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Mlpfan07 dares the young 6 to celebrate Snilldar Fest with Yona in Yakyakistan

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Mlpfan07 dares the young 6 to celebrate Snilldar Fest with Yona in Yakyakistan.

Ocellus reads the dare out loud to her friends and they all look at each other.
Yona screams happily.
"Friends will celebrate with Yona the Yak way! The best way!"
She says happily and jumps up and down in excitement, making the ground shake and her friends lose balance.

"So, we're going to Yakyakistan just to smash stuff?"
Gallus says then shrugs.
"I can get into that."
He smirks.

"We do have a problem though."
Ocellus says, catching the attention of her friends.
"If we're gonna celebrate Snilldar Fest we would have to wait for the holidays."

After hearing that they all sigh in disappointment.
"I guess we'll have to wait, huh?"
Sandbar says.

Suddenly, a magical and very handsome being descends from the heavens.
"HeLlO, i Am HeRe To FiX yOuR pRoBlEm!"
He says.

They all look at him in confusion, but before he could say anything, the majestic and fabulous stranger speaks up.
"I aM yOuR GOD! AnD i WiLl TaKe YoU tO tHe FuTuR tO cElEbRaTe SnIlLdAr FeSt!"

Before they could react, the handsome god takes them to the future and to Yakyakistan.

They were all dizzy from the sudden teleportation. They look at each other in shock.
"Uhh- I guess we can do the dare?"
Silverstream says in confusion.

They all look at each other and agree that they should just not question it.

After some time to process they were all better and Yona went to her parents to ask if she can celebrate with her friends instead.

The others were sitting on the floor, waiting for Yona's arrival.

A few minutes later, Yona came running back happily.

They all got startled by her sudden appearance but they all happily got up and got ready to celebrate. They started by walking to find a perfect smashing log while singing the Snilldar song.
"Yak~ song~ yak~ song~ our very own, sing again!"
And they repeated the song happily. Smolder and Gallus definitely found the song weird but they went along with it.

(Sorry if the song lyrics aren't correct, it's what I heard from the series.)

Once they found the perfect smashing log they stopped singing. Yona then spoke up.
"This perfect for friendship Snilldar smashing!"
She says with determination.

"Alright! So uh- how exactly do we smash this?"
Sandbar asks.

"Well, you see, Sandbar, there's this thing called "stomping""
Gallus says sarcastically.

"What I mean is..."
Sandbar starts while glaring at Gallus then looks back at Yona to continue.
"We aren't as strong as Yaks, how will we smash this log if we don't have the strength for it?"

"By smashing as a team!"
Yona says happily.

They all smile at Yona.
"Well then, I wish you all a splinterless smashing."
Gallus says, making the others laugh.

They then all begin smashing the log. Ocellus, Sandbar and Silverstream didn't really smash as they hit sense they're not strong enough to smash but they still had fun. Gallus and Smolder weren't able to smash the log but they did smash chunks of it that Yona made by actually smashing the log.

Once they finished they all were already a bit tired from it and they sit down, all except Yona, she was still hyper. They sit in the floor.
"What's next?"
Silverstream asks sweetly.

"Friends make snow fort!"
Yona says excitedly.

"Riiight, and we have to smash it afterwards, right?"
Ocellus asks curiously.

Yona nods happily.
She says then walks to a place that has more snow.

The rest of them get up and follow her.

Once they arrived, they all started making the snow fort.
"Why do you smash a snow fort of all things?"
Smolder asks while still building the fort.

"Because it's- ... Uhhhh.. Yona not know. But Yona DO know it important part of holiday!"
Yona responds.

Smolder just shrugs and continues.

They finally finish making the snow fort.
"It's a shame we'll have to smash it, we did a pretty good job."
Ocellus says with a smile.

"We do have experience when it comes to building after all."
Smolder says in a cocky tone, referring to the magical treehouse they made.

"So, what are we waiting for? Let's SMASH!"
Silverstream says excitedly and they all smash the snow fort.

And lastly, they all started making the perfect musspile (I think that's what it's called?) to get ready for the ritual.
"Sooo, what's the special ritual we have to do for this one?"
Sandbar asks.

"Ritual already been done!"
Yona response.
"Ritual for first time celebrate with friends!"

They all look at each other then back at Yona with a smile.
"That's a pretty perfect ritual."
Gallus says. They then all hug each other.

They spent the rest of the day playing around in the snow. Gallus, Silverstream and Smolder were having a snowball fight while Ocellus, Sandbar and Yona were making snow angels, well- Yona was mainly just rolling around in the snow but they still had fun together.

Once the day was over, the handsome god descended from the heavens.
"GrEeTiNgS! I hAvE cOmE hErE tO tAkE yOu BaCk To ThE pReSeNt. ThIs WiLl Be LiKe NoThInG hApPeNd So No OnE wIlL rEmEmBeR tHiS dAy ExCePt FoR yOu. POOF! BEGON!"

Before the young six could react they got teleported back to where and when they were before.
"That is.. hard to get used to..."
Sandbar says in confusion.

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