Dare 15:

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@GriffinLover88 dares Sandbar and Smolder to dress up Gallus however they want

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@GriffinLover88 dares Sandbar and Smolder to dress up Gallus however they want.

Sandbar reads the dare out loud to Gallus and Smolder, the rest of the group aren't there at the moment since they aren't involved with the dare.

Sandbar and Smolder both gave Gallus a smug look, like they knew exactly what to do with him.

They received a glare in return.
"Nu-uh! No way!"
Gallus shouted with a small blush on his face.

"You have to! The dare said sooo."
Smolder says with a smirk.

Gallus stays quiet for about two seconds to think.
"Actually, the day said that you two have to dress me up. It said nothing about me accepting it."

Sandbar and Smolder looks at each other then back at Gallus.
"Aww, c'mon, dude. We won't do anything too bad! Besides, it'll only be temporarily."
Sandbar reassures calmly.

Gallus takes a moment to think then let out an annoyed sigh.
"Ughh, fine."

Smolder cheers then grabs her friend's talon and dashes to an other room, followed by Sandbar.

Gallus sat down with his arms crossed, angry that he has to be part of this dare.

"Sooo, what should we do for him?"
Smolder asks with a claw on her hip and smirk.

Sandbar thinks for a bit before his face lit up.
"I know! Maybe we should dress him appropriately suited for you and Ocellus' tea parties."

Gallus flinches after here that.
"Put me in a dress and you won't be able to eat without a straw!"
He threatened.

"What!? We would never!"
Smolder gasps in offense.

"How could you think we'd do such a thing!?"
Sandbar says with the back of his hoof to his forehead dramatically.

Gallus gives them a look and raises an eyebrow, still skeptical.
They don't think I'm that dumb, do they?
He thought, mentally facepalming.

Later, Sandbar and Smolder were looking for a dress in Rarity's boutique. Gallus was waiting back at the dorm, not wanting to be part of it as much as he has to.

Rarity interrupts their search.
"Welcome to Carousel Boutique, my lovely students! What is it you're looking for?"

The two students look at her with smiles on their faces.
"We're looking for something that would fit and embarrass our favorite griffin."
Smolder says proudly.

Sandbar leans a little closer to his professor.
"We're looking for a dress, or something that would be well suited for a girly tea party."
He whispers, not wanting to be heard by Gallus.

Rarity giggles.
"Oh, how adorable. I'm assuming this was a dare given to you by some creature from that magic book, correct?"

Sandbar nods.
"Yup! So, is there anything we can have?"

"Oh, certainly! I have several options!"
Rarity chears and gallops to one of the sections, looking for a dress.

Sandbar and Smolder watch her do what she has to do with a smile, excited to see what she has in mind.

Rarity comes back with a beautiful dress.

(Dress made by CordeliaChan on DevianArt

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(Dress made by CordeliaChan on DevianArt.)

Sandbar and Smolder looks at the dress in amaze.
"That's beautiful! It's a shame it would be waisted for a silly dare."

"It would be totally worth it!"
Smolder declares.
"We'll take it!"

Rarity nods sweetly and properly folds the dress and fits in in a bag.
"That will be 14 bits."

The other two froze in place, horrified by the price.
"Uhhh, could we borrow it instead?"
Smolder asks.

Rarity giggles.
"Of course. Normally renting a dress would cost a few bits but as my lovely and well behaved students, you made borrow it for free! Just be sure to return it in one piece."

"Wow, really!? That's great, thank you!"
Sandbar says happily before grabbing the bag with his mouth.

Smolder raises an eyebrow.
""Well behaved"? You're not fooling any creature, Professor."

They soon return to the dorms, most specifically, Gallus' dorm room. They come in without knocking, the young 6 has this sort of relationship so it didn't come off as rude or unfamiliar.
"Oh Gaaaaalluuus."
Smolder sings in a sort of threatening yet innocent tone.

Gallus was sitting on his bed while reading a comic book. He looks at his friends once he heard them come in. He sighs in annoyance and puts the book down.
"Great, can't wait."
He says sarcastically.

The other two excitedly pull Gallus out of bed and starts dressing him up childishly.

Gallus is being as grumpy as usual but that didn't stop himself from standing still to let them do their thing.
"You two are lucky I'm not like how I used to be, otherwise you would be at the hospital by now!"

"Heh, yeah, we're pretty lucky that was have a friend like you."
Sandbar says proudly.

"Wha- No! Don't turn this into some cutesy friendship stuff, I'm mad at you!"
Gallus says angry, yet he was caught off guard by the compliment.

Smolder laughs.

Gallus' cheeks turn slightly red from the blush of embarrassment.
"Don't "aww" me!"

Sandbar cheers, ignoring Gallus' protest.

Both him and Smolder go in front of Gallus to see how he looks.
"Darn it! You actually don't look ridiculous!"
Smolder says in annoyance.

Gallus tilts his head in confusion then looks at himself in the mirror.
"... Not gonna lie. The dress is pretty nice."
He was quiet for a bit.
"Imma take it off now."

"Woah woah woah! Not so fast!"
Sandbar alarms.

Both Gallus and Smolder look at him in confusion.
"First we have to show the others!"
Sandbar says happily.

Gallus shouts then dashed out of the room threw the window, leaving the dress behind.

Sandbar and Smolder stays silent for a bit.
"Uhhh, I guess we're done then."
Smolder says with a hand on her him.

"Guess so."
Sandbar says between chuckles.

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