Chapter 22

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"What is going on?" I shout. It felt like I was floating, and my eyes open slowly. I was in a vast world of whiteness, and even though it was blank, it was beautiful. I realize it's the same kind of blankness from my nightmares. "Hello?"

I tried to get a footing, to get my pokeballs, for Absol and the others. But my pokeballs were gone. I look at what I'm wearing. A dazzling light blue dress with diamond jewels lining the bottom. My feet were bare, and I was clean. Wasn't I just in an explosion?

 I try to move around, but it's as if something was restraining me. I felt no pain, no sores. Does this mean I'm...dead?

"Fear not, you aren't dead. Not yet, at least. The choice is up to you," a melodic voice says behind me. I turn myself around, face to face with a woman whose beauty matches her voice. She has light brown hair the color of mine, as well as soft, hazel eyes. A dress more amazing than mine is on the woman.

"Who are you?" I ask, pondering who this woman could be. I feel that I recognize her from somewhere.

"Skylar, you are in Arceas's domain right now. A choice has been given to you. You can either live on earth, or stay here," the woman says. A choice?

"But who are you?" I repeat myself. I know she's pretty and all, but I want to know who she is. I barely see two figures forming in the background, but I pay no attention.

"I am your mother, Skylar," she says.

I fall into a daze. This woman before me was my mom. She taken when I was born by the government, to see why she could talk to pokemon. My dad told me many years ago, 10 to exact. When I found out I had the power to speak to pokemon.

"Skylar, I am so proud of you. Ever since I was taken away, I have thought about you. I died, though, and now I watch you from Heaven. My beautiful baby, you've grown up so much since I last saw you."


"It's what happened, Sky. Your mother and I have been watching over you and Mark. We are very proud for what you did to change the world," someone says. Only one person in the world calls me Sky. And that person is my Dad.

Tears forming, vision blurring, I turn to see my father and Mark, standing, or more accurately floating, there, next to my mom.

"Skylar," Mark smiles.

"What's going on?" I shout, seeing my family whole again. I thought they said Mark died a few days ago...

"Skylar, you have a choice. To either stay here, up in Heaven, with us, or to stay in Earth and die later. To be with the one you love. To die with your friends, it's all up to you, sweetheart," Mom says, suddenly next to me and putting a hand on my shoulder. "It's all up to you."

"How do I choose? I want to stay with my family, but my friends need me!" I say, shaking my head. This is too much.

"Skylar, this is your only chance. None of us got it because we weren't worthy of a second chance. You, Skylar, are worthy. You only have a few minutes, Skylar."

"Just think of it this way; who can you go longer without? Your family or friends?" Dad says, smiling.

"So, will I ever see you again?" I ask, my mind almost made up.

"Yes, but it'll be for a while. But, we will see each other again. The 3 of us will always be in your heart, Skylar, darling," Mom says, kissing me on the forehead. I gently start floating away.

"Mommy! Daddy! Mark! I'll miss you! I won't forget about you, not for a minute! I love you!" I shout, tears threatening to start cascading down my face.

"We'll always be with you, Sky!" Dad calls.

"We'll see each other soon, Skylar!" Mark says. I start sobbing now, starting to regret my decision. But it was the choice I made. I float away in the great white abyss, not seeing my family anymore.

We'll always be with you, Skylar. Don't forget it, and keep up alive in your heart, my mom's voice says inside my head. Does this mean I can talk to mom? With the power?

I'm no longer in the white space. I smell burnt metal and feel heat, even though I'm in Snowpoint City, the coldest place on earth. I hear voices shouting.

"SKYLAR!" they shout.

I want to get up, to run to the voices, but I can't, my body not listening to my mind.  I can't even get my eyes open.

"There she is!" one of the voices shouts. It's Dawn, I can tell. I hear footsteps around me, people shaking me, but I just can't move, or talk, at all. Am I even breathing?

"Let's get this wood off of her!" another voice shouts. It's Lucas this time, and a heavy object was lifted off of me. People start shaking me again. I don't know why, but I can't move. Not even a finger twitch, or to roll my now cramping wrist. I struggled to move, to do anything, to tell my friends I was still alive.

It felt like hours my friends tried to wake me. Probably only a few minutes, though. I was wide awake, but my friends can't tell. I try calling out to Absol.

"Absol?" I mentally croak. I get no response, but then I remember.

"Arceas damnit, Skylar! Wake up already! You can't be dead!" I hear someone shout. This time it was Barry, the one who makes me battle all the time. The one who never beat me. I try to get up, try to give him a thumbs up, but I can't.

" can't be happening! Skylar, wake up already!" Dawn shouts, sobbing. I thought they said I wouldn't die. What is this?

"Skylar, wake up already! I can't live without you because... because...I kind of like you," Barry whispers the last part. As if the spell was broken, I can finally open my eyes. Right in my face is Barry, staring at me, blushing. Using all my strength, I punch him in the face, making him get off me.

"SKYLAR!" they all shout. In a second I'm engulfed my hugs and all hope to freedom is lost. I smile, hugging each of my friends back. I feel on my waist. The pokeballs are still there, and not damaged as well. I winced when Dawn hugged me a bit too tight.

"Sorry!" Dawn apologized. I held up my hand, accepting. Then, I turn to Barry.

"Barry,'t really know how to put it...but I kind of like you too?" I say, blushing furiously. Then Barry pulls me in for a hug even though I just punched him in the face.

"Ha! I was right! Now hand over the money, Lucas!" I hear Dawn laugh. I glare at Dawn and Lucas, which, as I just found out, had made a bet when we would confess our love for each other. I face palmed.

"Well, we should probably get you to a hospital or something...I mean, you're covered in burns, cuts, and bruises. And you're bleeding. A lot.

My friends help me up, guiding me while I limp. The papers in my pockets, crumbled up and maybe torn, I think I would call this mission successful.

You're welcome, every stinkin' person and pokemon in this world, for I just saved your butts.

I'm so glad I accepted these people's company. Best choice I made in my life.

AN: AND...the end! of course, I'll have the epilogue and stuff, but really, when I meant this chapter would be out soon, I posted it 10 or less minutes later.

Thanks for reading The story of Team Hope!


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