Episode 1-1

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"I'm finally back," Minju said as they took their clothes off to take a shower.

Grim went right to sleep. Minju put on a sports bra and some shorts and though she was about to sleep while standing they managed to get into bed. As they were sleeping they had a dream.....


(Minju is right now a Male with He/They pronouns)

"Hurry and paint the roses red. If we don't hurry, the flowers will wilt!" the card soldiers said.

"Hurry, hurry! There are still some that aren't painted!" said the Ace of Clubs.

Hey, it's Alice in Wonderland such a classic movie. Minju thought.

"Why are you painting the white roses red?" Alice said to the card soldiers.

"Huh?" said the soldiers.

"Why, you ask? Well, to tell you the truth, we made a mistake and accidentally planted white roses." said the two of cubs.

"The Queen loves red, so if she sees white, then it's off with our heads!" said the Ace of Cubs.

"Is that so?" said Alice.

"Yes, it is. That's exactly why we're painting them red." said the Three of Cubs.

After the dream finished Minju woke up. "F*ck where am I...... Oh, I forgot I got transferred into a different world and now I have to go to a school for magic-using idiots."

*Knock knock*

"Who has the audacity to knock on my door this early in the morning, I'll beat them up."

"(sleep-talking) Hey, Minju... Someone's at the door... What? Is it the Ghosts? They sure don't know when to give up, yanno..." said Grim.

"WHO IS KNOCKING AT MY DOOR, THIS EARLY IN THE MORNING!!!" Minju said in a crazy tone loud enough that the outside can hear.

"I-it's me, Ace... Can you let me in for a bit?"

"Ace? Why is he here at this hour...? Geh! What's with the collar?!?!" said Grim.

"Geez! I'm never returning to Heartslabyul. I'm gonna be a member of this dorm from here on!"


"That collar's the same kind as the one that red-haired upperclassman put on me during the opening ceremony. Why're you wearin' that?"

"I ate a tart."

Minju hit Ace in the head and said "You come here asking me to shelter you because you ate a F*CKING TART!!!"

"I got hungry, so I went to the dorm's kitchen. The tart was just sittin' right there inside the fridge. And like, three whole ones! That's why..."



In the Heartslabyul dorm kitchen.

"(sighs) It's only the first day and I'm so tired~ I missed dinner, so I'm very hungry. Wonder if there's anythin' in the fridge... Oh, found a tart! Looks delish~! There's a lot, so I'm not sure if I can finish it all ♪ Thanks for the food~ Whoa, what the heck?! It's so good!"

"Of course, it would be delicious. After all, anything that Trey makes is bound to be exquisite," said Riddle.

"Nah, man, this is something else! It's better than the ones at the shops... Wha– Prefect?!

Give Me a Break (Discontinued) ( A Twisted Wonderland x OC Story)Where stories live. Discover now