Episode 2-4

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"I'm sure you can take Malleus on if you play with your full potential, Prefect! I still remember the way you played three years ago. I...!" said Jack

"Don't speak as if you know anything about me! Play with all I've got? How stupid. No matter how much effort I put in, nothing will change. Get out now if you still want to see the light of day." said Leona as Jack left.

"That guy's gonna be a problem. Should I do him in next?" said Ruggie.

"No, don't. Even if he tells Crowley about it, he doesn't have any proof. It would be difficult for us without his skills. Just watch what he'll do closely for now."


"Tch... That 1st-year brat talks like Big Bro..."



It's the next part of the Lion King story.

"The earth will rumble and a new era will begin," said Scar.

"And what about us hyenas?"

"Listen to me first. We will kill Simba together with his father. And then I will be the King!"

"All hail the King!"

"All hail the King!" said the rest of the hyenas.

"Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared. Be prepared!"

"What a half*ssed story they didn't even finish it," Minju said, thank god I told the ghost not to wake me up for the next days I would have died if I did my running.

"Oh, you're awake, Minju! Breakfast is already starting, come on!"

"Shut up, you can get a head start I have to take care of something."

Walking down Main Street.

"Did you go out somewhere last night? I didn't see you in bed when I woke up to go to the bathroom."

"I went to the bathroom, then went outside oh yeah I met this dude with horns," Minju said as they started to explain everything.

"You met a strange guy with horns on his head? What was his name?"

"He insisted that he wasn't going to give me his name so he said that I could call him whatever," Minju said. He has horns so horny- no that's defiantly not a good name. "Grim help me I can't think."

"Hm, then... How about "Tsuno-tarou"?"

"Cute I like it."

"We might run into him if he's a student here. If we do, you better introduce me, too, got it? I've never seen a guy with horns on his head!"

"Mornin', mornin' Minju-chan~"

"Your tie is crooked, you know? Rule-breaking starts with unruly clothes. Your dorm-mates will not follow you if you so much look improper. Though, your dorm only has one other student... Alright, that should do it."

"Hun. Thank's but I don't have any students yet and I don't want to do anything right now, I'm in pain. I know I usually say I want to sleep but I right now want to rip out my uterus."

"U-um ok."

"Ace and Deuce aren't with you?" said Grim.

"According to Rule #249 of the Queen of Hearts, the two of them are currently feeding the flamingos while wearing pink clothes. By the way, it seems like another person was injured last night."

"Wha–?! Really?!" 

"According to the information I have available, the injured student is a 2nd year from Scarabia Dorm. It's Jamil Viper-Kun. I heard that he got injured in the kitchen." Cater said.

Give Me a Break (Discontinued) ( A Twisted Wonderland x OC Story)Where stories live. Discover now