Episode 2-6

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"Haha! How do you like this, Ruggie? Does it hurt? Your mouth must be so dry that you can't laugh like you used to, huh!" said Leona.

"I... Ack..."

"This is bad! If we don't do something, Ruggie-senpai will...!" said Jack.

"Yeah die, so we have to stop him. I'm trying to think so give me a few seconds, oh and be careful he might overblot I can tell from looking at his situation." Minju said.

"Ok." They all said. They all questioned how they knew what would happen but accepted it.



"You're so powerful, so why resort to something like this!?" said Riddle.

"Why...? Does the reason even matter to you? Or what, are you saying you're going to comfort me? There are a lot of things in this world that we can never have no matter what effort we put into it. Look. Ruggie can't even struggle against me anymore. How pitiful, isn't he...?" Leona said while looking at Ruggie who is having trouble breathing.

"STOP ALREADY!! Unleashed Beast!"

"That's...!?" Riddle said as Jack growled in his wolf form.

"Wait that's so cute," Minju said "Sh*t I said that out loud, never mind me focus on Leona."

"What in the–!? Ah!!" said Leona.

"Leona's distracted! Off with your head!"


Ruggie was coughing on the floor.

"Nice one, Riddle-kun~! Leona-Kun's magic stopped, too!" said Cater.

"He's let go of Ruggie! Hurry, over here!" said Deuce.

"Sebek, let's go bring the others to safety,"

"Don't order me around, Silver!"

"Damn you...! A collar on a lion-like me!? Jack! Where did you obtain that kind of magic!?"

"Unleashed Beast... Transforming myself into a giant wolf is my unique magic!"

"Hah... You turn into an actual dog using magic? That's really unique!"

"Leona-senpai... I... I aimed to join this school because I looked up to you! Where did the guy I looked up to go!?"

"Here's the melodramatic scene," said Minju while watching.

"Who gave you the right to do that? Shut up..."

"I'm not one to talk, but I can't bear to look at you right now. Go into solitary for a while and cool off," said Riddle.

"What do you know...? Don't order me around like my older brother does..."

"A man like you suits a collar more than a crown. I am tired of hearing that the king of the Savannah is the lion," said Lilia.

Minju was watching on the sidelines waiting while walking around and accidentally bumping into a rock.


"Given your talents, I had always lamented the fact that you could never become king, however... You now live a life full of sloth and every time you betray someone's expectations, it is the other party that you find fault in. And you think you can become king with that attitude? Compared to our dignified king, Malleus, that is truly laughable. Even if you have defeated Lord Malleus if you do not rid yourself of your rotten heart...You can never become a true king!" said Lilia

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