Chapter 9

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The book titled Evolution had a lot more info than I thought it'd have. I check every chapter to see if it told you why a pokemon wouldn't evolve. Finally, I find something usefull.

Some pokemon don't have evolutions. Many trainers get mad because they think that they're pokemon will evolve but it doesn't happen.

There are also other reasons why a pokemon may not evolve. It could possibly not want too, even though the strength and power increases by a lot. They might've refused evolution in some shape or form, not letting them evolve unless they want to.

Another reason a pokemon may not evolve is because of an Everstone. An everstone is a type of stone that does the opposite of an evolutionary stone; it stops evolution for a pokemon. Once it is touched by a pokemon, that pokemon can never evolve. Not with a stone, skill, or happiness.

That was all the info I could find. Sighing, I put the book away and sat down next to Barry, bored. Maybe Houndour touched a everstone once? Thus making him never evolve? Jeez, I have a lot to think about.

 For serveral hours now, Dawn and Lucas have been fighting about which way to go. Ugh, if they just chose a way, we could have been at least a quarter way to the next town!

"Why don't you settle it with a battle. If Dawn wins, we go her way and if Lucas wins, we go his way," Barry suggested. Dawn and Lucas glanced at each other. This'll be an interesting battle.

"No. Dawn has an advantage with her flying type pokemon," Lucas claims.

"Are you afraid, Lucas?" Dawn taunts.

"FINE! We'll battle!"

"Dawn's going to win," Barry whispers to me.

That's how we ended up on the battle field, positions reversed. I was judging, since "I have a good eye" and Barry was simply observing. So, let's get on with the show!

"This will be a 1 on 1 battle between Dawn and Lucas! We will go the way then winner wants to go! Please reveal your pokemon!" I shout, sounding all offical like. Dawn and Lucas shoot me looks, and send their pokemon out.

"Go, Staraptor!"

"Go, Gallade!"

"And, begin!"

"Staraptor, Aereal Ace!"

"Gallade, ice punch!"

Staraptor swooped downward at an incredible speed. I was amazed. So, this is what Staraptor can do.

Gallade started readying his ice punch. His fist was enveloped in ice. As Staraptor came in close, Gallade thrusted his fist out. Both pokemon took damage, each move super effective.

"Gallade, psycho cut!"

"Staraptor, use close combat!"

Gallade's arms started glowing a blueish color. Staraptor swooped down and hit her mark with large talons. Gallade thrusted his glowing arms at Staraptor. Both pokemon are damaged greatly, and Staraptor's defense dropped when she hit Gallade with close combat.

It could go to anyone at this point.

"Staraptor, Brave Bird!"

"Gallade, ice punch!"

Staraptor started glowing a blue color and flew strait down. Meanwhile, Gallade's fist was forming ice again. I watched closely. I think I know who's going to win this.

Staraptor hit Gallade with so much force and speed it was impossible to see him. Gallade punched his fist out. It was hard to see the winner of the battle. Smoke and dust rised from the field.

"Come on, Staraptor! Get up!"

"Gallade! I know you can do it!"

The smoke cleared from the massive attacks. I sweatdropped when I saw the outcome.

Both pokemon had fainted.

Oh, no.

"Uh...both pokemon are unabled to battle. The leaves us with a tie? about just send out another pokemon?" I sigh. Well, looks like this battle will be longer than planned.

"Fine. Go, Togekiss! Return, Staraptor."

"Go, Toxicroak! Return, Gallade."


"Is it just me, or is it obvious they have a crush on each other," Barry whispers to me as the battle starts.

"I think it's pretty obvious," I respond, going back to watching the battle.

"Togekiss, aura sphere!"

"Toxicroak, poison jab!"

The thing is with this battle, each pokemon has a disadvantage and an advantage. Togekiss, both a flying and fairy type, is weak to poison. Toxicroak, both a fighting and poison, is weak to flying.

This'll turn out great.

Togekiss sends a sphere of aura at Toxicroak. Toxicroak jumps up and dodges, then goes for Togekiss, his hand glowing a mysterious purple. He hits Togekiss with all he's got.

"Toge!" Togekiss cries out.

" are so gonna pay," Toxicroak! Togekiss yells.

"Ha. Like to see you try!" Toxicroak responds.

"This is a good battle," Absol says. I picture him munching on popcorn as he says that, but, of course since we don't have any popcorn, he isn't.

"Alright, Togekiss, use air slash!"

"Toxicroak, brick break!"

Something stupid that Lucas commanded. Togekiss resists that move not only x2, but x4. I mentally face palm.

Well, I know which way we're going now.

"Stupid move for him. I would've just sticked with poison jab," Barry comments, leaning over. I nod.

Togekiss sends slashes of air toward Toxicroak. He isn't able to dodge, since he's already in the air, so he takes the entire attack. Toxicroak brings his glowing hand down on Togekiss. She smiles at him.

"That did nothing, Toxicroak. I thought you were stronger," Togekiss smirks.

"This is just a warm up!" Toxicroak snarles. They must have a strange history. Staraptor and Gallade didn't talk at all through their battle.

"Togekiss, finish it with air slash!"

"Toxicroak, dodge!"

But it was too late. Togekiss used air slash, sucsessfully hitting Toxicroak. He faints.

"Well, it appears the battle goes to Dawn! Now, we go her way!" I shout. Lucas looks a little pissed, but he accepts defeat. I go and high five Dawn.

"Good job, Dawn!" I praise.

"Thanks. That was a fun battle. Togekiss did really good!" Dawn exclaims. Then, she whispers, "Did they talk at all?"

"Yes! Togekiss and Toxicroak wouldn't shutup! The talked throught the entire battle!"

"Yeah. They don't really like each other." Togekiss nods.

"I can tell."

"Hehe. Thanks."

"HEY! LETS GET GOING! WE CAN MAKE IT TO FLOAROMA TOWN TOMORROW IF WE LEAVE NOW! HURRY UP!" Barry shouts very, very, very loudly. I swear my eardrums burst because of that idiot. People walking by the battle field swivel their heads to see what on earth was going on. I face palm.

"Let's heal up our pokemon, then go to Floaroma Town," I glare at Barry. He smiles.

"Alright! Let's go!" Barry shouts again, speeding into the pokemon center to heal his pokemon.

"It's going to take a while to get used to these people," Absol claims.

"Tell me about it," I respond.

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