Chapter 15

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"This is it, the final route before Snowpoint!" Barry shouts, walking forward. I'm very good at hiding my feelings, it seems. I try to act cheerful, even though I'm crying inside.

Yesterday, I lost the only family I had left. My pokemon were heartbroken when I told them(of course, Absol already knew). For the rest of my life, I'm probably going to be on the run, just me and my pokemon. At least I have them, and I will finish the mission before going into hiding.

"No, idiot, we still have 3 routes to cross, as well as Mt. Coronet!" Lucas sighs. I sigh, shaking my head.

"Well, once we get over Mt. Coronet, we have to go through snow and whatnot, then cross Acuity Lake. It can take up to 2 days just to get past this Route, not to mention over Mt. Coronet and through the 2 snow covered routes. About a week I a half, minimum," Dawn blabs. Wow, that long just to get to Snowpoint, plus with no pokemon center or warm shelters? Jeez, I'm going to die out there.

Absol nudges my foot, pretty hard too, and almost trips me. I glare at Absol while he cracks up.

"Haha! The look on your face, Skylar!" he chants. I mentally face palm, rolling my eyes and wrist.

"Everyone have potions and stuff. Ice heals are very important. This is our last chance to go back before we venture into the cold outdoors," Lucas shouts, ahead of all of us. I shake my head; I made sure I had plenty of potions and ice heals before we left.

"Uh...where are they?" Barry shouts. We all roll our eyes as he dashes back to the pokemart to get potions and ice heals. He would forget something like that, as I've learned in the past weeks. Barry comes back 10 minutes later

And then we're off.


Ok, Route 211 may be really short, but it is a pain in the butt to cross. So many rocks, mountains, and whatnot to cross. Of course, it is at the base of Mt. Coronet. We only made it halfway across the Route today, and it was way shorter than other routes we made it past in one day.

The sky is bathed in beautiful reds and oranges as the sun sets. Houndour watches sharply, loving the colors. I really think he likes burning things.

"That's it. I want to battle!" Houndour shouts. I sweatdrop.

"So, anyone want to battle?" I ask.

"Yes! I want to train Emolga more!" Dawn shouts before Barry had a chance to. He narrows his eyes at Dawn while Lucas and I laugh.

"Well, I'll judge," Lucas says, standing up. Dawn and I find a good place to battle, and Lucas takes his place as referee. Barry is still sulking at the fact he couldn't battle.

"1 on 1 ok, Dawn?" I ask.

"Yes," she replies.

"Alright, this'll be a 1 on 1 battle between Dawn and Skylar. The last pokemon standing will be the winner! Please send out your pokemon!" Lucas shouts.

"Go, Emolga!"

"Go, Houndour!"

Our pokemon jump into action on the field. They look menacingly at each other, neither backing down.

"And, begin!"

"Emolga, agility! Raise your speed!"

"Houndour, sunny day!"

Emolga starts gliding around, becoming faster and faster. I have a bad feeling about a certain move coming soon. Houndour makes the sun bright, raising his fire type moves.

"Flamethrower, quick!"

Houndour fires a flamethrower at Emolga, but, because of the speed, it misses.

"Darn, I was going to have Emolga use encore first. Oh, well, Emolga, use agility again!"

What is that girl up to? Houndour is having trouble targeting Emolga because of her immense speed.

"Now, electro ball!"

Now I see. The faster the speed, the more damage the attack does; since Emolga is faster, Houndour'll take a lot of damage if we don't act fast.

"Houndour, quick, dodge!"

Houndour jumps up just in time to dodge the electro ball. Dirt and dust flies upward, making Houndour unable to see well.

"Crap, I can't see anything!" Houndour shouts. I can't see him either.

"Spin and use flamethrower to get rid of the dust!" I shout.

"Fire as many electro balls as you can, Emolga!"

Fire erupts from the dust cloud. Emolga fires several electro balls into the dust. Emolga dodges all the flames with the speed she acquired. Pretty soon, the smoke dispersed. I was able to see Houndour clearly now, but I can tell his accuracy was lowered.

"Houndour, dark pulse and flamethrower combo! I know you can do it!"

"Ha, you wish. I'll try it though!" Houndour shouts, smirking. Dawn looks confused.

Houndour starts firing a dark pulse at Emolga, then, uses flamethrower at the same time. I expected it to die out like all the other times I've tried it, but instead, a dark colored flame erupts from Houndour's mouth and makes its way to Emolga.

"Emolga, dodge!"

Emolga flies off to one side, but the attack still hits, hitting Emolga's wing. Or, glider, whatever you call it. Because of the injury, Emolga has to land. She isn't fast without her flying.

"Houndour, now, flamethrower!"

"Emolga, try to dodge it!"

Houndour launches a powerful flamethrower at Emolga. She tries scurrying away, but it's too late, and the attack hits.

"Emolga is unable to battle! That means, the winner is Skylar!" Lucas announces. Dawn and I shake hands. We heal up Emolga and Houndour afterward.

"I'm not that badly injured. Only a few electro balls managed to hit me," Houndour says as I spray potions on him. I roll my eyes. Always trying to be a tough guy.

"Well, I need to heal you," I respond, finishing fixing his wounds.

"Hey, can we eat?" Weavile asks, holding my backpack and pointing at it. I nod and unzip it, searching for pokefood.

"Good idea. Let's all eat!" Barry shouts, sending all his pokemon out. Lucas and Dawn send out theirs too. The only one missing is Swellow.

"I'm still here!" she shouts, on cue.

"How do you even do that?" Absol asks, eating his food. I glance around, seeing everyone start to eat and hand out food to pokemon.

"I have my ways. Hehehe..." Swellow laughs. I will not get used to her being able to tune in on my life at any time of day, in pokeball or not.

"HEY! DO YOU HAVE ANYMORE FOOD?" Houndour shouts. I look over to see his food bowl empty while I haven't even started to eat. I sweatdrop.

"No. Deal with it and don't eat Weavile's food," I respond, taking a bite of my sandwich.

"Yeah, don't steal my food," Weavile nods, eating his food. Soon enough, everyone finishes, and we set up for the night. I snuggle up in my sleeping bag, Houndour a nice heat source, being a fire type and all.

I close my eyes. Nothing in my life prepared me for what was about to happen.

AN: so? What's gonna happen? Gihihi...only I know, since I already wrote the next chapter. I'll post it later


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