Dare 9:

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@isaactay2019 dares Samdbar to surprise kiss Gallus in the middle of class

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@isaactay2019 dares Samdbar to surprise kiss Gallus in the middle of class.

(Before we start this, I have to point out that despite me shipping them as well, the ship will not be sailing, and Sandbar is already in a sort of complicated and romantic relationship with Yona. I to love that Sandbar x Gallus ship but it will not be sailing in this story, I'm really sorry and I hope I didn't disappoint you and that you enjoy this page ^^.)

Sandbar reads the dare on his own and stays still in shock.
"Uhh- Oh sweet Celestia.. he's gonna kill me... and so will Yona! But I have to do the dare. I guess I'll just do it and when they ask about it I'll tell them it's a dare! Ugh, I just hope this doesn't backfire..."
He says to himself then sighs.

The next day, they were all on their way to class, the young 6 walking as a group and talking to each other, but Sandbar was quiet the whole time, all he could think about was the kiss and what could happen after. Yona looks at him worriedly and pokes his side.
"Why pony quiet?"
She asks.

Sandbar gets startled and yelps, catching the attention of his other friends.
"Uhhhh.. no reason! Just uh- trying to remember which class we have next! Yeah, that's it!"
He says shakily with a forced and weird smile.

His friends look at him, then at each other and then back at him.
"Uhh, okay then?"
Smolder says and raises an eyebrow.

They then all turn their attention away from Sandbar and keep walking to class. Sandbar sighs in relief. He looks at Yona and pokes her side and stops walking.

Yona also stops walking and looks at Sandbar, letting their other friends keep walking.
"What pony want?"
She asks curiously.

"Uhm.. there's a dare I was given but it's supposed to be a surprise so the others can't know. But it wanted to tell somebody and I trust you the most with this sort of thing."
Sandbar replies and rubs the back of his neck.

Yona was confused but flattered that she was the one that Sandbar trusted the most.
"So, what dare did Sandbar get?"

"I.. uhh.. I have to kiss Gallus in the middle of class."
Sandbar says shyly and looks away.

Yona was really shocked to hear this but she was also kinda looking forward to it.
"This about to cause lots of drama!"
She says excitedly.

"Huh!? You're excited about this!?"
Sandbar says in shock.

"Yona know that pony is loyal pony. Sandbar just has dare, Yona trusts pony that he no do anything not loyal."
Yona says with a smile.

Sandbar stays quiet for a bit but then smiles.
"Thanks Yona, that actually reassures me a little."
He says and they both hug each other.

Later, they were all in class. There was still about 20 minutes left and Sandbar still hasn't kissed his friend. He was sitting next to Gallus and thinking about how he should do it, he wasn't even paying attention to Professor/Head Mare Twilight's lessons.

Gallus, much like his desk neighbor, wasn't paying attention, not for the same reasons though, he was simply just bored. He was resting his head on his palm using the support of his elbow on the table.

Sandbar takes a deep breath and lets it out. He looks at Gallus and discreetly gets closer, thankfully Gallus didn't notice. Sandbar stays still for a bit then ever so quickly gives Gallus a peck on the lips.

Gallus' eyes widen and his mouth was slightly open in shock. A small blush appears on his cheeks from embarrassment.

The whole class stares at Sandbar and Gallus, including Twilight. She drops her pointing stick on the floor.

Gallus looks at Sandbar quickly in shock.
"Wha- huh!?- Wh- why- uhm-.. wha- HUH!?"
He stutters, unable to find the right words as his blush grew.

Sandbar was blushing so much from embarrassment and he tries to say that it was a dare but the words wouldn't come out.

"You're here to learn about friendship, but turns out you learnt about looove instead!"
A random student teases, making the whole class laugh, except for all of the young 6 and Twilight.

Sandbar shakes his head quickly.
"N-No! That's not what-.. uhm... I-It was a dare!"
He says nervously.

Gallus covers his face, embarrassed by all the students laughing and teasing, and all he could think about was why Sandbar did it. He was worried that his friend has feeling for him, especially since he doesn't feel the same way.

Sandbar looks at his classmates then at his Head Mare with a desperate look on his face.

Twilight looks at her student then sighs and gives him a nod with a smile.

Sandbar smiles back softly then grabs hold of Gallus' arm and dashes out of the classroom.

The rest at the young 6 look at each other then follow them quickly.
"What the hay happened!?"
Smolder asks in shock.

"It was a dare! I promise! I have don't have feelings for him at all!"
Sandbar says in a panicky tone.

"Yona also knew about dare!"
Yona points out. The rest of the group looks at her, except for Gallus, and she chuckles awkwardly while rubbing the back of her neck.
"Hehe, maybe not best time to say."

The look back at Sandbar.
"So, you just did the dare you were asked to do? That's it?"
Ocellus asks.

Sandbar nods quickly.
"Yes! That's it!"
He then looks at Gallus.
"Gallus, I'm really sorry if I made you uncomfortable.. I wasn't allowed to tell you and I had to do the dare... You can understand that, right..?"
He says softly.

Gallus was quiet for a little but then he looks at Sandbar.
"That was my first kiss."

The rest of the group gasp at was he said. Dandy starts panicking.
"H-Huh!? Ohhh my Celestia I'm so sorry! I didn't know..!"
He says and approaches his friend then places his hoof on his own chest.

Gallus shakes his head then gives him an awkward smile.
"Hehe.. no no, it's okay! I just needed to process. Besides, I don't really care about the whole first kiss kind of thing.."
He says then looks away.

Sandbar still felt bad about what happened.
"Are you sure..? If there anything I can do to make it up to you?"
He says sweetly.

"Nah, don't worry about it... Sure I was shocked at first and I needed a moment to process but after that I'm fine. Heh.. sorry for making you worry. We're friends, and a silly kissing dare isn't gonna get between us."
Gallus smiles at him after finally calming down from ghat shocking experience. He then gives Sandbar and comforting hug.

Sandbar smiles and hugs back warmly.
"I'm so glad to here that."

The rest of the young 6 say in unison. Silverstream was holding a bag of popcorn that they were sharing with each other, they watched the two friends make up like it's a dramatic soap opera when it was simply just a dare.

Sandbar and Gallus share their bro-mance moment together right before the bell rings and all the students come running about of their classrooms.

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