Dare 11:

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Mlpfan07 dares the young 6 to celebrate the Blue Moon Festival in Griffinstone together and Gallus and Smolder has to cook the best things they can

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Mlpfan07 dares the young 6 to celebrate the Blue Moon Festival in Griffinstone together and Gallus and Smolder has to cook the best things they can.

Ocellus reads the dare out loud to her friends.

Gallus was especially shocked.
"I get to.. celebrate the Blue Moon Festival.. for real?"
He says softly.

The rest look at him.
"Aren't you happy?"
Ocellus asks worriedly.

Gallus shakes his head quickly.
"No no, I am! It's just.. a lot to take in..."
He says, getting a bit emotional but definitely didn't want to show it.

"Awwww, Gallus is so happy he's gonna cryyyy!"
Silverstream sings and the others awed at Gallus, making him blush in embarrassment.

"Sh-Shut up! I'm not gonna cry!"
Gallus protests then crosses his arms.

"Well either way, we can't celebrate yet, it's not the holiday."
Smolder says and leans against the wall.

"Oh no.. Does that mean-."
Sandbar starts but gets cut off by a sudden beam of light.

The handsome god has returned!
"HeLlO mY cHiLdReN! I aM hErE tO hElP yOu WiTh YoUr TrOuBlEs!"

"Okay, enough is enough! Who the heck are you!?"
Smolder says in annoyance.

The handsome god approaches Smolder.
"I am..."

They all wait in suspense and Smolder backs away a bit.

"None of your business!"
They were suddenly teleported to the future at the holiday right outside Griffinstone.

The young 6 look around and at each other in shock and confusion.
"Who the heck is that!?"
Smolder says in annoyance.

"I don't think he's an enemy, he helped us time travel and teleport when we needed to."
Sandbar says.

"Pony right! Weird God is maybe friend!"
Yona says.

"Maybe it's best that we think about that later. We still have a lot of work to do to prepare!"
Silverstream says happily.

Gallus gasps.
"Prepare! We need to prepare! We're gonna need decorations, and food, oh Grover, Smolder and I have to make the food!? We need ingredients!"
He rambles in a panicky way.

The rest of the group look at each other worriedly.
"Is he okay!?"
Silverstream asks.

"It's weird seeing him like this. Sense when did he care so much about preparations?"
Sandbar asks.

"Normally he doesn't, but I think because of the fact that this will be his first time properly celebrating the Blue Moon Festival, and with all of us, he probably doesn't want it to be bad."
Ocellus responds.

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