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Silverstream cheered loudly.

Smolder groaned in annoyance.
"This whole thing is stupid, why do we have to do this?"
She asked with her arms crossed and leaning on the wall.

"Isn't that what you felt when you first got in Headmare Twilight's school of friendship?"
Ocellus said while looking at her dragon friend.

Smolder simply rolled her eyes and huffed out a puff of smoke from her nose.

"Yona excited for future dares and questions!"
Yona cheered while hopping up and down, making the ground shake, causing her friends to lose their balance.

Sandbar places his hoof on Yona's side.
"Woah there, calm down. We're all just as excited as you are but no need to start an earthquake."
He jokes calmly.

Yona giggles awkwardly and rubs the back of her neck.

"Yeah, I'm sooo excited."
Gallus says sarcastically with a pouty face and rolls his eyes.

"Finally, someone who thinks like me! You 4 have fun, Gallus and I will be doing something cool."
Smolder says then gives a fist pump to Gallus, both of them having identical smirks.

"Noooo! We all have to do it together! That's the whole point of this!"
Silverstream whines and waves her arms up and down on her sides like a frustrated child.

Both Gallus and Smolder cover their ears as she whined.
"Alright alright! Just stop whining, it's obnoxious!"
Smolder screams.

Silverstream smiles brightly and cheers.

Oculus and Sandbar giggle at this while Yona cheers with Silverstream.

Sandbar sighs with a smile after the giggling.
"Anyways, we hope you give us some good dares and questions! And we hope you have a good day."
He says sweetly.

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