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For as long as I can remember my parents were pretty much absent in my life, they would practically work all day and come back for a few days just to go back to work. Though they went to work the time we spent together was precious all the time we would make something or all the times when my mom would tell me scary stories. I had a lot of freedom because of my parents being away from home a lot, I learned a lot of things that other kids won't usually learn at a young age. I learned things like how it is ok to like the same gender or being a different gender. As I learned more terms I learned that I wasn't my gender but all genders and I don't like the opposite gender but I like anyone it doesn't matter the gender. while by myself I would find myself watching and listening to more animes and music which helped me pass time. Other than watching anime and listening to kpop I really enjoy crafting making little trinkets helps me feel more fulfilled and less lonely.

Other than the things I did at home my education was different I don't usually try as hard as other people usually would I just need a passing grade then I'm fine. I studied the English language and was able to learn it pretty quickly because I was a fast learner. I also did some taekwondo to protect myself.

Starting here Minju is age 10

There's this one story my mom told me which was about a mirror it was not much of a scary story but it is one that was engraved into my memories. 

"Hey, Minju have you heard the story of the "Man in the Mirror?" Minju's mother asked

"No" I Replyed

"Then here I go, Once there was a man that was really in love with their reflection that all they would do is look at their reflection to the point that they would just sit there for everything they are doing. They would get off once in a while but they still have a mirror that they hold everywhere they go when they're away from their favorite mirror. One day when the man was looking at their reflection they saw that they were growing old and that they would become ugly, they were scared they didn't want to be old and ugly they wanted to stay young and beautiful forever. They ended up committing su1c1de with a piece of the mirror that was broken on the floor. The blood of the man seeped into their favorite mirror as their soul would go into the mirror and the man would bring the person that is using the mirror into the world he is in and they can never leave and the people on the outside of the mirror cannot see them or hear them." Minju's mother finished.

"What do you think?" she asked

"I liked it it was interesting, but why did he k1ll himself?" I asked

"People have their own reasons." Minju's mother replied as she was tucking Minju in bed. "Your father and I, we have to go to work for a few days a nanny will come to take care of you."

"But I can take care of myself just fine!" I said pouting

Minju's mother replied with "You still need adult supervision, See you soon honey, Bye, Love You"

"Love you, see you soon mom" I replied as I was slowly falling asleep.

Minju's 16th birthday (Sep 22)

On my 16th birthday, I was with my parents, I came out to them as being pansexual and genderfluid, after explaining what they mean, I was very lucky that my parents accepted me as who I was. The day after my birthday my parents had to leave for work, though I was a bit lonely I made a few bracelets with pronouns for myself and dressed up to make myself feel comfortable. As I walked to the mirror to see how I looked like I felt like a gush of wind dragging me into the mirror.

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