Chapter 16

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"ABSOL! SWELLOW! HOUNDOUR! WEAVILE!" I shout, running down the path like a crazy person. I looked left and right; up and down. I saw no signs of my pokemon anywhere.

"Team Hope will die," a distant voice calls out. This's different every time, but the voices are the same...I can't take it anymore...

"Guys?" I sniffle. I hear distant screams again...I shake my head...this is just a dream...just a dream...just...a...dream....

~End of dream~

I sit up and gasp. God, I hated those nightmares. My pokemon all die, and I'm left, left to die in sorrow. The same thing, every night.

I check my Poketch. 2:30, it reads. Since I really don't want to go back to sleep, I try doing some heavy thinking. I think about my mission, my job. And then I realize something.

Dawn, Barry, and Lucas are going to be charged if they're seen traveling with me.

I can't let that happen.

The police, who aren't the most understanding people, will see them as Team Hope members, charge them, and send them to prison. I won't let that happen. It can't, Dawn, Barry, and Lucas are all my friends. I don't want them to get hurt because of me. I can tell that they'll become great trainers one day.

After the mission, I'll go to Cinnibar. Meet up with Mark's pokemon, and live happily ever after with the fire types. Although Weavile would hate me...Maybe I should go to the Seafoam Islands, where it's cold...but then Houndour would hate me...ugh. Why does everything my life have to be so difficult?

Like me losing what family I had left.

Near to tears, I make a split second decision. I would leave, fly to Snowpoint on Swellow, and complete my mission. After that, I would go on the run, maybe to Kanto or Johto. But, first, I should tell my friends who I really am.

They probably won't be my friends afterward.

I rip out a paper from my notepad and take out a pencil. Using the moonlight as a guide, as well as a flashlight that I for some reason had (Mark really does think ahead), I start writing a note to everyone explaining who I am and what my mission. Mark would kill me if he were alive.

If he were alive.

The note is longer than what I intended. Oops. I quickly shake Absol awake, returning Weavile and Houndour. They wake up loud and slow. Better to just return them for now.

I quickly roll up my sleeping bag while Absol watches me with interest. Soon, my bag is packed up. I swing it over my shoulder and start walking. Absol, who still hadn't spoken, followed me. We walk over mountainous terrain, tripping and stumbling.

"Why are we walking away from camp?" Absol asks suddenly. I don't look at him while I respond.

"Away. I did some thinking... " I start before Absol cut me off.

"You? Thinking?" Absol scoffs. I shoot him my death glare before telling him about what I had thought about. He nods, understanding, and continues forward. Since we were walking pretty fast, the 2 of us made it to the base of Mt. Coronet when the sun started rising. I sat down and released my pokemon from their pokeballs.

"Huh? Where are we? And why was I in my pokeball? Skylar? What's wrong? You don't normally return us without saying something," Houndour asks. Weavile also asks questions before I silence them both, and tell them everything.

"We're only a few hours ahead of them. They'd eventually catch up," Swellow comments.

"Yeah, which is why I'll be flying with you. That ok?" I say. Swellow nods. I distribute food and we eat. Only a short amount of time before my mission is over. I can go home, relax...well, that's what I'd do, but I have no home. I'll find some place around the world. Some place.

"Well, we better get going. Swellow, good to go?" I ask. She nods, and I return my pokemon to their pokeballs, everyone but Swellow. She unfurls her large wings while I climb on top of her.

"Sure you're ok?" I ask as she takes off.

"Yeah. You're not that heavy," Swellow replies.

"Oh, thanks."

We fly over Mt. Coronet in an hour, while by walking, it would've taken days. I'm so glad that Swellow can fly fast. We fly with other flying types, swooshing-which I find terrifying- and flapping. At some points I feel like Swellow is going to drop me.

"Can we break?" Swellow asks, glancing back at me. She looks tired. I'll give her the rest of the day off; Swellow just looks plain exhausted.

"Yeah. You made it for 6 hours, which I find really impressive. We can stop here and eat, then I'll walk the rest of the day while you sleep," I respond. Swellow starts to lose altitude, landing in a very calm way. I'd say we're halfway through Rt. 217. I'm cold the instant we stop moving.

"Burr," I say, my teeth chattering. I return Swellow and let Weavile out. For obvious reasons he likes the cold while everyone else hates it.

"Woo! I love the cold!" Weavile chants, running around like a little Sneasel. I laugh at his child like attitude and take out a sweatshirt from my backpack. It does little to help with the cold, but better than nothing.

"I'll help you find a cave or something to take shelter in," Weavile says, grabbing my hand. I had to hunch down a little because of how much taller I am.

"Alright. We can eat, and then continue traveling. I want to get to Snowpoint in a few days, at the least," I respond, following Weavile. We walk slowly(if you're ever walking along this path, I recon you bring an ice type) and find a small cave, carved out of a small mountain. Since we are pretty close to Mt. Coronet, it's no surprise.

I let everyone, except Swellow, as she was still resting, from their pokeballs. I then polity ask Houndour to start a fire, since I know he'll be mad about how cold it is. Everyone but Weavile, who is happily rolling around in the snow, complains about how cold it is. I narrow my eyes at them.

"I'll just return you all if you're going to complain," I threaten.

"Ok, go ahead. I don't mind, Houndour yawns. I sigh and return him.

"Alright, let's get going. We may be able to travel a mile or 2 before the sun sets," I say, standing up, almost bumping my head on the low cave wall, and getting snow from outside the cave. I dump it on the fire, dousing it.

"Do you want to walk with me?" I ask Absol. I know that, of course, Weavile would want to stay out.

"Nah, I'd rather not freeze to death," Absol says. I sigh and return him to his pokeball.

"Let's go! It's so cold, I love it!" Weavile yells, once again grabbing my hand and leading me out to the snow-covered path. Weavile skips along while I shiver.

"I really should've packed a heavier jacket," I say, my teeth chattering.

"What're you talking about?" Weavile asks. "It's not cold."

"Well, you are an ice type."


The 2 of us walk along the path, one happy and one shivering. I think you can tell who's who.

"Can we live here?" Weavile asks, hours later.

"Hell no," I respond.

AN: Well, yup. Skylar just left her friends. The next chapter will be in normal Pov, so...yeah. It's the only time there'll be a POV change. I wanted to show how everyone reacts. Hope you enjoyed.


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