this is around the time when Minju is going to class along with the duo.)

Beginning of class.

"Hey Deuce, Ace I have to tell you something after class finishes, let's meet at the Ramshackle, kay?"

"Sure, can't you tell us now?" asked Deuce.

"I'm fine with it," said Ace.

"No, I can't tell you now I prefer if it's more private, not that you care," Minju said as they glared at Ace.

After classes finish.

In Ramshackle.

"Ok so have a seat. Do you want water?"

"No," said Ace.

"Sure," said Deuce

"Oh yeah, Grim can you also sit next to them."

Minju went to get Deuce's water.

"What do you think they're going to tell us?" said Deuce.

"I don't know," said Ace.

"I hope it's tuna-related," said Grim.

"Ok, I'm back, Here's your water."

"Thanks," said Deuce.

"Ok so I want to tell you is that I'm gender fluid."

"Could you explain?" said Deuce.

"Being gender fluid is a gender identity refers to a gender which varies over time. A genderfluid person's identity may change constantly, so it's always best to ask what they are in that moment. For example, they can wake up a girl but suddenly feel like a boy. The change between the genders varies from time to time it can be every day or take months. For me personally, I change gender constantly. But my pronouns are She/They/He, you can use them all or any but try and match what gender I am because that is more comfortable for me."

"Oh, ok I somewhat understand but what are pronouns?" asked Grim.

"Pronouns most often are used when referring to someone without using their name. Learning about this is a bit confusing because of the amount of information but the research always helps. Do you guys understand?"

"Cool," said Ace.

"I support you," said Deuce.

"I don't really understand," said Grim.

"I'll explain it to you better later."


"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that I'm Pansexual."

"YOU LIKE PANS????!!!" said Ace.

"YOU'RE ATTRACTED TO PANS?????!!!!" said Deuce.

"YOU LIKE WHAT????!!!!" said Grim.

After a little bonk on the boy's heads.

"NO, I AM NOT ATTRACTED TO PANS!!! Being pansexual means that people who identify as pansexual can feel an attraction to anyone, including individuals who do not identify as a specific gender. Pansexual people may describe their attraction as focusing on personality rather than gender. Do you understand?"

"Oh so you don't look at gender and you look at their personality," said Deuce.

"And for a second I thought you liked pans," said Ace as I slapped him for being dumb.

"I still don't get it," said Grim.

"It's fine this topic is a bit confusing anyway, I'll teach you more as we go on."

"Minju your a really good-ish friend so we support you," Deuce said as he nudged Ace to follow along.

"Yeah, we support you." Ace said

"I support you as long as you give me tuna," said Grim.

"Hey, Grim are you getting a bit too comfortable you do know what I can do right?" I told Grim as he shrunk in fear. "Haha just kidding, Hug?"

Grim was the first to come in then Deuce following along with Ace.

"Hey Minju what are the thing that are attached to your chest," Grim said.

"Oh, they're my tits, I was born a female though I may be changing genders my body won't change unless they're cut off but I don't really care, luckily for me I have small-ish tits."

The group hug finished as Ace was the first to get off and Grim was the last.

"Thanks for accepting me. Ok so now that we're done with the emotional stuff, you three idiots are going to be studying until your brain grows, and don't you dare try to run I will hurt you."

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