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In this day of age, any person is only allowed to have one type of pokemon. The regions all became under one rule, including all undiscovered land, once it is discovered.

The type of pokemon you get is assigned at a young age, when you are 5. My quiz results came out as dark. I train dark types only. To me, it isn't fair, and you don't have a variety of pokemon.

That's why I joined Team Hope. These people actually try to do good for other people. I am a leading sectary, holding a high position. The leader is my brother, which is why I joined mostly, but also because I want to have more pokemon. We formed this team to get our pokemon families back.

My pokemon include of my partner, Absol, Houndoor, Weavile, and Taillow, the only pokemon not allowed for me. They are all my best friends. I wouldn't be able to live without them.

Another thing that you should probably know. I'm on the run from the government, because of my power. I can speak to pokemon telepathically. Any pokemon I can. It's what I am. The government wants me to study me- rewards as high as $10,000 are posted all over the world. Most people are afraid to take a stand. I'm not. And this is why...

"Daddy?" I ask, seeing my daddy sitting upon the window sill. My older brother, Mark, was with me. He was 13 at the time; I was 4. A few days from now I would take the test. Mark was a fire trainer.

"Darling. Bad people are coming. They are mad at me, and will take me away from you. Remember to stand up for what you believe in. I do want to tell you something though.

"The reason they're mad at me is because I have refused to give up my pokemon. You've known I break the rules by having more than one type, yes? When I was little, it wasn't a rule. You could have any type you wanted," Dad responds. Mark gasped, and I was confused. He continued.

"It's my dream to have more than one type again. After the war and the one government took over, it became a rule, so people couldn't catch just any pokemon. And you two have always wondered where your mom is, right? Well, she was taken by this government. They wanted to use her, because of her power. The power to talk to pokemon. They've used her, and I'm sad to say she isn't alive. I'm sorry I never told you." Mark let out a sob. I never really knew Mom. Daddy always said that she just disappeared one day and never came back.

"Guys, when I'm gone, please try to help my dream come true. Please. It would mean the world for me. But you don't have to. Live your life they way you want to. Mark, Sky, I love you. And, Sky, you have the same talent as your mother. Use it wisely."

A few days later, the day before the test, he was taken. That day, I changed. My point of view was shrouded in darkness, and it wasn't a surprise when I got dark type. They gave me an Absol and sent Mark and I to an unknown place with a random stranger. Now, Mark and I will get revenge for my mom and dad. And that is my story.

AN: Hi! I'm jessgrono, and this is my first fanfic. Don't hate on me yet...hope you enjoy!

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