Chapter 20

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We all made a plan. Not the best one, but it'll do.

Dawn and Lucas will distract any guards that are patrolling the building. Once they're distracted, Barry and I will sneak into the building through a secret entrance, which I had so happened to found out about, and into the ventilation system. We'll crawl to the room where the mind control machine is kept. We'll wait for Dawn and Lucas before jumping down.

After everyone gets to the vents above the room, I'll crawl to a different room and enable the alarm in that room. It was one of their flaws. Once one alarm is set for a room, the other ones don't work, letting the others get to the machine room carefully. Dawn and Lucas will destroy the machine, while Barry gets the papers.

And, of course, we all dressed in black to be cool.

"Alright. Dawn and Lucas, ready? Send out all your pokemon. Dawn, I'm going to leave Swellow with you, ok?" I say, handing Dawn Swellow's pokeball. Swellow and I had agreed to this.

"Ok. I'll take good care of her," Dawn says, clipping the pokeball to her belt. Dawn and Lucas walk to the side of the building and send out their pokemon, commanding attacks. The guards outside are distracted. Barry and I sneak around. Absol was in his pokeball, waiting.

"Be safe, Swellow," I say.          

"Yeah, no prob. Their pokemon are like grass and fighting types, so no biggy," Swellow responds.

I kick open the ventilation shaft. Barry just looks at me.

"What?" I ask. "I've been taking martial arts since I was 8."

Barry looks impressed, and we climb through the vents. Barry makes a really loud creaky noise as I'm silent. I'm starting to regret letting them come. I could've done just fine on my own, but it would've been harder.

After about 10 minutes of army crawling through the vents, we make it to the room. I check to make sure it's the right one, which it is, and sit next to Barry. We have to wait, as finding the papers and destroying the machine would be hard for 2 people and 6 pokemon while an alarm is blaring.

"What's taking them so long?" Barry whispers, something I didn't think he was capable of. I shrug my shoulders and try to communicate with Swellow. She doesn't respond.


After what feels like hours of waiting, although it was only about 15 minutes (remind me next time to bring something to do, since sitting next to an idiot named Barry can be very boring), I hear something crawling through the vents. I prepare Houndour's pokeball, as he'd be the only pokemon to fit in the vent, and wait. Barry doesn't have any smaller pokemon.

 "Skylar!" I hear someone shout. At the end of my line of vision of the vents, I see Emolga glide through the vents. Crap, something must've happened.

"What's up?" I ask, trying to keep the worry from my voice. For one thing, Swellow was still down there.

"Dawn and Lucas need help. Way too many electric and physic types. I glided through the vents to warn you," Emolga says, out of breath. I take a super potion from my bag and spray it on her wounds.

"Barry. You've got to go back to the ground, Dawn and Lucas are in trouble. I can handle everything here," I command, starting to come up with a plan B.

"Hell no! You might need help!" he argues, pretty loudly, I may add. I come up with another plan.

"No, go. I can handle things. I've been trained to handle things like this. I have a backup plan," I say. Barry pouts and nods, climbing back through the vents.

"Be careful," he shouts, disappearing in the darkness.

"Emolga, come with me," I say. She nods, resting on my head as we venture through the vents. After I pass a few shafts, I stop.

"Emolga, I want you to jump in here and sound the alarm. The people will think it's intruders but relax when they see it's just a pokemon who got lost. I'll be able to get out of the room before the alarm in that room goes off, hopefully," I explain.

"Yes, I'll do it! I won't let you down," Skylar, Emolga says. "Uh...but what happens when they see me?"

"Pretend to be lost and scared. I'm sure they'll help you out. Jump in on my signal, K?"


I start unscrewing the shaft, setting it aside when I'm done. I start crawling down the vent. Emolga waits for my signal.

"NOW!" I yell.

Moments later, I hear the alarm go off.  I'd say I have about 15 minutes before the guards will be done in that room. 15 minutes to finish my mission.

After a minute, I'm back to the room. I unscrew the shaft and jump down, the alarm still blaring. Hopefully, they won't notice me in this room.

"Everyone, come on out," I whisper. With flashes of white, all 3 of my pokemon appear. They already know the plan.

"Alright, where's the thing I get to burn?" Houndour asks.

"That," I say, pointing to a giant machine. It's probably 4 times my height, and at least 10 feet wide.

"Bigger than expected," Absol comments.

"You don't say," Weavile comments. I sigh.

"Yes, but first, we need to find the papers," I say. We split up, searching filing cabinets, draws, and desks, Absol and Houndour not doing the best of it since they don't have thumbs. The alarm gave me a headache.

Suddenly, Weavile shouts, "I think I found something!"

We all rush over to where he was standing. Sure enough, Weavile was holding the blueprints to this horrible machine. He also had the papers the approved the use of it and how it works. Looks like the governments going down.

"Well, guys, I'd say we have about 7 more minutes before those idiot guards find out that Emolga was the one who set off the alarm. That means 7 minutes to destroy this dumbass machine!" I shout. Absol nods, Houndour looks excited, way too excited if you ask me, and Weavile has an evil look on his face. Jeez, these pokemon are just weird.

"Well, let's get to it," I say aloud. "Absol, mega evolve!" I smirk, touching the key stone.

This'll be fun.

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