Coming out to Heartslabyul

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In the Heartslabyul lounge.

Minju, Grim, and the others were having some tea and cookies.

"I don't really care if the others hear but I have to tell you guys upfront because we've been through stuff. Ace and Deuce already knows so I just have to tell you guys. I have to tell you guys two things."

"Minju-chan what is it〜," said Cater.

"I would also like to know," said Riddle.

"So you guys know how I change my outfit to more male-like or female like you can say."

"Yes, it is one of your traits," Riddle said.

"Well, I'm genderfluid it's not something I try to hide though, personally I like making sure you guys know."

"We support you," said Trey.

"Yeah〜," said Cater.

"I have a general idea of what you mean but could you inform me more I wasn't really taught on the topic," said Riddle.

"Of course hun〜. Being gender fluid is a gender identity that refers to a gender that varies over time. A genderfluid person's identity may change constantly, so it's always best to ask what they are in that moment. For example, they can wake up a girl but suddenly feel like a boy. The change between the genders varies from time to time it can be every day or take months. For me personally, I change gender constantly. But my pronouns are She/They/He, you can use them all or any but try and match what gender I am because that is more comfortable for me. Pronouns most often are used when referring to someone without using their name. Learning about this is a bit confusing because of the amount of information but the research always helps."

Riddle was covering his face and trying to calm himself down. Trey was quiet.

"Wait!? You called Riddle hun?" Ace said.

"What is that about!?" Deuce said.

"There's something fishy going on," Grim said.

"Wait, Minju-chan why don't you call me hun?〜," Cater asked.

"Wait did I not tell you guys that when I'm comfortable with my friends I call them hun?" Minju said in a calm tone.

"No," Ace said.

"Wait are you not comfortable with us?" Deuce asked.

"Yeah I'm comfortable but you guys don't deserve being called hun, you guys are the dumb*ss trio. Ace is the dumb motherf*ucker, Duece is the smart but still a dumb*ss and Grim is just a pain in the *ss."

"Rude." Ace said.

"Thanks, I guess?" Deuce said.

"Nyhaa. Why am I a pain in the *ss."

"Because you're annoying,"

"No, I'm not!" Grim said.

"Ok moving on."

"What was the other thing?" Trey asked.

"Oh yeah. I'm pansexual and before you say anything I am not attracted to pans." Minju said while looking at the trio.

"Explanation please〜." Cater said.

"Being pansexual means that people who identify as pansexual can feel an attraction to anyone, including individuals who do not identify as a specific gender. Pansexual people may describe their attraction as focusing on personality rather than gender. Did I explain it well?"

"Yes and thank you for telling us this well keep it in mind," said Riddle barely holding himself together.

"Thanks for telling me〜, I'm going to take a picture says cheese."

"No thank you, I really don't like photos."

"Oh well, then I'll take one by myself〜."

"We all support you and if you want I can make you a tart."

"Sure but instead of a tart could we make a pie."

"Why not, which one?"

"Peacan tart, that's my favorite pie I don't really like the others."


"Now what should we do?" Minju asked.

"Let's finish our tea then start making the pie," said Riddle.

"Wait Riddle hun, you're going to help too?"


"I've never seen Riddle blush so much." Cater whispered to Trey.

"I know."

"Trey I don't know if we have all the supplies but let's make the pie, come on Riddle," Minju said while grabbing both of their arms and dragging them.

"Ok ok, we're coming," Trey said.

"Let's go," Minju said with a big smile.

"That was so cute I wish I took a picture〜." Cater said.

"Wait for me," Grim said. "I want to eat pie."

"I think we should go too," Deuce said.

"Sure why not." Ace said.

(A/N: I'm so sorry this was a short story I don't really know what else to add but I hope you enjoyed it.╰(*°▽°*)╯ )

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