Chapter 4

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We end up staying the night because of Swellow's injuries. I wanted to make sure that she was ok before leaving. I told her we'd meet up in Jubilife City later today, after she flew off, her injuries healed.

I also had a battle with Dawn and her Staraptor. Weavile managed to redeem himself by defeating Staraptor, but it was still a tough battle. But, still we had a lot of fun battling.

"I really wish I could've caught her. Swellows are really rare in Sinnoh," Dawn sighs.

"Well, you can catch a Swellow if you come to Hoenn. I see Taillow and Swellow all the time near my base," I respond. I just realized what I said. Maybe they wouldn't think it's suspicious, since I'm from Hoenn, a different place from Sinnoh.

"What do you mean by base?" Lucas says. He was studying his poketch intently.

"Good job, Skylar," Absol mock praises me. I glare at him.

"My secret base, plenty of people make them in Hoenn. I spend most my time there," I respond. "Mine is in a tree."

"Cool. People don't do that in Sinnoh," Barry says. I feel relieved that they didn't catch my worry. I mean, yes, I do have a secret base. It's in a tree, and apart from Team Hope headquarters, I spend most my time there with my pokemon.

"What about your home, like, were your family lives? I hear Hoenn has some pretty cool towns," Dawn asks. Great, this is what I needed. I can't exactly tell them I live in the Team Hope town.

"I live in Verdunturf Town," I say. It's not exactly a lie; it's where I used to live, with my dad. My dad.

I missed him a lot. He was my dad. I was 4 the last I saw of him, so I can't muster up any good memories of him. Having no parents at such a young age? It must be harder for Mark, who knew mom and dad better than me.

"Come on! We have to go faster! I want to get to Oreburg City by tonight!" Barry yells.

"Dude, we'll be lucky if we get to Jubilife City tonight. Calm down," Lucas says. I feel like I've known these people forever. They're just like...them.

We continue walking on Rt. 18 for a while. I take in the scenery, the beautiful flowers, wild pokemon scurrying along, and, of course, pokemon battles.

"Swampert use Muddy water!" a ground trainer commanded. This was quite fun, battling.

"Houndour, Sunny Day!" I shout.

"You sure? That wave looks as if it'll kill me," Houndour says. He still uses sunny day.

"But, you'll take half damage from it. Trust me, solar beam'll work."

Houndour barely takes the muddy water. We were both down to our last pokemon in this 2 on 2 battle. The trainer surprised me with hammer arm from Swampert, knocking Weavile out. I knew Houndour was the only chance to win this.

"Solar beam!" I yell. Since the sun was bright, the solar beam was charged up instantly. The look on the trainer's face said all. He was shocked when Swampert fainted from that solar beam. A nice strategy, I'd say. I can take out 2 of his weaknesses, plus put a super charge on flamethrower with the sun.

"And the win goes to Skylar!" Lucas shouts. He was the judge.

"Nice battle. You really surprised me with that Solar Beam!" the trainer says. We shake hands, and go our separate ways. Houndour stands next to me, cheering.

"Woo! I beat someone Weavile couldn't!" Houndour shouts. I smile at him. He deserves some rest.

"I'm gonna put you in your pokeball. You need rest, and we won't make it to the pokemon center for a while," I say.

"Ok. Peace out!" Houndour agrees. Smiling, I pull out his pokeball and return him.

"You seem to have a really close bond with your pokemon," Lucas says.

"Almost as if you can understand what they're saying! I do wonder what pokemon talk about," Dawn says. I know what they think about. I can talk to pokemon.

"It would be really cool. We could share secrets and stuff and the pokemon wouldn't be able to tell anyone what I said!" Barry shouts. He runs ahead.

"I've known my pokemon for quite some time. I'm just surprised Houndour hasn't evolved yet," I state. I have had him for a long time.

"Maybe he doesn't want to," Dawn says.

"Ha, right. That's all he ever talks about, Absol says, I wanna evolve, I wanna evolve like everyone else," he said in a creepy imitation of Houndour.

"You're right. Houndour would kill you if he heard that," I laugh inside my head.

"I totally agree with you," I hear a voice say from above. Pretending to stretch, I look upwards to see Swellow. What on earth is she doing here? I thought I told her to meet at Jubilife City? Maybe something happened? Call me paranoid, I don't really care, at all.

"Swellow," I question, "why are you here?"

"It was boring in Jubilife. Too many people trying to catch me, so I came back."

I roll my eyes. While I talk with everyone else, I secretly talk with Absol and Swellow. Swellow gives me a description of Jubilife City. She says it's really pretty and large, but there is also pollution. There isn't really any pollution in Hoenn, only in a little in Mossdeep and Rustboro. But that's expected.

"Can we stop for dinner?" Barry asks. I roll my eyes.

"We'll be in Jubilife in less than an hour. We'll get something to eat there," Lucas responds.

"I can't wait to go back to Jubilife!" Dawn says.

"You mean you've been there before?" I ask.

"Yes. It's were we all decided to travel together. Ah, the memories," Barry responds.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask you. Why are you going to Snowpoint City anyway?" Lucas asks.

"Well, I've heard that there is an Icy Rock there that can boost the power of an ice type's attack. I want to see if it's true. If it is, Weavile can get some pretty good experience, right?" I respond smoothly. Of course, since everyone hates Team Hope, I'm not just going to tell people I've known for 3 days my entire life story. I had been preparing that lie since I meet them. Don't want them to be suspicious.

"Cool. How'd you know about it from Hoenn, though?" Barry asks. "I've always wanted to see it, but I don't have any ice types."

"I love reading. Sinnoh is a great place for myths," I respond. These people... I'm baffled. They just fire questions out like nothing.

"What is Hoenn like? I heard it's really pretty, and famous for the eon pokemon, Latios and Latias!" Dawn asks.

"Beautiful, really. Fortree city is the best. Best views ever!"

Some hours later, after stopping for lunch and training, we finally make it to Jubilife City. What Swellow said is an understatement. This place really is awesome. Skyscrapers and buildings are everywhere. There aren't that many big cities in Hoenn, the biggest is Lilycove. They say Mauville will be bigger than the latter once the constructions are done, and look like a giant mall.

But, Jubilife City is larger than Lilycove and Mauville combined.

Just, wow.

AN: Sorry this chapter is shorter than the other ones. Also, Mauville is the same size as it was in Ruby and Sappire. And, I wanted Skylar to be shocked at the size of the city, so I made it larger than it actually is. Hope you enjoy!

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