Episode 2-2

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(A/N: This first part is going to be the dorm heads talking so if you don't want to read you can skip to the next video.)

"Now then, I would like to begin the Prefects' meeting in relation to the Magical Shift Tournament that will take place in October. Firstly, Prefect Ashengrotto of Octavinelle has an announcement as the President of the Magical Shift Management Committee," said Crowley.

"I am Azul Ashengrotto of the Management Committee. A pleasure to be here with you all today. Now then, I would like to talk about the pop-up stalls that will be positioned around the Colosseum. All slots for outside business and club businesses have been filled."

"Oh, that's nice! Looks like it's gonna be bustling!" said Kalim.

"All the invitations for each nation's royal families have also been sent. The ticket-selling for the masses is proceeding smoothly as well. And just like every year, the television crews that will be helping with the broadcast have all been arranged as well."

"The whole world will be watching, after all, ~ Before I became a student here, I was always excited about receiving the invitation for the tournament~ Ah, you're a royal too so you got invitations, right, Leona~? We've passed by each other in the stadium a lot when we were kids, remember~?" said Kalim.

"Dunno... And don't care," said Leona.

"I have to perfect the ultra-vision supported base make-up for this year's tournament. It is a very physical sport, so I need to fix my make-up a lot," said Vil.

"(sighs) Only Pomefiore will go as far as to ask for a time-out just to fix their make-up," said Riddle.

"Why's everyone so gung-ho about showing their faces for a competition? Just thinking about it's enough to make me puke..." said Iida through a screen.

"Ahem! Everyone, please keep quiet," said Azul.

"Ah, sorry 'bout that~," said Kalim.

"Each dorm should submit a file of all their registered players for the tournament. If you happen to be even one day late with the registration..." said Azul.

"You are, of course, disqualified, correct?" said Riddle.

"Oh, no. They will be subject to a separate charging fee. I guess you could call it a special fare for being late?"

"What–? Personally, I think that creating rules to exempt someone is not a good idea."

"Ahaha! I'd be grateful for it though~!" said Kalim.

"You boys, you're getting off-topic now. Now then, let's talk about the competition details... I have a proposal." said Crowley.

"Proposal?" said Riddle.

"For this tournament... I was thinking of having Diasomnia's Prefect, Malleus Draconia, become a member of the Hall of Fame so as he should only make a special appearance," said Crowley.

"Eh?!" said Kalim.

"What do you mean?" said Leona.

"Ever since Draconia entered the school, all the dorms that have competed against Diasomnia have faced utter defeat without even so much as scoring a point. They've always scored more than 100 points in any tournament. And 9% of those are scored by him alone."

"True. The last time we competed against them, we couldn't even lift a finger!" said Kalim.

"His talents totally disrupt the game's balance. It's kinda unfair," said Iida.

"This tournament is not merely made for amusement. The whole world will be paying attention in search of a talented new magician. Even more so, Diasomnia has managed to win every single competition without even displaying magic. I guess you could call it a desperate measure."

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