Chapter 12

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We make it Floaroma town before nightfall, around 6. The 4 of us, as well as Absol, walk around town, me sneezing occasionally from allergies. Since there isn't much to do, we probably won't be staying here long. But, everyone wants to explore instead of staying inside of a room where the allergies won't bother me.

"I think I'm going to check out the valley windworks. I've heard it's a pretty good training spot," I say, starting to turn and walk to the valley windworks.

"It used to be. It's closed now, sorry Skylar. I tried to go there once, it's where I caught Shellos, but they made me leave once I caught him. I really wanted a Buizel!" Barry says, grabbing my wrist and pulling me back. I could easily break free, but instead, I let Barry pull me.

"AH-AH-CHOO!" I sneeze.

"Try not to sneeze on me next time, please. It wasn't very nice," Barry comments.

"Sorry I'm allergic to flowers!" I argue, wiping my nose.

"Come on! Let's go eat!" Dawn shouts. She drags Barry and me over to a restaurant. Lucas is already there, getting us a booth. Dawn sits next to Lucas, leaving me to sit next to Barry. My eyes narrow while I slide in next to Barry, Absol hopping in next to me. With the 3 of us, it's pretty tight, me cramped next to Barry. I ignore Dawn and Lucas's sniggers.

"So, we leave here tomorrow and get to Eterna forest in 2 days. It'll take another 2 days through Eterna forest and about a day and a half from there. Of course, it could take longer if we stop for battles. I'd say about 5 days to a week before we make it to Eterna," Lucas blabs, "and then a week to a week and a half to Snowpoint City from Eterna City."

In about 2 weeks my mission will be done. I'll be able to go home, and see my brother again. But what about Dawn, Lucas, and Barry? Will I continue to see them, or will they shun me for being part of Team Hope? I really hope it isn't the second one.

We place our orders and talk. Absol almost falls asleep. I glare at him while he just shrugs it off.

"Your human talk is boring," Absol yawns, "tell me when you have something more interesting to say."

I roll my eyes and go back to human talk. Sometime later, we get our food and eat hungrily. Later, we all head to the pokemon center.

"2 rooms, please," Dawn says politely. I can't understand how she can be so nice to anyone.

"Sorry, but we only have one room left. There's a flower ceremony tomorrow, and a lot of the rooms have been booked. Sorry, but would you like the one room?" Nurse Joy says. Great, I have to share with the boys.

"Yes, thanks," Dawn says, taking the key and leading the way.

"Why couldn't we just check in earlier? We wouldn't have to share a room, even if there are 4 beds," I mumble, sulking a little.

"What, you don't want to room with us? What's so bad about it?" Barry asks.

"You snore. Really loudly."

"Ok, that's just mean," Barry pouts while everyone else, including me and Absol, laughs.

"I know, the truth hurts," Lucas laughs, patting Barry's back.

Wonder if they'll feel hurt if they find out I'm in Team Hope?

"Alright, this is our room!" Dawn shouts, arriving at room 160. Dawn unlocks the door.

"Call dibs on the shower!" I yell, dashing for the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I flip the lights on in the room.

"OK! I'll just wait out here! And I'm sure the others are hungry!" Absol yells, copying my loudness of voice.

Rolling my eyes, I take my contacts out. For a second, I want to put my glasses on. I don't feel like Skylar of Team Hope anymore, I feel like Skylar the trainer.

I take my glasses from the case, which was safely tucked in my bag, and put them on. My vision instantly clears. I look at myself in the mirror. I see a girl with large glasses and green eyes. I feel...normal. Just need to take the dye out and I'll be completely normal. But it'd break my cover.

After staring at myself for some more time, I take a quick shower and dry up, changing into my pajamas that I didn't know I had. They're green and blue. I exit the bathroom and throw a beige towel, that I had picked up in the bathroom a few minute, to Lucas, who caught it.

"You're up," I say, carrying my backpack to the non-chosen bunk. It was on the bottom, and Absol was already curled up on it.

"Thanks," Lucas says, leaving the room. I hear the shower go on a few minutes later. Searching my bag, I get out a brush and brush my short, wet hair.

"Alright! Tomorrow we're going to the flower ceremony!" Dawn says from her bunk, which was atop of mine. I look up to see her reading a brochure.

"No! It'll put a delay in our travel!" Barry argues.

"I have to go with Barry. I get sick around too many flowers," I nod, agreeing with Barry for once. Barry cheers.

"Ha! It's a 2 on 1 vote! It's all up to Lucas now! If he says yes, which I doubt, then the pokemon will vote!" Barry smirks. I sigh and lay next to Absol.

"Fine. Way to ruin my dreams..." Dawn trails off, sounding sad. Pity doesn't work on me, so...

But Barry is another story(even though he's in this one). He starts stuttering, staring at Dawn from his bunk. She must be doing puppy dog eyes on him.

I decide to go to sleep while Dawn is tricking Barry into going. Absol's already asleep.


I'm going to tell you something right now. The past week was one of the most boring ones of my life. Traveling through Eterna forest with 3 other people and annoying pokemon isn't as fun as it sounds. Finally, we make it to Eterna City. Finally.

"Wow," I say, enjoying the view. It's beautiful here. Absolutely beautiful.

The city is old, but that's what gives it its charm. I walk around.

"I know. And you know what, I think you should challenge Gardenia. You'd do really good against her, but she's really tough too," Lucas suggests.

I never really thought about doing gym battles. So wynaut? Ha...get the joke?

Sorry. I had a lot of time while we were traveling through Eterna forest. And by a lot, I mean a lot.

"Sure. I've never been in a gym battle before. I'd love too," I smile.

We walk along to the pokemon center, talking. I really do think I'll battle. Gym leaders are supposed to be tougher than normal gym leaders. We go inside the red roofed building to heal up our pokemon, then head over to the gym.

May I be lucky during this battle and get critical hits.

AN: hi! Happy Easter(even if you don't celebrate it)! Hope you've had a nice day.

Since I have spring break now, I can hopefully finish this story soon.


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