Dare 16:

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GriffinLover88  dares the Young 6 to go to Smolder's tea party with the following rules, listed on top

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GriffinLover88  dares the Young 6 to go to Smolder's tea party with the following rules, listed on top.

(Before I start the story/dare, I'd just like to apologize for such a late reply. Things have been pretty heavy in my personal life and I never had the time or motivation to continue. I hope this makes up for the lack of posts and that you enjoy reading this. Thank you so much for being so supportive of my dumb work and for being patient with it! Now please, relax and enjoy this chapter ^^)

Ocellus reads the dare out loud to her friends. She couldn't help but giggle while Silverstream and Yona bursts out laughing.

Smolder has a heavy blush on her face, embarrassed that she has to take part of something so girly with everyone. She loves cute and girly things but with the whole squad? That was way too embarrassing!

Sandbar chuckles a little bit.
"That actually sounds pretty fun."
He confesses with a smile.

Gallus looks over at Smolder and smirks.
"Hey, look at the bright side, we get to pick Sandbar's dress."

Smolder thinks for a bit and smirks as well.
"Heh, I guess you have a point."
She says while turning to look at Sandbar, wondering what would look good on him.
"Welp, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"
She quickly grabs Sandbar's hoof and dashes out to Carousel Boutique.

"Wha- wooooaaahhh! Slow down!!"
Sandbar shouts while tripping over his own hooves and trying to keep up.

Gallus was surprised by her impatience then quickly flew up.
He says to the others and quickly follows them.

Ocellus and Yona had a confused look on their faces while Silverstream happily waved goodbye at him.
"See you later, Gallus!!"

Once the three of them arrived to carrousel boutique, they immediately started looking around.
"Woah woah woah, what are you doing, Sandbar?"
Smolder asks with her hands on her waist.

Sandbar turns to look at her in confusion. He was about to respond but Gallus interrupts.
"Yeah, that's true. We're shopping for you, you can't get involved. Just like me last time."

"Okay, first of all, you chose to not help us shop. And second... screw you."
Sandbar says with sass and looks away with a humph.

Smolder scoffs while Gallus chuckles and they start looking for a dress for him.

Rarity soon walks in in shock.
"What are you three doing here, again? We're closed for today."

"Really? Sorry, Rarity, we didn't realize."
Sandbar says softly.

Rarity giggles.
"That's quite alright, darling. Now please, tell me what you need, I'll be more then happy to assist you."
She says sweetly while approaching them.

"We want an other dress for Sandbar."
Gallus says with a smirk.
"We're gonna have a-"

Smolder cuts him off mid sentence by grabbing his face and pushing him away.
"It's for something else!!"
She says with a blush in embarrassment.

Rarity raises an eyebrow in confusion.

Ocellus, Silverstream and Yona were together in Silverstream's room. They all had their dresses with them but they didn't wear them yet.
"Can you believe we're gonna have a tea party ALL TOGETHER!?"
Silverstream cheers happily.

"I KNOW RIGHT! Yona is gonna show friends traditional yak tea parties while at it!"
Yona says happily.

Ocellus giggles.
"I mostly can't wait to see Gallus and Sandbar in a dress."

"Yeah! Yona bet they gonna look GREAT!"
Yona says cheerfully.

"Speaking of which, shouldn't we be getting ready as well?"
Silverstream reminds curiosity.

Ocellus shakes her head no.
"Nahh, I'm pretty sure it would take them a long time to get ready and being in an uncomfortable dress for too long is not ideal."
She says with a smile.

Silverstream thinks about it.
"You have a point, but I would love to look nice for it! Can we at least play dress up a little bit? It'd be a fun way to decide what to where!"

"Yeah! Let's do it!"
Yona cheers happily while stomping a little bit.

Ocellus giggles and smiles at them brightly.
"That sounds great, let's do it!"

"Well, whatever you're looking for, I'm sure we have it here! Take all the time you need."
Rarity says kindly then went to an other section of the boutique as to not get in their way.

"Thanks, Professor Rarity."
Gallus says with a wave then looked back at his friends.
"I don't really know how this is supposed to work. Do we just get Sandbar a nice dress? Are we trying to make him look silly or pretty?"

Smolder just shrugs.
"Maybe both? It depends on the dress. We just keep looking until we find the perfect o-"
She gets cut off before given the chance to finish.

"How about that?"
Gallus cuts her off, pointing at a dress he found already. He walks over to it and shows it to Smolder and Sandbar.

 He walks over to it and shows it to Smolder and Sandbar

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"Oh wow, that would actually suit him."
Smolder says while looking at it.

"Huh, is it weird that I like it? I wouldn't mind wearing that."
Sandbar says with a smile. He did genuinely like it, it's not something he would choose to wear, but it wasn't bad at all.

Some time passed and they were all gathered around the round table with snacks and tea.

Silverstream giggles.
"Sandbar, you look adorable in that dress! It weirdly suits you."

"It really does match your.. what do you call it? Your "vibe"."
Ocellus says sweetly.
"I can't really make fun of this, this is adorable!"

"Yeah! Pony looks great in sea dress!"
Yona says happily while admiring Sandbar.

Sandbar blushes from how flustered he felt.
"Aww, you guys! That's really sweet of you."

"Ugh, it's not fun when you're not embarrassed."
Gallus says in annoyance while holding his head up by his hand and elbow on the table.

"Yeah! Where's the fun in making fun of Sandbar when there's nothing to laugh at?"
Smolder follows.

Sandbar couldn't help but chuckle a bit.
"Aww, don't be like that, you guys, at least we're having a fun tea party, right?"
He says, trying to keep them happy.

Silverstream sips on her tea a bit loudly.
"The tea is so real."

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