Dare 3:

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@Mlpfan07 dares Yona to allow allow her friends to teach her to swim for an entire day

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@Mlpfan07 dares Yona to allow allow her friends to teach her to swim for an entire day.

Yona immediately screames once Ocellus finishes reading the dare.
"But- but- Yona no like water!"

"Sorry Yona, but that's what it says."
Ocellus says while looking down at the dare to give it a second read.

Later, they all got to the pool of the school.
"I didn't know the school has a pool."
Sandbar says while looking around.

"Professor Rainbow Dash recently had it installed for obvious reasons."
Gallus says.
"She told the class about it not long ago, only Silverstream and I were at that class at the moment, though I don't think she told her other classes."

Sandbar gives him a nod.
"I guess she just forgot."

Silverstream suddenly spoke up.
"Oooh, I can't wait for you to swim, Yona! You'll have so much-"
She stops and looks around.
"Uhh- Where is she?"
She asks as she turns her head to look for her.

The others look at her then do the same until Smolder finally finds her.
"I think I found her."
She says bluntly and points at Yona who was hiding behind a pile of floaties.

The rest look at Yona and sigh. Sandbar walks over to the yak and tries to comfort her.
After a bit of convincing, Yona finally agrees and walks to the others.
She sighs.
"Yona ready!"

Her friends smile before Gallus and Silverstream got next to her.
"Alrighty, Yona! We will lift you into the pool, that way it'll be easier for you!"
Silverstream says happily as she and Gallus hold onto Yona and lift her up.

Yona took a deep breath and tries not to resist. Once she got in the water and her friends let go, she started to freak out and flap around trying to swim.

Gallus and Silverstream look at each other weirdly instead of helping her. Gallus then gets Yona's attention.
"Hey Yona! Look at me, and try to calm down."
He says while going in front of her.

Yona is still flapping aggressively but still looks at her griffin friend.

Gallus slowly gets in the pool with her and stands up while in the water.

The water wasn't deep.

Yona notices this and stands normally, not even her neck was touching the water.

Her friends started laughing from her unnecessary freak out and she also began laughing with them.

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