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@Mlpfan07 asks: Who do you all have a crush on?

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@Mlpfan07 asks: Who do you all have a crush on?

Ocellus reads the question out loud then looks at the other.
"Ooh, interesting question! Well, I don't like any creature romantically. But I sure do love all of my friends!"
She says sweetly.

"Awww, me too!"
Silverstream says happily and hugs Ocellus.

Yona, getting excited by all of this, joins in on the hug.
"Yona love friends also!"
She cheers while squeezing tight on the hug.

"Uhh, that's cute and all but that's not what the asker... asked."
Gallus says then pauses to think.
"There has to be a better way to phase that."

"Well I don't have a crush on any creature. Love is gross!"
Smolder exclaimed before gagging while sticking her tong out and pointing at her throwing, showing an act of disgust.

"Aww c'mon Smolder, love is a great feeling! I for one love Yona, she truly is a great yak."
Sandbar says while giving Yona a kind smile.

Yona smiles brightly and finally releases Ocellus and Silverstream to run towards Sandbar and gives him a big hug.

Sandbar immediately couldn't breath but smiles anyways and even gave Yona a weak pat.
"Hehe-... a little.. more gen-.. tle..-."
He says in attempts to make Yona let go but she couldn't hear him.

"Uhm, Yona? You're breaking your boyfriend."
Gallus says bluntly yet concernedly with his arms crossed.

Yona looks down at her almost unconscious boyfriend then let go.

Sandbar gasps for air then chuckles softly.
"I really love your hugs, Yona."
He says sweetly and smiles brightly.

Yona smiles with a blush and rubs the back of her neck.
"Hehe. Anyway, what do other creature have to say?"

"Ooh! Ooh ooh! Me me! Pick me!"
Silverstream says with her hand up like she's in class.

The rest look at each other then back at Silverstream and give her a nod.

The hippogriff cheers in joy.
"The okay okay! Weeeell, I have a TEENY TINY crush on one of my brother's friends! He's a sea pony though so I don't see him that often. But he's GREAT!"
She says happily while flying in the air, doing a couple of twirls before going back down on the floor just to hop a bit.

"Awww, that's so cute!"
Ocellus says innocently while a sweet smile.
"How come you never told us about him?"

"You never asked."
Silverstream says with a shrug.

Smolder then, to change the subject, looks over at Gallus.
"Well-.. uh. Gallus! Do you have a crush? You're the only who hasn't answered."

Gallus looks at Smolder then notices everyone else's gaze.
"Me? No way!"
He says with his hands/claws on his hips.

"Really? Aww, well I guess that settles that."
Ocellus says in a friendly way.
"See you later, reader!"

The rest of the group join in with the goodbyes.

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