Minju's Little Hobby

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Ever since the incidents, I had no time to take a break so I'll use the weekend to sleep and do something calming, Minju thought to themself. For the first few hours, Minju was sleeping until he was awakened by a knock. Slowly walking to the door trying to awaken from their slumber Minju saw Ace, Deuce, and Jack in the lounge.

"Hello, Goodbye," Minju said as they turned and went back to their room closing the door.

They followed Minju but weren't able to go into the room.

"Minju come on let's do something~," Ace said.

"We shouldn't have bothered them," Deuce said.

"Yeah, we should leave them alone," Jack said.

"Hell no," Ace said while barging into the room.

"Get out," Minju said while throwing a pillow."

"No, now get out were going to leave I'm bored so let's do something." Ace said while dragging Minju's blanket.

"Ace I think you should stop," Deuce said.

"You were bored so you dragged me here I'm leaving," Jack said.

"Thank you so could you guys also leave please I want to take a break honestly what's the point of taking a break if someone is going to disturb it. I'll join you later so you guys enjoy first."

"Fine fine, but you better join us." Ace said.

"Take your time," Deuce said.

"While you're at it Jack could you take Grim along I can't take care of anything right now, make sure they don't do anything dumb, if they do well that sucks I'll have to clean it up and we will have some broken bones so please watch them make sure they don't do anything,"


"What why Jack why not me." Ace said

"If you don't Iike it I'll walk to your dorm and ask Riddle to be your supervisor,"

"No thanks,"

"Now goodbye,"

"See ya," Ace said.

"See you later," Deuce and Jack said.

Minju went back to his bed and went to sleep for a few hours, after Minju woke up they thought, I don't really want to be around Ace and the others right now it's too hyper, I know, I'll ask Crowley for money I have wanted to crochet little dolls but I haven't been able to do it, oh and I should ask him for a gumdo (Gumdo (or Kumdo) is a Korean adaptation of the swords used in Japanese Kendo. Because Gumdo requires coordination more than athletic prowess, gumdo practice is often popular with older taekwondo students.) Let's see how much I can get out of him or I can ask Leona, I'll think about it as I get ready.

Minju got ready and left to go to Savanaclaw dorm. I'll go to Savanaclaw then Crowley because I would need permission for the gumdo if I ever get one, Minju thought.

At Savanaclaw.

"Hey, have you seen Leona?" Minju asked one of the passing students.

"U-um they are in the lounge ma'am."

"Thanks but if it's ok could you call me sir for now."


Walking to the lounge.

Where is it dang this place is confusing? Oh is that Ruggie-san.

"Ruggie-san could you take me to the lounge I kinda need to see Leona."

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