Chapter 14

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When we entered the pokemon center, a happy, positive atmosphere hit us. All eyes were glued to the pokemon center TV. What could possibly be going on in Eterna City that everyone has know. I find my eyes wandering to the TV while I ask Nurse Joy to heal my pokemon.

The headline of the news program shocks both me and Absol.

The headline reads: "Team Hope leader, Mark, has been caught and executed"

The news lady talks about Skylar, an elite member of Team Hope, otherwise known as me. The headline settles in. Mark caught and...dead? I gasp for breathe...what just happened?

NO! It can't be! I can't lose the little family I have left! Mark...dead...gone...forever...It suddenly felt as if I couldn't breathe. I need to get out of here, and fast.

My mind wasn't working right. It was foggy. I hear Nurse Joy say something, and I move myself, clipping my pokeballs to my belt. I can hear happy cheers from around the room. People are...happy...because my brother died? Will they be happy if I...die?

"Skylar," Absol says, nudging me. His voice is...shaking? "We have to get out of here."

I nod, turning to leave. Hopefully, my friends won't notice me gone.

Once I'm outside the pokemon center, I break out into a mad dash for the forest. Absol's in front of me.

Deep in the forest, I stop running, gasping for breath. My face is wet with tears. The tears turn into sobs, sobs for my big brother's death.

He's the only family I had left.

The only one.

"ARG!" I shout, punching a nearby tree. Absol comforts me, nudging his head at me. I sit against the tree and sob.

Sometime later, I hear rustling. Standing up, I wipe tears from my eyes.

"Skylar?" a voice questions. It''s...Mark's Charizard.

"It's us, Skylar," Mark's Flareon says. Mark's pokemon?

"What...what are you guys doing here?" I ask, looking at them. Charizard is Mark's starter.

"Mark told us to give something to you, a final wish," Charizard states. I can tell he's trying not to cry. He hands me a box.

"We have to go...if you ever need to find us, we'll be on Cinnibar Island. I've heard it's a nice place for fire types," Flareon says.

"The 2 of us will meet up with Talonflame, Vulpix, and Fennikin," Charizard says. His large wings unfurl, and Flareon hops on his back. They take off.

"Goodbye, Skylar," they call.

"Bye," Absol shouts. I look at the box.

His final wish.

The box is relatively small, a midnight blue bow wrapped around it. My favorite color. I tenderly open the box, not wanting to ruin the contents. Inside is 3 items.

A note addressed to me. A bracelet. A stone, an Absolite? The stone that mega evolves Absol? How did Mark get this? Now that I think about it, the bracelet must be the key stone.

I take the letter out and read it. My brother's neat handwriting is on the paper.

Dear Skylar,

I have been caught. To start, I'm sorry, sorry for putting you on such a dangerous mission. But now, I realize if I didn't send you on that mission, you would've ended up like me.


You're the only family I need, and I'm sure, one day, you'll meat mom in heaven. And see dad again. I'll be there when you do.

I'm so proud of what you do. You're the most amazing trainer out there, you don't need any fancy title to prove it. I'm sure you'll become the champion one day soon, I believe you can.

Do what you believe in. Finish the mission, ok, I know you can. But you don't have to, it's your choice. Be who you want to be.

I love you so, so much. More than you can imagine. I want you to become the person that you really are.

The stone is Absolite, a stone that can mega evolve Absol. You need high friendship to be able to do the mega evolve. I have no doubt you can't, you can. You and Absol are best friends.

Say goodbye to everyone for me. Tell them I died, not that he's gone or something. Tell them I'm dead. Goodbye, Skylar. I love you.



I love you more Mark. I slide down the tree, tears cascading down my face. This is it, my brother really is dead. I start crying again, sobbing, crying, unable to stop. My entire life Mark has been there for me. Not a day I haven't thought about him. He was my mom, my dad, and my brother, all rolled into one being. My only family, other than my pokemon, of course.

Absol places his head in my lap. I rest my head on him, him using me as a pillow as I use him. We cry together.

Thank you Mark, I think, closing my eyes and falling into a dream filled sleep.


"Mark! Where are you going! I want to go with you!" I shout.

"No, you have to stay here. I'm going to meet up with some people to form a group. We're going to be called Team Hope," Mark responds, Charmeleon at his side. I shake my head and start crying.

"NO!" I sob. "You can't leave without me! I don't have any family and the people here are mean and I only have you and Absol and I want to go with you!"

"No. Please, Skylar, stay here. I want you to be safe."

"Absol will protect me! We can go with you! Absol wouldn't let me get hurt!"

"Don't count on it," Absol replies curtly. I look at him with my evil glare.

"Please, I need you to stay here."


Mark looks at me, sadness filling his eyes. Shaking his head, Mark turns to leave. Without thinking, I grab on his leg, and Absol follows suit, grabbing his other leg.

"Let go! I have to go, Skylar!"

"Not until you promise to take me with you!"

"I blame your strong will on dad," Mark sighs, picking me up. He starts walking. I take it he's going to take me.


~End of dream~

I wake up from my dream. The day we started Team Hope...I will not let them down. Wiping the remainder of my tears, I start back to Eterna. I will move forward.

Just like how Mark taught me to.

AN: Hey...uh...yeah...that just't really know what to say...eheh? *sigh* don't hate me for making someone die...I needed it to happen so what happens in the end can happen...

Well, thanks for reading, I guess?

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