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1 long and somewhat boring year later...

A lot, and I mean a lot, has happened in the past year. For one thing, I completely changed the world how I know it.

After the mission and I got healed up (which took a while since I had horrible cuts and a broken arm), I talked to the world about the papers I found. I'm not even going to start about how hard it was to send the message all over the world through the Goldenrod City Radio Tower. People were confused and at first didn't believe me, but when I posted the papers on the thing called the internet, which I never knew about until 12 months ago, people started to believe me. People left and right wanted to be part of Team Hope. What did I do about it?

I shook my head and said Team Hope has been disbanded. A different rebel group, called Team Shadow, over threw the government, and let everyone have their pokemon back, and the newer trainers got to catch any pokemon they wanted, not just their type. The leader said he couldn't have done it without me. My response?

"Well, I personally couldn't have done it without Mark."

Another thing that happened. Lucas and Dawn got together. Barry and I had made a bet on it, to their surprise, and were very, very mad. I just had to remind them they did it to us.

With the 20 pokebucks I got from Barry, I went ahead and bought on 10 cartons of on sale ice cream. Houndour got his own carton, knowing his appetite.

Speaking of Houndour, I found out why he never evolved. Turns out, as an egg, he was tested on, blocking genes for him to become a Houndoom, as part of testing. They also gave him abnormal stats, thus making him stronger than a normal Houndour.

For some reason, they released the baby pokemon in the wild because they weren't cooperative. I was so proud of Houndour.

Houndour also got a girlfriend. A female Vulpix, who was also part of the testing, was caught by Barry. They really liked each other, and I was so happy for them. *Fangirl squeal*

Swellow found a mate. I was both shocked and happy for her when I was told. Now, Swellow lives in the forest near Fortree with her little hatchlings. They're so cute, and of course, I visit them often. At first, it was weird without her, as she didn't annoy me 24/7, but whenever I visit her or she visits me, Swellow make sure to annoy the crap out of me.

Nothing much happened to Weavile in the past year, other than the fact that his jokes actually started to become good. I was laughing every time he told a joke.

Absol and I perfected mega evolution. Now, Absol can fly short distances, about 10 feet at most. He's been so happy lately, and I'm excited to start another journey with him and everyone else. It'll be different since Swellow won't be coming.

Speaking of a new journey, I'm now sitting at my desk, waiting for some people to get here. Weavile was searching my bookshelves, Absol is guarding the door, Houndour is peaking his head out the "window", and Swellow, who wanted to see everyone again, is perched on top of my desk.

"Whatya drawing?" Swellow asks. I glance down at the small piece of note book paper. Two read flowers are intertwined, and two more are on either side. The sun is setting in the background.

Shrugging my shoulders, I respond, "Don't know. Could be anything."

Swellow nods, glancing down at me. She's annoying me like crazy, and it's good to have her back, even though she has to go back to her home tomorrow. I'll miss her like crazy.

"HOUNDOUR! WHERE DID YOU PUT THAT BOOK?" Weavile shouts suddenly. Yeah, Weavile somehow learned how to read. I'm terrified now...

"WHAT BOOK?" Houndour shouts back.

And then we're all laughing, giggling. Swellow's laughing so hard, she fell on the desk.

"Alright guys. We're going to go a journey soon. We just have to wait for them to get here," I sigh. I think you can tell who them is.

And then, as if on cue, I hear, "HEY! SKYLAR! WE'RE HERE!"

I think you can guess who it was.

I just face palm before hopping down from my secret base, with Absol following. Dawn, Lucas, and Barry are standing there.

In the past year, all of them got their 7th and 8th badge, and challenged the Sinnoh league. Guess who became Champion?

If you guessed none of them, you were right. I guess Cynthia was just too strong for them. I also found out Cynthia was someone who broke the rules. She was a dragon trainer but she had so many other types in her possession as well.

"Hey guys," I say. "You were supposed to get here over an hour ago."

"Sorry but someone," Dawn sent a glare at Barry, "made us miss the boat."

Absol and I start cracking up.

"Well, sorry!" Barry argues.

"Any who, why don't you guys come in. We can fly to Petalburg City tomorrow, and start from there, at the first gym!" I suggest.

"Yeah," Lucas agrees, "we'll go tomorrow! Our new journey!"

After some time of catching up, I climb on top of my tree. The sun is setting, beautiful shades of orange and red and blue fill the sky. I hear someone next to me climb up.

"Isn't it beautiful?" I ask Barry.

"Yeah. Probably the most beautiful one I've ever seen," he responds, gazing out into it.

"And why is that?"

"Because you're here."

I just face palm at Barry's attempt to flirt with me. Then, we're laughing and laughing, unable to stop.

I finally realize why I drew that sun set. It's the ending of a story, the end of this one. But who says it's the end of all of them?

This is just the end of my story.

The Story of Team Hope.


Thank you so much for reading The Story of Team Hope, it's my first story on Wattpad. I don't plan on continuing with a sequel, but maybe. Who knows. Well, I do, but still. I'll post more stories on Wattpad, as I find it a lot of fun writing.

Anyway, thanks for reading!



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