Chapter 7

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Dawn drags me around Jubilife City. I must say, this city is beautiful. Even with pollution and that crap. I can deal with it.

For some reason, Dawn wants to know everything and everyone from my past. So, I tell her about my friends back in Hoenn. Well, my old friends. My friends who had died.

I'm not going to talk about it. But, I will say their names.

May, Brendan, and Wally.

That's all I'll say.


"Don't you think it'd be cool to talk to pokemon?" Dawn asks. Absol's walking next to me. I'm next to Dawn.

Way ahead of you.

For a moment I wanted to tell Dawn I can, in fact, talk to pokemon. But, she'd probably accuse me of lying.

"I guess. It'd be cool to know what Absol was thinking," I lie.

"Well, good thing you know," Absol says. "I really want to find out what humans are thinking, though."

I glare at him.

"Oh! Here we are! The best restaurant in Jubilife City!" Dawn claims, pulling me into a resturant. I never got the chance to to see the name.

The room is bright and jumpy. People are sitting in booths, munching on burgers and fries. Don't see how this is the best restaurant in Jubilife city...

"Ok, let's sit down!" Dawn says, leading me to an empty booth. Absol hops in next to me. A waitress comes over and asks for our orders.

"Uh...I'll have soda and a burger, please!" Dawn answers.

"I'll have water and a pecha berry sandwich, please." I say, smiling. It's good to eat at a restaurant again.

"Ok," the waitress says, "Would your Absol like anything?"

"Can I have razz berries?" Absol asks.

"Yeah, some razz berries," I respond. Absol smiles at me.

"How'd you know that?" Dawn asks. "I mean, how were you able to tell that's what Absol wanted?"

For a second I, again, considered telling Dawn.

"I just know he likes razz berries. His favorite kind!" I respond enthusiastically. Absol nods up and down. Dawn and I talk for a bit, Absol listening. Every once and a while, he'll make a comment on something Dawn or I say.

"I honestly agree with Dawn. Why are there bad people in the world?" Absol comments. I roll my eyes, hoping Dawn doesn't notice.

"Remember, Absol, I say, We're on the "bad" side of everything."

"Yeah, true."

After some time of talking, the waitress, whose name is actually Demi, came back with our food. I've definitely found a friend in Dawn.

We, quite messily, dig into our food. I have to say, this place is pretty good. Absol eats very messily and I give him my glare. Sighing, knowing it had no effect on him, I roll my wrist and talk with Dawn again. She wants to know what my secret base looks like.

"It's basically a tree house," I talk. "It's hard for my pokemon to climb up there, so I put them in there pokeballs. Well except for Taillow."

And then I realized what I said.




Double Crap.

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