Chapter 11

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The events of last night behind me, the 4 of us walk down the path to Floaroma Town. We had a quick breakfast earlier, and it was about noon now. I let Swellow out last night, and she was flying above us. I was tired from lack of sleep, and my friends kept nagging me about it. I was annoyed, and it was only noon.

"HEY! SKYLAR! YOU THERE!" Barry shouts in my ear. I swear, my eardrums popped from his loudness.

While I was testing my eardrums out, Lucas scolded Barry. Dawn laughed, and so did I, at least when I was sure my eardrums weren't busted. Absol rammed into Barry, apparently mad.

"HEY! What was that for?" Barry shouts at Absol.

I don't know...oh yeah, you shouted into Skylar's ear without caring, Absol comments sarcastically.

You know they can't here you, Absol. I face palm, annoyed by Absol's stupidity. He nudges my head, and, sighing, I pet him.

"Well, let's get going! We should be able to make it to Floaroma Town by tonight!" Barry says, walking along ahead.

"But what about lunch?" Dawn comments, following Barry. Lucas and I roll our eyes while we follow the two.

I agree with Dawn. We should stop for lunch, Houndour agrees. I feel like face palming. Several times.

Toughen up. You ate at least a can and a half of pokefood for breakfast, and then some of mine! Weavile narrows his eyes. And I'm not hungry!

Just then, Weavile's stomach growls loudly, causing me to crack up, and then causing everyone to stare at me and my pokemon while we laugh our heads off.

"Sorry...Weavile...stomach...sorry..." I manage to make out between laughs.

Well, at least I'm not complaining about being hungry! Weavile glances toward Houndour, who's laughing just as hard as me and then some. I wipe tears away from my face for laughing too hard.

"Let's get going," I laugh. Meanwhile, Absol and Houndour are still laughing, rolling on the ground, like how they do in cartoons.

"I think we should just stop for lunch," Dawn comments. Everyone nods, unpacking food and other things. I look at Houndour.

Don't eat all of Weavile's food. I'm only giving you a can right now, I say, passing out food to all my pokemon.

Can I have some food? I'm hungry! Swellow shouts from behind me. I turn to see her perched on a branch, cocking her head at me.

Yeah, give me a sec. I'll just say I'm going to do some training after we eat, I respond, digging into my pecha berry sandwich. Yum!

I'm waiting, Swellow says. I use all my will power not to face palm.

HEY! GIVE ME MY FOOD BACK! I hear Weavile shout. He stands up.

TOO LATE! ALREADY ATE IT! Houndour shouts back. He also stands up. Crap, they're going to start fighting, aren't they?

SHUT UP! I'm TRYING to eat! Absol yells, standing up.

"Guys, settle down! Just sit down and eat your damned food!" I yell, standing up. All heads swivel towards me. I sit back down, as do the rest of my pokemon. I hear Swellow sniggering in the background.

After a few minutes of eating quietly, a first, my pokemon are finished. "I going to go train," I say, standing up and swinging my backpack over my shoulders. All of my pokemon follow. My friends nod.

"Just try to be back soon. I wanna travel again," Barry says, his voice muffled from the sandwich in his mouth. I nearly face palm. You don't talk with your mouth full.

My pokemon and I start walking away from camp, and begin training. I take some food out for Swellow and lay it out. She dashes right over to it. Well, she flew.

YUM! Swellow cries, digging into her food. I swear she finished it in a shorter time than Houndour. And he eats fast.

You aren't going to beat me this time, Absol! I'm way stronger than you! Houndour claims, baring his teeth at Absol. Absol just rolls his eyes.

The last time we battled, I crushed you. And that was like 2 weeks ago, Absol curtly responds. I take a seat next to Weavile and watch the battle.

Absol was right. He crushed Houndour, once again, and Houndour was very, very ashamed. I picked him up and used a hyper potion on him, which I'd bought in Jubilife.

Why is Absol so strong? Houndour asks. I mean, he beat me with, like, 2 hits! And he hasn't even evolved yet!

Well, ask Absol. Plus, Absol doesn't evolve, I respond, petting him on the head. I lie down and close my eyes, Houndour on top of me. I was tired from lack of sleep, and a short nap wouldn't hurt me.

It was then I noticed someone was missing from this little group of ours.


"Weavile? You there? We're you go? Weavile?" I shout aloud, standing up. Houndour and Absol look over, and then to notice his absence.

I'll look for him above! Swellow says, taking wing and flying off. This is weird. Weavile wouldn't run off unless he told me.

Maybe he was feeling...left out?

"Crap," I muttered under my breath. I continued to shout his name.

It was weird because I never felt Weavile get up. He was in the corner of my vision while I was watching the battle, and I only took my eyes off of him when I went to heal Houndour. What's going on?

"WEAVILE! This isn't funny! Come out! Barry's gonna be pissed if we spend too much long training!" I shout again.

Absol, find anything? I ask, waiting for a response. One never comes. Houndour? Swellow?

I get no response.

This is a dream. Just wake up, Skylar. Just wake up!

But I didn't wake up.

I decide to run back to camp, to ask my friends for help. But when I get there, there is no one. The camp wasn't there. No backpacks, no food, no crumbs. Nothing.

This is just a dream! I can't wake up!

But I can't.


"Death to Team Hope," calls out an eerie voice.

No...I'm just doing what I believe's my can't take my dream away from me!

"Death to Team Hope..." the eerie voice calls again. I find myself crying. They took my friends...

"Dawn? Barry? Lucas?" I shout. Maybe...maybe they can help. But they can't.

"Death to Team Hope..." my 3 "friends" call out. My surroundings change. I'm in the same place as yesterday. I have to hear the horrifying screams of my pokemon over again. And just before they kill me...

~End of dream~

I wake up with a gasp, sitting up. I have dirt and grass in my hair, but I don't care. I'm crying again. Looking around, I see all my pokemon looking at me with concerned faces. Weavile is still here.

I hug Weavile. He looks at me with surprise, and then hugs me back the best he could with his arms being shorter than mine. Everyone else comes in and joins the hug, and we have a big, group hug.

I'm so glad you're all safe, I whisper, hugging everyone tighter.

AN: Welp, that just happened. Gihihi...this is Skylar's true fear, loosing her pokemon. So I felt like it. Thanks for reading!


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